What if: From The Beginning

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Cruise Balcony

"Sei. Takuma Sei? For me... he is...", Sayuri paused for a while.

He's my sun, he's my rain, he's my snow, he's my thunder.

Whenever I feel sad, his smiles are the rays that gives light to creeping darkness. Whenever the pressure is too much and it's already so unbreathable, he's the rain that calms me down. How funny that his absence also brings a freezing cold sensation. His disappearance is a threatening thunder.

Throughout what happened to me, there was always that light that led me to where I should go. Even in the downpour, there is a guiding post that helped paved the way.

"Sei is... my star in the rain", Sayuri smiled while tears fell on her eyes. Kyouya lets go of her hand. "That's why I don't need to hear you answer to my feelings", Kyouya stepped back with a painful smile painted on his face. He reached the railings and leaned on it. "Kyouya-san?", Sayuri felt apologetic for the situation. "I can't think of anymore ways to explain but then... Kyouya-san, you are also someone who I really admire a lot and...", Sai was stopped when Kyouya raised his hand. "Enough Sai. I understand it already. Rejection is rejection. No matter how much you sugarcoat your words. It's the same", Kyouya forced to laugh. Sai bit her lip. She gave a very low bow.

"I am really happy that you like me. I won't apologize for not being able to return your feelings because I will bring those feelings with me", Sayuri lifted her head and saw Kyouya wiping his tears. He was looking on the other direction. He slowly turn around to hide his face.

When a man cry, they really mean it.

"Thank you for wasting such precious tears for someone like me", Sayuri gave a weak smile. "Uhm", Kyouya responded. The two remained silent for a long time. Sayuri sat down next to Kyouya and listened to endless sob.

Kyouya breathed deeply. "Let's go eat something spicy", Kyouya invited. "Shall we?", Sayuri smiled.

"I know with all my heart that I won't be able to find a man in your calliber", Sayuri said while they walk. "Of course, who do think am I? I am Kyouya", he said with all the confidence.

Few days after...

Lake Park

Yui and Sayuri walked next to each other. "I saw Sei few days ago", Yui opened. Sayuri pucnhed Yui's shoulder. "What's that for?", Yui whined. "Why does he have to see you before me?", Sayuri complained. "Maybe he like me more than you?", Yui stuck her tongue out. The two teased each other for quite some time.

They saw a familiar figure standing next to the tree. "My stomach. I feel like farting", Yui ran away as fast as she can.

Sayuri's eyes widened seeing a tall raven head wearing a black polo. He still have those gentle eyes. "Good afternoon, Tachibana Sayuri", Sei smiled. "Am I seeing things?", Sayuri shook her head.

Sei gulped as he walked towards her. He can't believe how much joy he is feeling now seeing the girl he longed to see the most. The gentle smile won't leave his face. "Aren't you going to welcome me back?", Sei tilted his head. He finally stopped few inches away from the girl. Sai poked his face. "You're real", Sai commented. "Of course. I am", Sei chuckled. "What's the thing I hated the most?", Sai asked. "The fact that Yui was your sister. Hated. Means it's already in the past", Sei answered. Sai was about to jump at him and give a hug but she Kyouya's face flushed on her mind. She also remembered what she promised herself. She wanted to be Sei's support. "Welcome...ba-", Sai was interrupted with Sei's tight hug. "I'm home", Sei closed his eyes.

Because anywhere with you, Sai... is what I can call my home.

"I can hear you", Sai smiled. "Hear what?", Sei hummed. "You're also my home", Sai gave a wide smile.

The two walked next to each other. "How's work?", Sai opened. "I'm still covering for some of my Father's misuse of power", Sei sighed. "Your father... he's just misled but he's got a sensitive soul", Sai pointed out. Sei stopped walking. "Why? I'm allowed to say that, right?", Sai turned to look at him. Sei was looking at pair of couples in front of him. "Oh, Sei... I mean. Takuma-san", it was a lady's voice. Sai looked at the source of the voice and was startled. "Oh, it's you", Sai crossed her arms. She dropped the look when she saw a smaller version of the lady tugging on her skirt. "Good day, Tachibana. I see, you're still sticking with Takuma", she teased. It was Aika, Sei's ex-girlfriend. She already had a daughter. The man standing next to her is her husband. "I see. Some of my batch mates are already marrying and having children", Sei sighed. "With your face and your attitude. I know you're going to find one soon. Who knows, she's just there somewhere", Aika gave a friendly smile. "Say hello to my friend",'Aika encouraged her child. She was around 2 years old.

Sei and Aika talked to each other.

Afterwards, the two proceeded in walking around the lake. "What did you guys talk about?", Sai was curious. "Some matters about reunion", Sei answered. "So you're going to attend your reunion?", Sai was excited. "Well, I'm already a high profiled guy so I have to make it as secret as possible. I won't stay there so long", Sei answered. "Even if you're a high profiled individual, you're humble enough to have a friendly conversation with a child and also some ex of yours", Sai stressed the last phrase. "Aika is a nice person. When she found out that she was pregnant, she fought for the right of the child", Sei informed. Sai clapped. "Yeah yeah. You did great having an ex like her", Sai patted his back.

"Sai, how about you and Kyouya? We had some short conversation about that yesterday. He didn't say much",' Sei opened the topic. "Kyouya-san is such a nice person. Also with Yui. I think they fit each other the best", Sai smiled. "Sai, don't give out answers out of pity. Most specially with matters like that", Sei lectured. "That's why I didn't answer him. Because I don't want it to be out of pity. He deserves someone who will look only at him and not on anyone else. He deserves not to be an alternative just because I was never someone's option", Sai looked at Sei's eyes. The guy averted his stares and coughed.

Chapter end

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