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Tachibana Sayuri's POV

Sei-san's phone had been off for 5 days already. He also promised me that he would treat me in the newly opened restaurant. I guess I need to ambush him at his apartment. Why havent I thought of that for that 5 days? I went into his apartment and saw that the door was open. I rushed in. "Sei!!! You unfair mammal!!! You told me you would treat me to the new resto!!!", I shouted. When I realized who was standing in front of me, I shrinked. "Ohh, Sai. What are you doing in a guy's aparment?", Matsuda-sensei asked while holding a pot. "Sensei, why are you here?", I asked. "Well... because Sei is not around. I might as well take this opportunity to ransack his place", sensei gave a victory pose. "By the way... why are you also here?", Sensei asked. "Right. Why is Sei-san not around for 5 days?", I asked. "Is he kidnapped again?", Sensei tried calling him.

"Ahhh. So you're in Australia already", sensei said loudly the he ended the call. I looked at him waiting for an answer. "Tachibana-san... you have to make some effort of knowing more about your boyfriend", Sensei said lazily. "He's not my boyfriend", I clarified then went out of his appartment. Sensei is the kind of person who doesnt like talking too much. I guess I have to figure it out by myself.

After a week...

Sei-san came to school to fetch me. He's leaning on the wall with some mixed emotions plastered on his face. I just walked passing through him and he doesnt seems to realize. I stepped on his feet and he finally reacted. "What was that for?", he whined. "What was that for?!!!", I raised my voice. He finally gave me a peace sign. "Where was that resto again that you wanted to visit?", he asked. My mood suddenly changed and dragged him to the restaurant.

"You grew up again?", I noticed while we're walking next to each other. "I guess so. Sorry for not telling you about my trip", Sei-san apologized. I just gave a smile and a nod. "I'm really sorry", Sei-san repeated with mixture of worry in his voice. "It's okay. You also needs some time alone. Then... what did you do there?", I asked. "I visited my childhood friend", he answered. "Hmmmm.... tell me honestly", I grabbed his cheek and made him lower himself. "What is that?", he nervously asked. "Is your girlfriend residing in Australia? Or a better question... do you have one?", I asked not letting go of his cheeks. He gently removed my hand and stood straight. "It's a business trip, okay? My father is letting me run some errand", Sei-san answered. "Abroad?", I stared at him. "Well, yeah", he scratched his nape. I pouted and reached into his phone. He tried his best not to let go of it. We've been playing tag for quite sometime. "Hey, are you really hiding something from me?", I irritatingly asked. Sei-san kept on telling me that it was a business trip and his dad was really sick to go there. The question is, what is his father's work. "Is your father a ganster? Is that why you're rich?", I asked. Sei-san just laughed and finally pulled his phone away from me.

Takuma Seishirou

Sayuri is now pissed off. We stopped in front of the restaurant and Sayuri started crying silently. I looked around and there were people watching us. She suddenly ran away. I'm a bit tired to catch up with her super duper fast sprints. "That was harsh", I heard a familiar voice. I looked behind me and saw Tachibana and Hinako-chan. Tachibana met eyes with me. "I guess you should tell her the truth?", Hinako-chan crossed her arms together. It was cute. "I'll do that the next time", I bowed and started walking away. Hinako-chan grabbed on my arms and pushed me to where Sayuri went.

After reaching the park, we saw Sayuri playing on the swings. "Sayuri", I called out. She wasnt responding. I stood in front of her. She threw a punch but I caught her fist. "Sayuri, listen to me. I'm a bit in pinch right now. I cant tell you exactly for now but trust me, it's for us also", I explained. "I dont have a girlfriend either. If I have, I would let you know first and also you'd be the one who'll give her a tight hug", I assured her. She seems satisfied and offer a fist bump. I grabbed on her arms and pulled her close to me. Today, was the first time I gave her a tight hug. "I miss you, Sayuri", I whispered to her. I can feel her nodding. I guess she's still in the process of accepting that I cannot tell it to her right now.

We went home together. "By the way, I met someone in Australia who also called a certain girl Baka-usagi. He might have some idea where that girl you're looking for is", I opened. Sayuri grabbed on my shoulders. I can feel that she was trembling. "Please, let me talk to that person", Sayuri stuttered as she was requesting to me.

Tachibana Sayuri

I was sitting around the swing when I felt someone's presence in front of me. This place where Baka-usagi and I usually plays. There were some renovations and improvements but my father talked over them not to remove this swing. My father is such an influencial man that's why its not hard for him to ask people to maintain certain places. I wonder where he is right now. Remembering the past makes me want to throw up.

Sayuri, listen to me. I'm a bit in pinch right now. I cant tell you exactly for now but trust me, it's for us also

I also heard that before. It was from my Dad. Before everything fell apart, he knelt in front of me and Ryou and said those words. After a while, people in black suit attire started dragging him away from us. I never get to hug him back that time. That's why I no longer want to be committed to other people. That's why I no longer want to trust them. They said they'll come back but I spent 10 years waiting for that to happen. But then... Sei-san came back with an apology. I threw a fist bump on Sei-san but he grabbed me by the arm and gave me a hug. I bit my lips and started crying. Sei-san seems to feel that so he offered his hanky to me.

We went back home and he told me something I never expected to hear.

"Let me talk to that person"

Main Story Line Starts here :)

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