Never Saw it Coming

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Tachibana Sayuri's POV

No way!!!!! This is way too crazy. I turned my back and fixed my hair and also checked my face using my phone. I turned again to make sure who it was. It was really Kyouya-san. To make sure, I peeked into his ear and I saw an ear piercing. It was there. I sighed and gave a smile. "Welcome back, Kisaki-san", I greeted. "Kyouya is fine. I always told you that", he scratched his nape. "You didnt tell me you're already here", I pouted. "Yeah, I visited my bestfriends first. Sorry about that", he apologized. Woah! He's really that kind of person who treausures his friends. "Good to know that you did that", I said. "Shall we?", he invited. "Where?", I asked. "I always wanted to ride the ferris wheel with you. I told you that before in one of our conversations", Kyouya-san reminded. Wait? Ferris wheel? Eih?! Its a bit early for that. Kyouya-san is starting to lead me. I just found myself standing in front of the giant ferris wheel.

"Sai? Is that you?", I heard a familiar voice. It was Kise. He looked at me and stared at Kyouya. He pouted and turned his back going to the opposite direction. "Who's that?", Kyouya asked. "Just a classmate of mine", I laughed. "I see", he let me enter the cubicle. I held unto the riles and just looked at Kyouya-san. "I was actually excited riding this. Its so high that you can feel that you're in heaven", Kyouya-san said in glee. I chuckled and just diverted my thoughts. "By the way, Kyouya-san what made you come earlier?", I asked. "Well, My friend helped me with my work that's why I was able to take an early leave", Kyouya-san answered. Kisaki International holds a great name in the industry. I wonder when would they be able to beat Blue. Blue is also a telecommunication industry plus they are the highest producers of raw materials to be used for gadgets and the like.

"Tachibana-san", Kyouya-san called out. "Sai is fine", I informed. "Sai, how are you? You've been busy these days", Kyouya-san opened. "I am actually searching for someone whom I knew in the past", I answered. "I see. I hope I could help you with that", Kyouya-san offered a hand. "Thank you. Kyouya-san where are you staying right now?", I asked him. "I'm with a friend", Kyouya-san answered. "You look great today", he said. I cant find any words to say. The ferris wheel is already at the top."Sai, you're  a bit pale. Are you okay?", Kyouya-san moved and the cubicle also did. "Dont move", I held on the riles tightly.

Kisaki Kyouya's POV

Sai is panicking a lot. I can see sweat falling on her forehead. "Sai, hold my hands", I offered my hand  and placed it in her lap. I can feel her trembling. "Trust me", I gave a smile. Sai looked at me and slowly lets go. The ferris wheel stopped and caused turbulence. Sai grabbed on my hands and closed her eyes. "Sai, it may be a lot but I want you to open your eyes", I encouraged her. "I'm scared", she shook her head. I looked outside and saw that the sun is about to go down. "Sai, this will be our first sunset together. I would like to watch it together. Sorry for forcing you out here", I apologized. Sai shook her head and opened her eyes. She looked at me. I motioned my head to look at the side where the sun in setting. "The sun... is setting", she was amazed. "I never sae sunset this high", she slowly gave a wide smile.

"There are beautiful things you see when you're on the top", I tighten my grip on her hands. "Dont be scared of high places anymore", I patted her shoulder. She smiled and nodded.

We arrived at end. She received a phone call and she excused herself since it seems to be an emergency.

Takuma Seishirou's POV

I texted Kyouya that I wont be able to go home today. I am at the hospital. Sayuri's mom suddenly collapsed. Ryou contacted me and good thing I was just at the appartment. "Is Mom going to be okay?", Ryou asked. "Erina-san will be fine", I patted his head. Erina-san is already at the ICU removing the medicines she used to overdose herself. I heard someone running towards us. I looked at her and she was all flustered. She held my arms and looked at my eyes. "What did you said a while ago?", she asked. I averted my stares. "She... tried to commit suicide", Ryou answered. I bit my lips. "Sorry, I'm a bit late... she already ingested a lot", Ryou apologized. "Its not your fault, Ryou", Sayuri hugged her brother.

Please make it! Erina-san. The doctor went out and announced that Erina-san is in a stable condition but wont be able to get conscious for several days. We were allowed to enter and move Erina-san into a private room. Sayuri went at their house to get clothes and even things needed. Ryou remained with me. "Ryou, do you have any idea why Erina-san...", I stopped talking when Ryou started to form tears. "She misses dad", Ryou answered. "Can you tell me more about that?", I went near him. "Dad... left us", he answered. "I wont tell any details... Mom might be listening", Ryou said while patting his mom's head.

I spent the night at the hospital since Ryou and Sayuri also have classes tomorrow. I insisted that I will be the one to take care of Erina-san while they are in school.

The next day, an old woman entered the room. I was started when some men also came inside. "Do you need something?", I asked. They ignored me and moved Erina-san. I tried to stop them. "I am Erina's mother. I'm bringing her home with me. Tell her kids to visit Granny", the old woman who had a serious look in her eyes said. I validated her identity and she was Erina-san's mother. I immediately told Sayuri about it.

That's so sudden. Did she tell where is she bringing mom?

Nothing. She just said that you should visit her

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