Wolf's Bane, Part X

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The four of us all gather around Stiles' laptop. Danny sighs, pulling up a window.


Derek and I lean down closer.

"The text was sent from a computer." Danny squints and points at the screen. "This one."

"Registered to that account name?" Derek asks in surprise. I gently push him out of the way So that I can see. 'Melissa McCall' sits at the bottom of the screen in unavoidable, red letters. 

"No, no, no, no," Stiles mutters. "That can't be right."

"It can't be," I say aloud. Danny turns around and looks at me curiously.

"Isn't that your mom?" he asks. 

"Well, yes, but - but it wasn't her. She didn't the send the message. It must've been someone else. Someone else could've sent it from her computer, right?" The words tumble from my mouth as I start to panic.

"It could've been anyone," Danny says. "It just came from her computer."

"Okay, well, we'll see you tomorrow, then." Stiles stands up and starts to usher Danny out. 

"Wait - what about lab work? Stiles, you said we were gonna do lab work -" he protests. Before he can finish his argument, Stiles closes his bedroom door in his face. I sit down in the chair and press my finger to the computer screen. Derek leans down behind me. 

"What are you doing?" Derek asks.

"Trying to see if I can figure out who sent it," I answer, closing my eyes. 

"With a vision?" Stiles asks.

"Shh," I hush. I see Jackson walking up to Mom and asking if he can borrow her computer to look something up. I suck in a breath. "Jackson?" 

"What? Jackson sent the text? Jackson's the Alpha? Oh my god," Stiles starts to ramble.

"Shh!" I hush again. Jackson leans down and starts typing on the computer. I snap my eyes open suddenly, but the vision doesn't go away. I relax as I see him look up wolfsbane and then leave. "Jackson's not the Alpha." I turn to Stiles. "He didn't send the text. He just borrowed my mom's computer." 

"Oh." Stiles looks disappointed.

"That's all I saw," I admit, slumping my shoulders. 

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