Wolf's Bane, Part XII

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"Yeah, I said I can't find her," Stiles tells us again.

"Look, ask for Jennifer," Derek says. Chills run down my spine and through every bone in my body when he says that name. Something feels extremely wrong. I see bruises and darkness and rings and screaming and death, and then I'm back to blinking at my phone screen. "She's been looking after my uncle."

"Yeah, well, he's not here either," Stiles informs us. Fear spikes through my body, and I look at Derek with wide eyes.

"It's him," I deadpan.

"What?" Derek asks me.

"He's not here. He's gone, Derek," Stiles answers.

"He's the Alpha!" I cry loudly.

"Stiles, get out of there right now - it's him!" Derek shouts with me. I throw my phone in the seat and run towards the entrance as fast as my legs can take me. "Wait! Emerson, no! Stay in the car! Stiles, get out of there! Emerson!"

I run through the bright hallways, my sneakers making loud footsteps. I let my body lead me straight to where Jennifer, Stiles, and Derek's uncle are standing in the hall, with Stiles trapped in the middle.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna die." Stiles looks between the two of them. He runs a hand over his hair. He hasn't noticed that I'm here yet.

"Stiles!" I shout down the hallway, to alert him. He turns and looks at me, and so do Jennifer and Peter. Derek takes the opportunity to punch Jennifer in the face, knocking her to the ground.

"That's not nice," Peter says. "She's my nurse."

"She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people. Get out of the way." Derek says it so casually it takes me a second to realize he switched from talking to his uncle to talking to Stiles.

"Oh, damn," Stiles groans, dropping to the floor.

"You think I killed Laura on purpose?" Peter advances right through the space where Stiles just was. "One of my own family?"

I watch, glued to my spot in fear. Derek pulls his lips back and snarls, revealing his long canines. My eyes widen and follow him as he lunges at his uncle. Peter grabs him easily, slamming him into the wall. I guess Alphas really are much stronger than their pack. I move towards Stiles, grabbing him and pulling him to his feet. Peter tosses Derek against the wall right next to us, and I lose my grip on Stiles, who clambers away on his own.

Derek is still laying on the floor when Peter snatches him up again. I know that I can't fight him, but I can distract him.

"Why'd you kill Laura?" I shout at him. "You say it wasn't on purpose, but you don't accidentally rip someone in half."

Peter picks Derek up by the throat. "My mind, my personality were literally burned out of me," Peter explains, dragging his nephew down the hallway and away from me.

"Hey! Look at me when you're talking to me!" I yell angrily. I don't know what gives me the right to yell at an Alpha werewolf, but if he's going to kill me anyway, I want to die being a smartass.

"I was being driven by pure instinct," Peter continues. He drops Derek on the ground next to his nurse and looks at me. "Like an animal's." I want to fight, but I know that I stand zero chance of winning. Super strength is not one of my abilities, unfortunately. Peter bends down and produces a set of keys from Jennifer's pocket.

"You want forgiveness?" Derek asks, jumping up and punching his uncle right in the nose. Peter headbutts him in return. It looks as if it's too easy for Peter to beat Derek.

"I want understanding," he says. He pushes Derek down the hallway inhumanly. "Do you have any idea what it was like for me during those years? Slowly healing, cell by cell. Even more slowly coming back to consciousness. Yes, becoming an Alpha, taking that from Laura, pushed me over a plateau in the healing process. I can't help that."

"You could've just died," I input. I look around, wondering where Stiles was. Hopefully, he was smart enough to run to the Jeep and call Scott for help.

Derek jumps up from the white floor and tries to hit Peter in the face yet again. Peter dodges the swing easily.

And the next three.

He grabs Derek's hand, and I can hear the bones crunching from across the room. Derek goes down on his knees.

"Stop it!" I shout futily. "Stop!"

"What are you going to do, pathetic human girl?" Peter smirks over his shoulder at me. I feel something bubbling up inside of me. It's boiling hot, kind of like anger, but stronger. Much stronger. I don't want to be weak and helpless. I don't want to be pathetic. I want to be powerful. I can feel the power building up in a part of my body I never knew existed. Peter turns back to Derek. "I tried to tell you what was happening. I tried to warn you." He picks Derek up lazily and throws him through a glass window.

"I'm the only one who warns Derek!" I scream, louder than I knew possible, and throws my hands out. To my surprise, but very much to my liking, Peter sails backwards through the air, knocked back by some invisible force sprouting from my fingers. He slams into the wall, which crumbles behind him, and slides to the floor, unmoving. My breaths come in quick and hard. I stand with my arms still out, shocked. My body feels like I just ran a marathon and then got hit by a semitruck, but, somehow, I feel incredible. 

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