Another Storm

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Kisaki Kyouya's POV

Girls are really scary. While watching them at the pavillion, I repeatedly called Seshirou. I saw him exit from Nikki-san's room. He seemed to read the situation and ran after Yui. Are you kidding me? You should be with Sai. She will really be frustrated that you are helping her enemy. I went at the kitchen to ask for ice packs. The maid prepared them. I first saw Sayuri sitting down the living room. She was just silently staring at their family portrait. I dropped the ice pack on her head. She got it and placed it on her cheeks. "Sorry that you are also being caught up with my situation with that stupid rabbit", Sai apologized. I chuckled when I heard her regard Yui like that. "Yui is really a smart girl", I said the patted her head.

"Sorry. My family is more important to me this time", Sai said in a soft voice then walked away. I wonder if I should have said that. Yui is a smart girl. I know she will be able to solve whatever problem she has. I walked around and saw Yui and Sei talking at the swing at the garden. Yui is wiping her tears while Sei is just silently listening. Yui dropped her head at Sei's chest. Sei wrapped his arm around Yui's shouler. Look at this guy. Does he want to lose an arm? I was about to step but my feet seems disobedient that time.

Everyone came at the dining table that evening. Todou-san needs to attend an important business meeting so she left. "I cooked most of the food here, enjoy it", Sei presented the food. This guy's skill is really unrealistic. We all ate and enjoyed his creation. I stared at Yui who sat opposite to mine. I put crabs on her plate. "You must have missed crabs. We used to catch crabs back at Grandma's pond. Remember?", I asked Yui. She seems to come back to reality. She faked a smile and drank her juice. After eating, I invited Yui for a walk down the streets.

"Sorry, I was about to give you an ice pack a while ago but then Sei was already there", I explained. "I'm not sad or anything", Yui pouted. "Yes yes. Then lets go and play something", I invited. There was a nearby park and so we played hide and seek. Afterwhich, we entered the Karaoke house. Yui's always this tone deaf. One thing that I am afraid of is when Yui will already find a man. Maybe I will no longer be the one she'll be doing this things with. Also, it also hurts my pride to see that other man can comfort her more than I can do. Its time to go back.

"Can I carry you on my back?", I asked. "We're already this old. People will laugh at us", she motioned a punch. I jumped away from her. "Just this time", I said. I offered a piggy back ride. She slowly climbed at my back. "Ohh, its really different to be tall. I can see the lights", Yui exclaimed. "Yui is already turning into a lady", I commented. "You already have a shape and also you're getting prettier", I added. Yui pinched my nose. "Are you teasing me?", she asked. "I'm being honest here", I laughed. "Yui... you have to chose a great man. Someone who is like Seishirou. Unlike me, he's such a responsible man. He is also gentle and puts other before himself", I stopped walking. "I will", Yui said softly.

Tachibana Sayuri's POV

I can see those two from my terrace. Why are they doing piggy back riding? Arent they old enough? I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw Ryou with his usual poker face. He entered and sat near the window. "Why cant you just accept it already?", he opened that disdainful topic. "Ryou. I am the eldest here. I should be the one you should be listening to. That Baka Usagi is an outsider. You are... never allowed to call her Sister or what!!!", I lectured. Ryou covered his ears. "You know that Chitoge is my girlfriend. Cant you see that this is also hard for us?", Ryou stood up. "Then if its already hard. Then why dont you break up? I already told you this before, didnt I?", I bit my lips. "Wah! You really never changed. You just thought of yourself. You know why you never had a friend. Because you are afraid to trust. You are afraid that they might hurt you. You are afraid to open up to other people because you are just thinking of your ownself. You are selfish!!!", Ryou shouted at me. I clenched my fist. "You shouldnt be like this, Sis. You might eventually lose a lot", Ryou added then passed through me.

"You really need to be beaten by my lectures", I closed the door. Was I the one who is wrong?! I am just protecting this family. Once that girl is already a part of this family, nightmares will occur. I called Sei-san and he didnt picked up his phone. I went outside to look for him. He wasnt inside his room. He also left his phone. "Where in the world is this guy?", I sighed. "He went with Nikki-san to play chess", Kyouya-san happened to pass by. "Thanks", I bowed. "You look pretty in your braided hair", Kyouya-san commented. "Chitoge made this", I smiled. Kyouya-san bowed and started walking away.

I walked passing through father's room. "Are you already considering of marrying Yui?", Dad asked. His door was half open. "Thank you for being concerned about my marriage but I will do as I fit", Sei-san answered. "Are you being shy or what? You can always tell these things to me. Are you worried that your father will not approve again?", Dad asked again. Sei-san's father. I have always been so curioused what kind of person Sei-san's Mom and Dad are. I heard footsteps and saw Yui in front of me. I gulped and averted my stares. She sighed and knocked at father's door. "We're drinking tea, want to join us?", she invited. "Who would?", I answered. She nodded and entered. She could have insisted. I got the tray from her and entered the door. We all sat at the tatami mat with a center table. I sat beside father. "Say, Dad.  Why do you keep losing from Sei-san?", I complained. "He is really a formidable opponent", Dad clicked his tongue. Yui poured Sei-san's tea. I grabbed the kettle from her and poured for Dad. I spilled some. Sei-san wiped it with his hanky. "You have to learn a lot of lady's act, Sayuri", Dad shook his head. He tasted the tea and chuckled. "How does the tea taste, Seishirou?", Dad asked. "It's delicious", Sei-san answered. "Why does mine tastes bitter?", Dad asked. "How could that be?", I pouted. "Its because leaves inside also got mixed when Sayuri poured it", Yui explained. "Now its my fault", I bit my lips. "You see Sayuri, life is also like this tea. You can chose it to be bitter or depends how you chose to pour it", Dad patted my head. "Sorry that you have a stupid father like me", he.apologized. "Its not your fault", I clenched my fist. "Then its not also Yui's fault. She's innocent", Dad smiled at me.


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