Lunatic, Part III

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Scott parks the Jeep in Stiles' driveway and we all spill out.

"I'll get him inside and in bed," I offer. Stiles uses my shoulders to steady himself. I look at him. "Is your dad home?"

"... no ..." He stares off into space.

"Alright," I huff as I pull him up higher. "Come on."

I drag Stiles through his front door and up the stairs to his bedroom.

"How drunk am I?" he asks. I drop him on his bed.

"Very," I answer. "So drunk that you forgot what color Lydia's eyes are."

"They're green," Stiles says matter-of-factly. He starts to laugh again, his eyes just barely focused on his ceiling. "Can I tell you a secret?"

I sigh and sit down on the foot of his bed. "Sure. Fire away."

"You gotta swear not to tell Emerson though." Stiles sits up with a sense of urgency.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. I'm pretty sure I know where this is going and I'm pretty sure I don't want it to go there. "I am Emerson."

"I like ..." Stiles starts. His eyes space out and roam all over the room while mine stay focused on him. "I - I like ... Lydia Martin."

He collapses back onto his pillows and I roll my eyes.

"I know you do, Stiles." I pat his ankle slowly. "Everyone knows you do."

"I like her a lot." Stiles nods. "So much."

"Alright," I say. "I'm going to let you get some sleep."

"I really like her," he continues. "Very much."

I stand up and walk over to his door.

"Like this much." He spreads his arms across his bed.

"Goodnight, Stiles," I tell him pointedly.

"G – G'night, Mer," he slurs.

I turn off the lights and close his door.

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