Wont You Remember?

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Tachibana Yui's POV

Class 3-1

I entered the room and saw Sayuri playing with a cat in the window. I walked into my seat and saw scribbled notes.


I sighed and picked them up. I crumpled it and threw it at Sayuri with all my might. She massaged her nape and glared at me. "Sayuri, you're no longer a kid. Stop acting like one", I said with a straight face. "Sei-san left earlier when we were at the amusement park, Kyouya-san told me you are also there. In any case, did you ran to him?", Sayuri asked without looking in my eyes. "I dont know what you are talking about", I lied then went outside the room. I bumped into some hard rock. The scent made me gasped. It was Takuma-san in a formal clothing. "Takuma-san?", I tilted my head. He motioned me to keep quiet. He said that his brother asked him to substitute for teaching computer math for a week. Since it is a part of his on the job training, the school allowed it. We peeked at the room and saw Sayuri calling someone on the phone. "I'm gonna go", she shouted. I also received a call when she dropped her phone.

Nikki: Yui, I'm going to visit Osaka next week. Are you able to ask for permission to absent yourself for a week?

Yui: I'll see. Dont forget to rest, Da-

I dropped my phone and looked back to Sayuri being excited.

Yui: I think I cannot go

Nikki: just try to reconsider okay

Yui: Yes. Goodbye, Dad.

I ended the call. Takuma-san had a big sigh. "I'm not in the position to butt in but you are also a daughter with the rights to be given love and affection", he patted my head. I faked a smile and went to get something to drink.

The class started. Matsuda-sensei introduced a new teacher. Sayuri nearly fell on her seat. "No way",I can hear her mutter. "Lets learn a lot", Takuma-san said. The girls are taking photos of him. "Sensei, is Takuma-san going to stay with us forever? Are you his brother?", the students ambushed them with question. After some time of entertaining questions, the bell rang. Time for Physical Education. I went at the locker room and waited for Yori and the rest to finish changing clothes.


We are playing basketball this time. Takuma-san was asked to facilitate the game since he also volunteered doing it. We draw numbers and formwd group. Luckily, I got teamed up with Yori. She's a former captain of a middle school basketball girls team. We lined up and stepped back when we saw that the next team is led by Sayuri. I gulped and gather all my courage. "We are going to win this", I confidently said. "Oi, oi, are you serious? We are against that prodigy", Yori reminded me. "You dont need to rub that on my face", I said. Sayuri looked at my decision and yawned. Thats quite insulting. I went near her. "Sayuri, let me have a dare", I crossed my arms. "Name your price", Sayuri said while stretching. "If I win this game, you are going to grant me one thing", I bargained. "What it is?", she asked. "You dont need to know right now", I said. She clicked her tongue and gave a slight nod. "Guys, I may not really know each and everyone of you but this time... lend me your strength. I want to win the game, no matter what", I bowed my head.

Tachibana Sayuri's POV

This girl have the guts to challenge her. I also forgot to say that if I win, I'm gonna kick her out of Father's life. Maybe later as well. I looked my teammates and saw that they are the nerds inside the classroom. "Leave this to me", I said with a wide grin. They all clapped and started dancing with pompoms. Seriously? The tip off began. Yui came in front and I also did. "Lets have a fair game", I smirked. She returned a confident smile. Sei-san released the ball. I got the ball but Yori is already there to screen me. As expected from a captain. I looked around and looked for an escape route. No way! I tried to pass the ball but the rest are just standing. Yui stole the ball and shot it. "You cannot play basketball alone, stupid", she commented. I got irritated. "Dont underistimate me", I got the ball and released a three. People cheered. The game started to get irritating, Yui would score after I do have the score. Second half came, we were only given 5 minutes.

Flashback... at the train.
Seishirou and Yui

Yui and Sei both sighed after discussing about Kyouya and Sayuri. Sei draws out a drawing from a frame he was carrying around. It was the one that Yui drew at Yaeyama. "It's still as pretty as ever", Sei commented. "Where did you...", Yui gasped. "I asked Kyouya to look for it", Sei explained. "Its so saddening to see things", Sei added. "Yeah, I thought we could be friends. Sorry that I am also immature to overlook such things", Yui apologized. Sei slightly slapped Yui's head with the frame. "I'm saddened because you both are suffering some consequences that you didnt even plant", Sei explained.

"You both are just products of stupid mistakes in the past", Sei said while fixing the frame back.


Tachibana Yui's POV

Takuma-san is correct. The struggle we are undergoing is something we didnt even plant. I looked down at Sayuri who was on the floor. She tried to slap the ball before it enters the ring. "Winner goes to Yui's team", Sensei announced. "My deal goes like this. I am also going at Osaka", I boldly said. I looked at Takuma-san. Support me Takuma-san.  Takuma-san gave a nod and a thumbs up. Sayuri seems mortified with the thought.


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