Losing It

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  Music: Mad World // Gary Jules


   "Hang in there, alright? You'll be alright," Violet says.

  "I know..." I repeat.

  I also hear Cody come in, and I hear Liam and Niall explaining to Cody what happened. Cody seems to be alarmed, and before I know it the silver haired nurse is rushing in the room. I hear Violet fighting with Sonny and Cody not caring, but everything is getting a lot harder to understand. A little nap won't hurt, right? The last thing I hear is Louis crying for me to stay awake and the feeling of Luke shaking before I black out. I also hear Mayo running down the halls chanting, "Well, isn't this rather ironic?!"

  A feel light creep into me, causing me to crack my eyes open. God, why does my shoulder hurt so much? I am startled by the unfamiliar surroundings that I am in a white room with several drawers and a hard bed that I am laying on. A large wrap is over my entire shoulder. That's when everything comes back to

I notice Violet leaning back on a chair, appearing to be asleep.

  "Violet! Where is everybody?" I yell whisper.

  She shakes awake in alarm, looks at me, and then calms down a bit.

  "The nurse fixed your shoulder, but it might still hurt a little," she says.

  "I can see that, but where is everybody?" I ask again.

  "We are back at home. Louis is getting bathed and everybody else is just wandering around somewhere," she says.

  "Are Louis and Luke in trouble? For killing Cody's clients?" I ask, concerned.

  "No, Cody set it up that way. He's angry at them for some finacial issue or some shit, and he knew that Luke and Louis are mentally unstable and would kill someone if the person asked for it. I think it's a good thing though, they've gotta vent somewhere," Violet says.

  "But what about Mayo? Did he get killed too?" I ask.

  "No, Mayo came home with us. You're lucky that you were asleep during that, he's annoying as fuck," Violet rolls her eyes.

  "I remember him from eighth grade. It was just annoying how much he used to make us run," I say.

  "There is he is now," Violet says, pointing towards the big window. I see Phoenix leaning against the wall and Mayo running, or rather waddling, down the hall like a toddler. He is running down and Phoenix has her leg out to trip him, but just before he comes in contact with her foot, he explodes. Just like that. Phoenix screams due to all of the blood and organs that have flown everywhere and are now covering her, as well as all over the window so that we can't see the most of it. Suddenly I hear Violet laughing hard behind me, and I look at her and laugh as well. Things exploding were always hilarious.

  "Well lord, haven't we became demented?" I ask.

  "What do you mean became, you would've laughed just as hard at that four years ago," she says.


"Probably true, but I would've felt bad," I chuckle.

  "Maybe," she says.

  "Violet, are you in love with Niall?" I say randomly.

She sighs and then a bright smile grows across her face. "I believe that I am. His smile is so bright during this time of darkness, and he helped me so much when I lost Michael, and I helped him adapt. He is so gold, and he is so beautiful."

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