Its Not Just About Us

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Tachibana Yui's POV

Sayuri didnt say anything yesterday when Dad told I was innocent. I was startled when she just nodded. I went out of my room and saw Kyouya heading out of Todou-san's room. His face was angry and he looks scary. "Good morning, Yui-ne", Chitoge greeted me. Ryou happened to pass by. "Good morning, Yui-san", Ryou bowed. "Why... arent you calling her Sis?", Chitoge asked. "Dont bother what she said", I waved my hands. "But you are siblings arent you?", Chitoge crossed her arms. "Even if I wanted to, you see, sorry for having a stubborn Sayuri. If she hears me calling you Sister , right now, she will really lose her mind. So until she can mature a bit, please understand", Ryou bowed lower. "She is sure fortunate to have a brother like you", I patted his shoulder.

We all ate together. Todou-san never said any words this time. "We're going at the aquarium today!!!", Dad shouted excitedly. "Then we'll visit some shrines", he also added. "Why are you with so much strength today?", Erina-san asked. "Why? Why? I also dont know why", Dad jumped on his feet and went to get prepared. I looked at Kyouya and he seems not in the mood. I elbowed Takuma-san who is just beside me. "Did something happen between the two of you?", I asked. He shrugged and looked at Kyouya. He just received a death glare.


Ryou and Chitoge are running around the area and looking for peculiar fishes. Kyouya and Takuma-san are still not talking. Sayuri stuck with Dad all this time. "Yui, let's go buy some souvenir", Takuma-san grabbed me and separated with them. "I dont know but Kyouya's giving me.death glares. Did I do something?", Takuma-san asked. "How would I know?", I said while looking for something to buy. "If he saw us at the swings then he must have misunderstood", Takuma-san panicked. "Are you telling me that he's jealous?", I asked. "You see... even best friends gets jealous", Takuma-san explained. "Best... friends?", I laughed. "Why are you laughung? Its giving me a feeling of irritation", Takuma-san pouted. "Its good that Kyouya didnt tell her anything. But you cannot continue like this, Takuma-san. Why dont you confess already?", I asked. "Then... why dont you?", Takuma-san asked. Ah really, this guys. I grabbed him by the neck and started punching him. We both laughed at our situation.  "Oooh, are you having your lovey dovey moments?", Dad and the others also went to buy souvenir.

I let go of Takuma-san and told him we're just practicing wrestling. "So you also want to have wrestling. Practice it with me and not Sei-san", Sayuri humphed me. Look at her getting jealous. I laughed on my own. Ryou and Chitoge are busy with their relationship cultivation. Its great to be young. Why do I feel so old?

"Oh, right. It'll be your 18th birthday next month. Any thing you want to do?", Father opened. I gulped and looked at Sayuri. "She's older than me?!!!", she shouted. "Stop shouting. You are scaring the people", I complained. "This cant be", Sayuri walked out. "Congratulations then", Takuma-san patted my head. "Then.. have you already consider Seishirou? He's a good guy", Dad whispered at me. I laughed. "I wont even like anything about this guy", I laughed harder.

Takuma Seishirou's POV

This might really affect Sayuri. I went to look for her. She was sitting in front of the viewing area. "Why is she older than me?!", she vent out. I sighed and sat beside her. "Now you know", I flicked her forehead. "I think she has the right to get angry rather than you but she's not even blaming your birth or anything", I stretched my limbs. Sayuri looked at me with disgust. "Why are you taking her side? Do you like her?", she asked. "You're right. She's more likeable than you", I crossed my arms. Sayuri grabbed on my arms. "You cannot like someone like her. I dont even want to call you brother in law", Sayuri shook her head. She stopped and she might have realized what she had said. "Brother in law?", I chuckled. She punched the back of my head and marched outside.

Slowly, it would take sometime but I can see Sayuri maturing. "Time to go back", Yui called. "Sayuri is scared to call me Brother in Law", I told Yui. She smiled and nodded. "I am  more scared to call you honey or what", she stucked her tongue out. "You see, I cannot fall in love with you. We're too compatible thats why its so scary", Yui opened while walking. "Sayuri needs someone who can stand beside her all the time. No matter what happens, you will be there for her, right?", Yui asked. I nodded. "Kyouya also can be led astray. You will be there to keep his head on the goal, right?", I asked. Yui chuckled. "He doesnt like girls like me", Yui said painfully.

We rested at a restaurant. Sayuri kept looking at Yui. "I cant believe you're the kind of girl that Sei-san would like", she said in disgust. "Hey, dont judge my preferences", I commented. "You mean my guess is really true?", Sayuri whined. "If it was.. what is it to you?", I teased. I felt someone stepped on my foot. It was Yui. "It cant be like this. I wont give you my blessing", Sayuri slammed the table. "Shut up Sis. If they wanted to go out together, why is your blessing needed?", Ryou joined the conversation. I stared at Kyouya and he wasnt even interested. "Kyouya, lets go and buy some stuffs", I called him. He responded and followed me.

Tachibana Sayuri's POV

I cant believe that I called Sei-san brother in law. Kyouya-san had been acting weird since this morning. He's been shoting death glares to Sei-san. Maybe he's afraid of Yui being stolen. Why would he? I mean, Sei-san is also his best friend. Shouldnt he be happy? Everyone watched the magic show happening at the stage. Yui and I are the only ones left. "Hey, dont feel happy that we are celebrating your debut", I opened. "Then, you would be my 1st candle", Yui stupidly smiled. "Our relatives are really sensitive with what happened with dad and your mom", I warned. "Thank you for the warning", she smiled again. Oh right, I remembered. Her mom is sick. Is she capable of flying here in Japan. "Dont worry, Mom wouldnt be at the party. She's way far from here. If ever your relatives would hurt me, at least she's safe", Yui stirred the ice in her drinks. I gulped and averted my stares outside.

"Its getting late. I'll call Kyouya-san and Sei-san", I stood up. "Why do you still affix honorifics with Takuma-san? You're best friends, arent you? Sayuri... its high time for you to..", I cut Yui's words. "My business is mine to attend", I gave her a final glance then left.

I ran outside to look for them. "You're so full of yourself!!!", I heard someone shouting. It was Kyouya-san's voice. I peeked inside the nearby alley and saw Sei-san beaten up. He wasnt fighting back. I instictly got my phone and called Yui. "Help", was the word that went out from my mouth.

The rain started to pour down. Kyouya-san grabbed Sei-san by his collar and prepared to give a punch but Yui came running hugging him from his back. "Stop, Kyouya", she commanded. Her voice was calm and demanding at the same time. Kyouya-san was about to release the punch when Yui shouted. "If you continue this, we will no longer be friends!".

Kyouya lets go of Sei-san. I caught him before he falls on the ground. I was scared to look at Kyouya-san and what kind of face he has right now. I can only see his fist was bleeding. "Stop it, Kyouya-san", I said in a soft voice. He grabbed Yui and left.

End of the chapter.

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