Wolf Moon, Part XI

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    At the party, loud music and loud people dominate the pool area. I stick near the edge, standing closer to Stiles than necessary. There were entirely too many people and I was sure, by the end, someone would end up in the pool involuntarily. With my luck, it would be me. I spot Scott and Allison and glance at Stiles. He's looking at them, too. I wonder how he feels about the whole thing from earlier. We didn't talk about it after Scott left. After I admitted I thought Scott was a werewolf too, I left for home. Stiles doesn't seem mad, though.
    I stare out at the party again, not wanting to say anything. For a moment, I think I see Derek Hale in the crowd, but I shake it off as seeing things in the dark. He was older than us, according to Stiles, and I highly doubt he hangs around teen parties. I spot Lydia and Jackson doing god-knows-what next to their house. It looks like something that should be done alone. In a bedroom. Not in the middle of a raging party.
    Suddenly, Scott leaves Allison alone in the crowd. I furrow my eyebrows and elbow Stiles, jerking my chin in their direction. We follow.
    "Yo, Scott, you good?" Stiles asks. My brother turns away from us.
    "Are you okay?" a girl asks him. Scott turns away from her too. I offer her a weak, apologetic smile and hurry after him and Stiles. Scott stumbles out the front door and I see Allison following him, just a little ahead of us. Scott gets in the car and drives away and Allison stops, looking dejected. Stiles pulls me towards where he parked the Jeep and we climb in. Once again, it feels weird being in the front seat. We drive to my house, obeying exactly zero traffic signs and laws. I follow Stiles as he runs up the stairs to Scott's bedroom. I knock on his door.
    "Go away," Scott says.
    "Scott?" Stiles calls loudly. "It's me."
    I don't say anything. I saw the full moon when we were driving here and I know what it means if Scott is actually a werewolf. There's a thud against the door and I jump. It opens just a little bit and Stiles fills the space.
    "Let me in, Scott," Stiles says when the door doesn't budge. "I can help."
    "No!" Scott gasps for air. "Listen, you gotta find Allison."
    "She's fine, all right? I - I - I saw her get a ride from the party," Stiles stammers quickly. "She's totally fine, all right?"
    "No, I think I know who it is," Scott protests.
    "Who what is?" I ask. Scott continues to breath heavily, but he doesn't answer.
    "You just let me in," Stiles begs. "We can try -"
    "It's Derek!" Scott cries. "Derek Hale is the werewolf. He's the one that bit me. He's the one that killed the girl in the woods."
    Chills run up my spine when I remember seeing Allison get in a car. The driver had dark hair and pale skin. Just like Derek.
    "Scott," Stiles says, swallowing thickly. "Derek's the one that drove Allison from the party."
    I gasp lightly. So I was right then. Maybe I really did see Derek at the party, in the crowd. Maybe I'm not seeing things after all.
    Scott is silent on the other side of the door. Stiles and I exchange a glance. Then, the door shuts all the way. Stiles tries the handle, but it won't budge. He slaps the door and calls my brother's name. I'm about to try to enter my brother's room through our bathroom, but Stiles and I exchange another look and both run for the front door.
    "That was a stop sign, Stiles," I say as he accelerates past the red octagon at the end of our street.
    "Em, I think this is a little more important than a stop sign," Stiles counters. I sigh, jamming my seatbelt into place, and look out the window. It's going to take even longer to get there if Stiles gets pulled over. Wait. Where is there?
    "Where are we going?" I ask, looking back at Stiles.
    "Allison's house," he replies, pushing the Jeep faster. In no time, we're pulling into the driveway of a huge, brick house - actually, a mansion. Stiles jumps out of the Jeep, almost falling, so I don't have much time to admire it. Stiles runs up to the door and rings the doorbell spastically before I even get a chance to open my door. He slaps the door a couple times and I slam the Jeep door shut behind me. Allison's front door opens just as I'm walking up the driveway - no way am I running like Stiles did.
    "Hi, Mrs. Argent," Stiles greets the lady who opens the door. She has short, red-brown hair and big, hazel eyes. I wonder if Stiles has met her before or if he just assumes she's "Mrs. Argent." "Um, you have no idea who I am. I'm a friend of your daughter's. Uh, look this is gonna sound kind of crazy. Um, really crazy, actually. You know what? Crazy doesn't even describe -"
    As I walk up the steps behind Stiles, Mrs. Argent sees me and turns to call, "Allison! It's for you!"
    Allison appears at the top of the balcony and gives us a small smile.
    "Emerson? Stiles?" Allison asks, walking down the stairs. "What are you guys doing here?"
Stiles opens his mouth to explain, but Allison doesn't stop.
    "Is Scott okay? He was acting kind of weird at the party," she continues.
    "He got sick," I say.
    "Uh, yeah. He's a, um, real lightweight," Stiles adds, running his hands over his hair.
    "He's fine now," I add. "He's just really sorry that he ditched you like that."
    "And you're apologizing for him why?" Allison asks.
    "Because he's really beat," Stiles supplies.
    "Yeah, all that vomiting and such, he was in no state to come and apologize," I lie, nodding. Even I could hear how ridiculous Stiles and I sounded, but I still hoped that Allison would believe us.
    "Why didn't he just call or text?" Allison inquires.
    "He lost his phone," I say at the same time Stiles says,
    "His phone died."
    "He lost his phone and we couldn't find it by calling it because it was dead," I straighten out the lie. Stiles shrugs helplessly and we both offer Allison tiny smiles.
    "Okay ..." she says slowly, looking between us. "Well, thanks then ..."
    "We're freaking you out," Stiles states quickly. "We're creepy people. Weirdos, actually. We'll leave now. I'll, um, see you at school, then, I think."
    Stiles back up with every sentence, leaving me alone on the porch. He retreats into the Jeep while I turn to Allison.
    "ADHD," I shrug, giving her a genuine smile. "I'll see you around."
    I give her a small wave and then walk back - like a normal person - to Stiles' Jeep.

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