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Pretty short chapter but I wasn't even gonna update bc tired af so don't complain. Contains the word 'Fuck' constantly.


   However, the breathing and crying from Harry stops. And he falls limp.

  "No Harry. No, dont you fucking leave me. I need you, you can' t leave me! NO HARRY WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Louis screams, shaking him.

  "Louis! Melody! Harry! Where the fuck are you?" we hear Cody call, footsteps nearing us.

  "C'mon Louis," I cry, trying to pull his arm.

  "NO I CAN'T LEAVE HIM!" he screams, sobbing and screaming at the top of his lungs.

  Unfortunately, we were too late to run, and Cody enters the room.

  "What the fuck?" he asks, staring at the sight below him.

  Sonny is beside him, smirking at Louis breaking beside me and Harry's now dead body.

  This isn't gonna be pretty.






  Cody takes a firm glance down at us, admiring the portrait painted onto the floor. Harry is almost completely covered in blood and his face is unrecognizable underneath its red coating, Louis is still screaming at the top of his lungs and thinking their is some possibility of the impossible act of Harry's ressurection, and I am just trying to let the whole thing sink in, anger and heartbreak filling my deepest core. The ironic thing is that we all just had a conversation about never leaving each other, and Harry was the one who sealed it. It's going to be incredibly hard to tell the others, especially Niall, Liam, and Zayn. I remember when we first met the boys, when Niall and Harry had been giggling and joking together.

  "My my, how exactly did this happen?" Cody ponders.   "SHE DID IT! LOOK WHAT THAT FUCKING WHORE DID! SHE FUCKING KILLED HIM!" Louis screams between sobs.

  "I wasn't even in here Cody, I heard screams so I came to get you!" Sonny protests.

  "You can not actually believe her lies, I'm pretty sure it's on tape somewhere in here!" I say.

  "You wanna know why it happened Cody? Because Louis couldn't hold him tight enough. For once in his life, he couldn't protect little Harebear. I got him in my claws and he died a violent painful death, because Louis failed to save him," Sonny smiles.

  Louis looks down in shame, broken sobs rattling out of his weak body. He nods.

  "No it wasn't his fucking fault! How dare you Sonny, how could you fucking make him think he has anything to do with this. Sonny tried to rape him without drugging him, and when he tried to DEFEND HIMSELF, she threatened to hurt Louis and then stabbed him and sliced him until he fucking died!" I defend, my every word making Louis' cries even louder, which I didn't know was possible.

  "What did he do to defend himself?" Cody wonders.

  Sonny gestures to a purple bruise forming around her evil eye, darkening and spreading every second.

  "Well then, the little bugger deserved it. He knows better than to become violent, I would've thought he took a hint that time Phoenix, Niall, and Violet acted up," Cody laughs.

  "You're such a fucking hypocrite. If he 'becomes violent', otherwise known as protecting himself from sexual assault, he gets brutally stabbed to death and it's totally fine. Not to mention the allowance of being filmed as a dick is shoved up our ass," I snap.

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