The Need to Go Back

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Kisaki Kyouya's POV

Yui, Seishirou, and Tachibana is not contacting me these days. Maybe they have their own busy worlds. Ever since Yui left Australia to continue middle high in England, I've been in contact with Tachibana whom I knew when I visited Japan last 2 summers ago. She was the kind of girl who makes me feel ease even with this stress given to me. By the way, Seishirou who was my childhood friend and also my best friend will visit me tomorrow. I guess he's taking my invitation in consideration. If that happens, I could now enjoy my work and studies at the same time.

Sitting around my office at the company, I can see the horizon because the window was wide open. My secretary left it open again. How many times am I going to tell her not to? I am sensitive to cold weather. I'm going to escape the freezing weather and go to Japan. A mail popped on my monitor.

I need to call now.

Yui: You cant believe this... I was just turned down

Kyouya: That's why I'm telling you not to be the one to pursue the guy. Wait for them.

Yui: It's not like that stupid.

Kyouya: What else could it possibly mean?

Yui: I tried being friends with someone but then she just turned it down.

Kyouya: Wow. That's something. I guess she's someone who's not in your level. Just give up on her. Dont push yourself too hard. People who are really destined to be with you will be there... even without a drop of sweat.

Yui: You and your philosophy...

Kyouya: Tell me more about it.

Yui narrated to me what happened and the story seems to be depressing. How dare that girl to turn down Yui's invitation?!!!

Kyouya: Dont mind her Yui. You always have me. Its just that I cant be physically be there. I know you're going to find better friends.

Yui just cried and complained more about giving her efforts but it seems to be in vain. Sucks to be a girl, I guess. Boys like us just become friends because of shoes, basketball, and fistbumps. Why are girls so complicated?

After sometime, she settled down and started talking about her cousin's love life. She's overjoyed about the happenings on her cousing's life. Yui never changed. She's sad and then she'll go jumping around like nothing happened. She just needs someone to listen to her.

Takuma Seishirou's POV

I havent told Sayuri about my trip here in Australia. Since I already landed here, I better check on Kyouya. My phone had been turned off for the whole day since Sayuri will keep on nagging me about my stay here. I stood in front of a tall building carrying my luggage. The guard looked at me and went near me. "Sir, is there anything I could do to help?", he asked. Good thing I learned how to speak english. "I'm here to talk to Mr. Kisaki... Kisaki Kyouya", I answered. He talked over it with his walkie talkie thing with another guard, I guess. After a while, a blonde came running to me with such an intent to drag me and never let me go again. He jumped to me and gave a really tight hug. "Hey, look at your actions. We might get wrong impressions", I sighed. "Its been a long time Seishirou. I will never let you go this time", Kyouya annoyingly whined. I carried him inside the building and some personnel toom care of my things. I entered his office. It was messy and unorganized. "How are you suppose to work in a place like this?", I asked while piling the papers together. "That's why I need you here", Kyouya whined. "Kyouya, I need to tell you something...", I was about to tell him an important thing when his phone rang. He had a business talk and I waited for him to finish it.

After sometime, I woke up and realized I slept. I looked around and saw Kyouya working on his computer. Kisaki International are one of the telecommunication companies here in Australia and also have branch in Japan. They are also spreading out in different parts of the world. Kyouya's grandfather is dead serious in this business. I stood up and peeked unto his screen. "Kyouya, you need to be more organized in checking your stocks and even with your organizational chart", I commented. "Fix it for me", he begged. Since Kyouya will never let me off, I did what he asked me of.

Kyouya took his break and we drove going to the sea side. I was amazed with the view. "Cool right, I wanted to watch this with you Sei... come on. It wont hurt if you work here. You have a talent", Kyouya encouraged. "I have things to tend to", I answered. "Your father's business again. You said you're not happy with that", Kyouya reminded me. "Kyouya... no matter how I hated my father. I cannot get away with the responsibilities I need to take. My brother already ran away from it... I want to see live a life he always wanted as well", I explained. "You're really kind Sei!!! Can I marry you?!", Kyouya kneeled. I punched his head and he complained. "I have a girl whom I love", I stuck out my tongue and Kyouya just pouted.

"Are you still having a conversation with the girl that you like?", I asked Kyouya. He looked at me with his eyes telling an answer. "She's just busy, I guess. Why dont you tell me her name already?", I asked. "No way! I'm going to tell you her name and even introduce you to her face to face when I already am able to ask her out", Kyouya had a big smile. "Then... I guess I'll be waiting for that", I gave a weak smile. "Why? Dont you have any plan?", Kyouya asked. "Even if I have, she seems to have her eyes fixed on someone else... I guess. She could only seem me as a friend.... worst... best friend", I looked at the sky and sighed.

Ennnnggggkkkk!!! Thank you reading this far

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