Watch your Footsteps

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Finally, I was able to fall asleep. Or at least half asleep. I expected myself to be drowned in black for the night, since I was too exhausted and terrified to dream. However, I was wrong.

  When I find myself walking through a park on a sunny afternoon. This can't be real.

  A child walks beside me, her face looking very familiar but I can't remember where I know her from. She looks a lot like me, but not present me. Kind of like me when I was a child.

  "Hello Melody," the girl says.

  "May I ask who are you?" I ask.

"I represent your innocence. I am the child that still lives within you," she says.

  "Interesting," I reply.

  Another person comes who is identical to present me. She hums and plays with her hair, smiling continuously and a lovey dovey look on her face.

  "I represent your heart and love," she giggles.

  There is another girl identical to me who seems to be more serious and anxious, pushing her hair over constantly and turning her eyes around.

  "I represent your trust," she says.

  Finally, a final figure appears. It is covered in black and I can not even make out its face.

  "She represents your darkness, the cold ruthless soul that lingers deep inside of you," the other three say.

  "This is pretty strange," I say.

"Melody, you are in a very serious situation. The following 747 days of your life are basically your start as well as your end," they say.

  "I do not understand," I reply.

  "You will understand, in 747 days," one says.

  Suddenly I find myself walking towards a playground, lifting my feet to walk about the stairs.

   "747 days from now, one of us will be gone, one of us will be broken, one of us will be a fool and one will overflow in you. All of us will be imbalanced and will have failed in keeping your mind equal," they say.

  We walk up higher, displaying a journey that I will fulfill. I know longer have the ability to speak, but to listen, with not just my ears, but my mind.

  Suddenly, I am tripped and fall off the playground, the sandy floor coming closer and closer to my vision. I try to scream, but am blank. I see the four figures fade into the horizon, and just before I prepare from the impact of the floor, shoot my eyes open.

  I jump up, eyes wide open and trying to awaken my senses. I find myself in the same wretched place, unchanged.

  "Was just a silly dream," I whisper to myself.

  "You alright?" Luke whispers beside me. 

  "Yeah, just had a weird dream," I say.

  "What was it?" he asks.

  "Just nothing," I say.

  "I've had unpleasant dreams every night since we got here," he says.

  "I'm just confused. I don't really understand what is happening," I say.

"I think we all feel that way," he says.

  "I keep thinking I am just dreaming, it just doesn't feel like reality," I say.

  "Same here."

The rest of the day goes on as the last three, boring and consisting of our getting to know each other.

   "What are we doing?" Faye says.

  No one answers for a moment.

  "Sitting here?" Michael says.

  "I think what she means is why are we sitting here?" Zayn says.

  "What other choice do we have?" Liam says.

"We could be trying to get out, at least trying. We have been being so pathetic, just sitting around doing absoulutely nothing when we could be trying to save ourselves!" Faye continues.

  "I completely agree! Me and the boys have been in here for God knows how long and all we are doing is obeying him!" Zayn agrees.

  "Im with you guys actually. Phoenix, Louis, you guys said something about never obeying the fucking cunt. Isnt that what we are doing now?" Calum says.

  "What are we supposed to do then?" Louis says.

"We could investigate, see what we could conquer," Violet says.

"We really need to do something, these past days have been more miserable than maths," Phoenix complains.

  "But what happens if we get caught? They haven't really hurt us yet, but I don't want to take any chances," Luke says.

  "Yeah, the last thing we need is one of us slaughtered," Liam argues.

  "Well I don't think they'd go that far," Ashton says.

  All I can hear is arguing and arguing about productivity, me being silent the whole time.

  "Guys, I think we should at least try. If we don't make it, oh well. The chances of escaping are too golden to let go," Niall says.

  Everyone stops and thinks about that for a moment.

"I agree. Life is all about taking risks. Everybody dies in the end anyways," I say.

"Okay, we will do it. We will organize a plan as soon as possible. All in favor?" Liam says.

  Everyone nods.

  "Done deal then. This will be fun," Harry says.

  I am excited for this but at the same time terrified. A little voice rings inside my head saying "Watch your footsteps Melody, rarely do people trip on purpose."

  The door suddenly bursts open and Cody comes in, causing us all to jump in fear.

  How do I live like this?

hey guys sorry this chapter was shitty af but a lot of information in it is highly valuable for the future. thank you!

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