Our Secrets

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Kisaki Kyouya's POV

We dropped by a house. Sai's eyes are widened. "What are we doing here?", she asked. The house is quite huge and also the place is well taken cared of. "We are going to meet you mother", Nikki-san said. What is he saying?! Is he serious?! I looked at Yui and she's nervous. "If thats the case, I can wait at the hotel with Yui", I smiled. Nikki-san smiled at me. "She's coming", he said.

"I dont want to see Grandma", Sai and Ryou said in unison. "Did you just say something?", we heard a voice from behind. It was an old woman but still beautiful. She had an astounding presence. "Nice to meet you, my name is Kisaki Kyouya", I bowed since I am the nearest person near her. "I see, Kyouya-kun. How is your father? Is he still making mistakes in calculations?", she asked. I remembered cases where my father failed some calculation because his mentor is there checking on him. Dont tell me its Grandma. "Pardon me. I am Todou Aisa", she introduced herself. "Shall we go inside?", she invited. We walked inside. There are many workers and also body guards. "Who are the rest?", she asked. I looked at Yui and she seems to lose her soul already. "My name is Hinako Chitoge, Sayu-ne's friend", Chitoge said. Way to go. I looked at Sei and he is also hesitating to tell his name. "I am also...", he hesitated to speak. "Then, we're really thirsty since we hiked heading here", Nikki-san broke the tension. We were lead into a living room with an European design.

"You see, Mom really loves collecting things", Nikki-san informed. Mom? Ahh right, she's his mother-in-law. Another beautiful woman entered. She is wearing a Yukata and carrying cups of teas. "Welcome back, Nikki", she gave a slight bow. Nikki? Who in the world would address him like that? "Mom", Sayuri gave her a hug. We also stood up to give a bow. "Ohh, Sei. You are also here", she gave a pat on his back. "Good to see you well, Erina-san", Sei said. Yui walked towards her. "Nice to see you again, Erina-san", she bowed. I can see her hands are shaking. Erina-san also saw it. She held her hand. "Its good to see you too", she responded. After a few sipping of tea, Aisa-san cleared her throat. "Then, who are you young man?", he asked. "He is Takuma Seishirou, my daughter's best friend", Nikki-san introduced. "I see", Aisa-san looked at Yui. "And you?", she asked. "She is Tachibana Yui", Erina-san informed. "What a coincidence, you have the same...", Aisa-san stopped talking. She walked towards Yui and slapped her. We were shocked. Unable to move, I feel bad. "Oohh, so you are that bad egg's daughter. Let's see... you already have my son's surname. But you see, I dont want any rumors", Aisa-san called her bodyguards.

"Cease this at once", Nikki-san stood up. Its my first time to hear him raise his voice. "Mom, calm down. There are no camera here", Erina-san supported. "You should be the one who knows better", Aisa-san glared at her. The bodyguards already left. "Looking at your face makes me sick", she said then left. "Sorry, Yui", Erina-san apologized. Sai stood up. "Mom, why are you apologizing to her?", she asked. "Sayuri you might be tired from walking. We prepared your favorite strawberry cake", she smiled. "Yui, you can also have some. You also like them, right?", she added. Sai clenched her fist and followed Aisa-san.

Tachibana Sayuri's POV
What is wrong with everybody?

I walked around and saw Grandma feeding the Kois. She was smilling while crying. Father came to her. "Why did you slap my daughter?", he asked. "You deserve that slap", she answered. "You should be proud of your daughter, Mom. She grew mature enough. Thank you for letting her grow strong as such", Dad bowed. "Its no longer about Erina... how about your daughters?", Grandma asked. "Its not a good thing to eavesdrop", Yui pulled my shirt and we went at the dining room where everyone is enjoying strawberry cake. I looked at her swelling face. I went at the refregirator and got some ice. I threw it to her. "I hate to see your face", I said.

Why is mom taking this easily? She's even laughing. I looked at Sei-san.and he just gave me a thumbs up. "We're already out of flour?", Mom said. "Im.going to buy", I volunteered. "I could ask the maids", she said. "I also need to check on something", I said. "I'll go with you", Sei-san said.


"I cant believe Mom didnt even give her a slap", I said in frustration. "Do you think hurting someone physically would do any good?", Sei-san asked. "Stop it already, Sayuri. You are only making it hard for yourself", he said. "Why? Why? Why would I keep quiet if I am seeing my Mom and even Grandma getting hurt", I asked him. Sei-san cupped my face. "Sayuri... are they really hurt? Given that they are... are you really doing it for them? In what I can see, you are just trying to satisfy yourself", Sei-san commented. "The Sayuri I know... will not do that", he smiled.

We went back and I saw Mom talking to Yui at the pavillion. I sneaked and followed them.

Tachibana Yui's POV

Erina-san suddenly called me at the pavillion. Is this a part of the movie where the heroine.got killed by being poisoned alone? "I wont do anything wrong", she chuckled. "Sorry for thinking negatively", I apologized. "How is Kauro?", she suddenly asked. "She's really sick but she's taking the medication", I answered. "Kauro didnt take my advices before. She drinks a lot when we were in college", Erina-san informed. "You know Mom?", I asked. "Yui... you really look like her. You know what... its really hard to look at you", Erina-san started crying. "I am sorry. Erina-san. Psychology says, you can release you feelings when you finally satisfy yourself. You can punch me or slap me if you like", I said then closed my eyes. I was expecting for something when I felt Erina-san's warm hug. "I am really feeling pain because I cannot even.help Kauro. I really miss her", she said. "You know what... Kauro is my best friend ever since. We've been through a lot", Erina-san added. "How I wish I could turn back the times. Only if I wasnt a Tachibana, only if fate didnt mess up with us", ,she cried a lot. I hugged her back but strong hands grabbed me away. She gave me a really hard punch on my face. I was thrown in the ground. "What are you doing, Sayuri?!!", Erina-san shouted.

"Stop being goody goody people!!!", Sayuri shouted. "I am already done watching this melodrama. Mom, why cant you just be honest with yourself?! Why cant you just blame her mother for the misfortune you are having?!", Sayuri shouted. "Its true Sayuri. But then... I also regretted what I did. You see... I know that your father loves Kauro but still I pushed through with the arrange marriage" Erina-san said. I clenched my fist. "Its not your fault Mom. Its her Mother's fault", Sayuri done it. I return a punch on her face.

"Stop Sayuri. Dont use anyone to cover up what you really feel. You are the only ones upset with this situation", I said then left.


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