Pack Mentality, Part V

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    We ate the rest of lunchtime in weird silence with Stiles and I talking quietly, Scott and Allison talking, and the rest of the newcomers speaking easily amongst themselves, as if this was nothing out of the ordinary.
    "You're a terrible bowler!" Stiles exclaims as we walk out of lunch.
    "You do suck at bowling," I remind my brother.
    "Thanks, guys!" Scott says. "I know! I'm such an idiot."
    Well, then again, Scott used to suck at lacrosse too. Becoming a werewolf changed that, though. Maybe with the bite comes automatic talent in every sport.
    "God, it was like watching a car wreck. I mean, first it turned into the whole group date thing and then out of nowhere comes that phrase," Stiles cringes.
    "Hang out," Scott spews.
    "You don't hang out with hot girls, okay?" Stiles states. "It's like death."
    "Excuse me? What about me?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
    "You're my sister," Scott uses the sibling card. No, he slams that card on the table and runs away. The fear in his eyes as he looks at Stiles brings me joy. Stiles stammers and gapes at me.
    "Answer wisely, Stilinski," I say. I narrow my eyes and cross my arms jokingly.
    "Don't do it," Scott warns. "It's a trap. Whatever you say, it'll backfire."
    "I've ... gotten used to your charm?" Stiles tries. I smile, not really finding anything wrong with that answer, and pat his shoulder, hopping away to my locker. "That was the single most stressful moment of my life," I hear Stiles say to Scott and I laugh.

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