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I slowly blink my eyes open, my eyelids feeling like the heaviest I've ever lifted and my stomach feeling like I could vomit any second. I am currently unaware of where I am or what is happening. Then the memories of last night all flood back to me.
My eyes fly quickly open and I sit up, looking around in fear. I see Luke and all of the others sleeping around me. Why are they hear too? Was it all part of a prank?
After a couple of moments, all of us are awake, staring wide eyed at each other and not yet developing the courage to speak. I decide to break the silence.
"How'd he get you guys?" I ask.
"Well, Luke thought it was the best idea to run in here and tackle the man after you knocked out, so he put the cloth in his face and wasn't smart enough to know it was chloroform and breathed in. By then the rest of had followed, and he pointed the gun at us and said if we didn't breathe in too another one of us would be shot," Phoenix rapidly explains.
"Well sorry, why are you blaming me, Calum was the one who had to make the dare," Luke says, defending himself.
Calum stares off into the corner, his chin resting on his palms, guilt and self anger reflecting in his brown eyes.
"Its not really anyone's fault, we were just playing around, this probably would've happened if we didn't even go," Michael says.
"If only someone would've listened to me we'd all be at home right now, maybe I'm smarter than you guys think?" Faye says.
"Quiet," I whisper.
"Do not tell me to be quiet I"
"No everybody be quiet, do you hear that?" I say again.
I can hear the sounds of whispers, but not whispers that sound of the man from last night, or voices that seem to bring any type of harm. They just seem amused.
"Is anybody there?" I call out, my voice echoing the long hallway.
The whispers turn into shushes.
"Look, I dont know who you are but we do not enjoy being stalked and if we are so interesting why don't you come and get my autograph?" Violet calls out.
"Would be my pleasure."
Out of the sheltered area being the hallway, a blonde boy and a curly haired boy arrive, who look about my age.
"We were just curious about how you guys got in here, because we didn't know more people went through what we did," blonde boy says.
"Well why didn't you just walk up and tell us rather than scaring us to death and acting like a creep?" Violet says, Phoenix nodding behind her.
"Well sorry. Won't happen again. Did you wake up on the hard side of the bed princess? Oh yeah, I guess so," blonde boy says, gesturing to the dusty wooden floor. His little friend begins giggling.
"Have some sensitivity, I thought you would being also stuck here," I say.
"We decided that the best way to live in here is to go by gallow's humor," curly haired boy says.
"I guess that's a good philosophy," I say.
"Are there more of you?" Ashton asks.
As he says that, another boy about my age comes in, his face looking stern.
"Hey! Why are you guys up and bothering people? I told you its too dangerous to leave the spot Zayn made!" the boy says.
"We were bored and you guys were too lazy to wake up, what do you expect?" they say.
"Who are you?" he says, turning to us.
"We got taken last night while we were playing truth or dare," Michael explains.
"Well some names would be nice," a fourth boy with black hair says, popping his head out of a little cove in the corner of the room.
"Alright, my name is Melody, that's Violet, that's my brother Luke, that's Michael, that's Faye, that's Ashton, that's Calum and that's Phoenix," I explain, pointing to everybody.
"Well Ill have to remember that," black haired boy said.
The third boy speaks. "I'm Liam, that's Niall and Harry, and that's Zayn," he says.
"Mind if we stay with you? That thing is way to crowded, sorry Zayn," Niall says, and sits in the corner of the room, near Calum.
"Sure, I guess," Faye says.
"But how do we know we can trust you?" Violet says.
"How do we know we can trust you?" Niall says, standing up and staring her right in the face.
"Oh my god can you shut up I am trying to sleep!" another voice says.
"Get up mate, there's other people here!" Zayn says.
"I know, I heard all of that, I just didn't bother getting up because I simply don't care," he says.
Liam walks towards the cove and pulls a small sheet off, I hear complaints from the boy who was sleeping there, and then he gets up in defeat.
"This is Louis," Liam says.
I can't help but stare at him for a while, god he's so damn attractive. Simply the prettiest thing I've seen in the past ten years.
"How pleasant, now we have some company. You might as well get used to us now because we are going to be spending a lot of time together," he says.
"How'd you guys get in here?" I ask.
"Well see, we aren't from here and we got lost, so we went to this place to ask for directions," Niall says.
"Then all the sudden we are all jumped on by someone shoving a cloth in our face," Liam says.
"Well we will all get out of here soon don't worry," Faye says.
"We've been here for about a month now. The blonde man says he was waiting for more people before we start playing," Harry says.
"Start playing what? What is this, the hunger games?" Violet says.
"I will make it so if you don't shut the fuck up," the voice of the blonde man enters the room," making all of us jump.
We are silent, as he makes his way through the room.
A blonde woman and an asian man are standing on both sides of him.
"We have organized a game for all of you to go along, once we have just one more person," the blonde woman says.
"Well, what kind of game will that be?" I ask.
"Monopoly?" Phoenix asks.
"Watch your mouth girl," the man says, poking her side with his cane.
"The game is quite simple. You guys are to find two things. One is the golden gun. It is hidden somewhere you would never expect, and if you find it, you automatically win. Youre free. Its your ticket out the door. Another thing is, you have to discover who we are. We all relate to you somehow. Also, you must follow our any order and accept that you are property of us. The last thing, you will have an unexpected disadvantage. Something or
someone that you find useful will actually be on our side and destroy you," blonde woman explains.
"By the way, I am Cody, she is Sonya, and he is Jie," the blonde man, or Cody, explains then pointing to the other two.
"Well if you expect us to do this willingly, you're fucking insane. I'm not doing anything for you stupid cunt," Louis says bravely.
"I'm with him!" Phoenix says, standing beside him.
"Do you really think we are just gonna obey you?" Calum says, finally speaking after being shamefully silent since we got here.
"I don't think you kids understand. You are MINE and will NEVER escape me. And if you don't do what I say, there WILL be consequences," Cody says, then turns around to face Louis.
"And you, stupid boy, will NOT be instigating anymore bad behavior," he says, then slaps Louis so hard you could hear it from a mile away, sending him falling to the floor. He puts his hand on his cheek and looks up, still trying to appear strong but you can tell his eyes are welling with tears. His friends rush to his side and pick him up, Liam telling him something.
"Hey, don't touch him!" I suddenly scream out, unaware of what I am doing.
Luke and Faye look at me cautiously.
"Shut the fuck up. I'll be back when I get one more member to start what I have informed," Sonya says.
They all leave, our disgusted looks glued onto their stance. They exit the room.
"Are you okay Louis?" Niall says.
"I'm fine, don't worry about it," he says.
We all sit down, silent for a couple hours, prospering what we had just been told.
"This is still a bunch of bullshit," Phoenix says.
"Just be quiet, Phoenix," Ashton says.
The day goes on like that, silent and boring. Soon, night falls, and we decide the best thing to do is go to sleep.
"Goodnight" I say, turning in the corner.
"Wait, Melody is it?" I turn around and see Louis at my footsteps.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Thanks for defending me earlier. You really didn't have to," he says, glancing down.
"No problem, I don't want him treating you like that," I say.
"But why do you care?" he replies.
"I don't like seeing lovely people being mistreated," I say.
"Well thanks, you're lovely yourself," he says.

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