Somewhat Happy

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  After a while, it just got silent.

  We all ran out of tears, energy, and words. But we didn't sleep, we just sat limply. However, I'm pretty sure none of us had ran out of unlimited running horrible thoughts. I tried to think of my favorite song like Louis had taught me, but I decided doing such was selfish. I didn't know exactly why, but at the moment it was.

  Finally, the something rings my eardrums after hours of unbearable silence.

"So that's it? We're stuck here forever and there's no way out and the continuation of our lives is uncertain?" Harry says, pain behind his small voice.

  "I try to stay optimistic, someone must be out looking for us," Niall says.

  "Yes Harry. We are going to die," Louis says.

  "Why would you tell him that?" Liam says, lightly smacking Louis on the arm.

  "Its the truth. We might as well face it. I'm not going to lie to him," Louis responds.

  We all are quiet for a couple more minutes.

  "The thing we do have an option of is how we are going to deal with it," I say.

  "What do you mean? What do you wanna do, kill them?" Violet says.

  "I'm pretty sure we all want to do that, but what I mean is we can sit like doormats or fight back," I say.

  "We already tried that Melody, now my brother is dead. How am I gonna tell my mom that?" Faye says harshly.

  I dont reply. I honestly don't know what to do.

  "About two years ago, me and my family were at the bank. Two robbers came in with loaded guns and told a jackload of money, but still couldn't leave with satisfaction with no bloodbath. So they shot into the crowd. My little sister was shot and later on she died. They thought it was funny. So I know how you feel Faye and don't let anyone tell you that you're over reacting. You have every right to want to destroy them," Zayn says out of no where.

  No one responds for a couple of seconds.

  "I'm so so sorry Zayn. I truly know how you feel," Faye replies.

  "I am here for you if you need someone to talk. Its nice to meet someone who can understand the same pain as me," he says.

  She returns a sheepish smile.

  "I have a twin sister, but I haven't seen her since we were five. That's when she went missing. That was eleven years ago, so we just assumed she was dead," Niall says.

  "I hope she isn't. Maybe some miracle will happen and she will come back," Violet smiles.

  "I don't know why you guys are all so upset Ashton or whatever his name was. I mean I know it's her brother, but for the rest of you, especially you boys who just met them, shouldve gotten over it by now," Sonny says, who hasn't spoken since we met her.

Anger suddenly flushes through me.


  I don't bother telling him to calm down, I don't expect him to calm down. I feel the same way.

  "Its nothing to get pissed at me about, I'm not the one who shot him or made that little plan," she says, rolling her eyes. 

Faye stares at her with her pupils dialating. It's what she always does when someone pisses her off and she's too shy to say something back.

  "Maybe because we have something called a fucking heart, and even if some of us didn't know him well, the death of an innocent 15 year old is something to be upset about. You asshole," Phoenix spits.

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