Where Are You?

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Tachibana Sayuri's POV

And with that, Kyouya-san left Japan. A week already passed. We went back to Tokyo with separate travels. Yui went back with Ryou and Chitoge. Mom stayed in Osaka. Dad and I took a bullet train. "I cant believe that Sei-san is one of.your greatest threat", I opened. Dad just laughed. "That kid.. has a lot more to learn. In addition to that, I am young to be overthrown", Dad patted my head. "Sayuri, how is his relationship with Yui?", Dad asked. I felt a pang on my chest. "Dad... I have something to tell you", I looked into his eyes. "Sayuri, you havent learn your lessons, didnt you? Focus on your feelings with Kyouya. He'll be going back to Australia after this trip", Dad smiled.

Tachibana Residence

I woke up from a nightmare. Sei-san is standing at the altar waiting for someone. The thing is, I am also beside him waiting for that person to enter. It was really the most scariest nightmare I ever had. "Sayuri, you're late", Ryou opened my door. I looked at my clock and its already 10 in the morning. "I'm not going to school today", I said. I washed myself and grabbed my bike. I rode down Sei-san's appartment. It was already empty. I called Matsuda-sensei but he never picked his phone. I called Sei-san almost 10 times but he's not picking it up. I ended up heading at the university. That's where I learned that Sei-san had been fooling me all this time. He wasnt even a student of that university. Where else could he go?! Why? I've been with him all this time but why cant I even find him? A hand dropped on my shoulder. "If we havent gone to school together, then they will have suspicions", Yui suprisingly made me calm down. "Takuma-san contacted me. I just want you to know. He's in a safe place. Sorry that I cannot tell you where he is right now", Yui bowed. "Take good care of him. And also... when you visit him again. Can you deliever something for him?", I swallowed my pride. Yui chuckled and gave a nod. I grabbed on her hands. "Tell him that I am waiting for Seishirou", I said with my eyes looking into pairs of golden orbs. "This is gambling, Sayuri", Yui gently removed my hand then walked away.

Tachibana Yui's PO V

Sayuri grabbed on my hands and also asked for a favor. Maybe, this is a blessing in disguise. Takuma-san lived at a condominium at the center of the city. I took the elevator and stood in front of his place. I gulped and pushed the doorbell. It took him sometime to open it. His eyes are swollen and his skin was paler. "Are you eating?", I asked. I entered his place and went directly at his kitchen. I am quite nervous. It's my first time to me with a guy alone in his place aside from Kyouya. "I'm going to help", he chopped the vegetables. "What would be your plan?", I asked. "I wanted to save my brother, Sayuri, and also Kyouya", he smiled. "Just so you know, you cannot save everyone. You have to sacrifice someone", I sighed. "Sorry Yui. That's why I need to sacrifice you", Takuma-san hanged his arms around my shoulders. "Sorry, Yui that I will use you", Takuma-san whispered. I laughed and grabbed on his hands. "Make sure that you dont fall in love with me", I smiled. He lets go and he look startled. "Why?", I asked. "I was expecting you to slap me", Takuma-san covered his face. "I am not Sayuri. Always remember that", I smiled.

I prepared the table and called Takuma-san. The place describes Takuma-san. It was almost black and white but the place is still warm. "Sayuri gave me a message delievery", I said and he stopped eating. "Dont say it", Takuma-san covered his ears. "I will be waiting, Seishirou", I said. It doesnt matter if he heard it or not. What's important is that I already said it. Takuma-san discussed some of his plans. I dont find it wrong but one thing is for sure. Everyone will be hurt with his decision. I gave Takuma-san a final glance and he had a smile plastered on his face.

Tachibana Residence

"Who told you that you can just barge in?!", Sayuri shouted at the door. "Yes yes... just let me in", I pushed her inside and also sat at the living room. Ryou gave me lemon juice and somw cookies. "Those were left overs", he warned. I gave him a smile. Sayuri sat opposite to me. She crossed her arms and looked at the vase at our side. "Sayuri. Can you trust me for the last time?", I asked. She just nodded. "No matter what happens. Trust me, okay?", I repeated. "Shut it Yui. Even if you're an idiot. You're not as evil as I am", Sayuri closed her eyes. "If Sei-san wanted you to be my replacement, I will forgive you for that. Because I know... no one can ever replace me", Sayuri looked at me with a victory smile. I laughed and throw a pillow ag her. "You are so full of yourself, tch", I clicked my tongue. Can this time be stopped? I'm so happy that I am also afraid that this will be robbed from us again. Can I have one wish before my birthday? Please make Sayuri the most happiest person in the world.

Takuma Seishirou's POV

Living alone in this huge place is lonely and almost depressing. I scrolled down my phone contact to talk with someone but I ended up throwing my phone on my bed.

"You cannot save everyone".

My phone received a notification. Brother sent me a photo of him and his girlfriend.

"Sorry Seishirou... I gave you another burden. In the next life, can you be my brother again? But then, sorry that I am such a useless person. Thank for freeing me from father's cage but I cant help but think about you. Can you just give me another 2 months then I can replace you there", Matsuda

"Idiot. You dont even know something about business. Keep your focus on your marriage. I will deal with father", Sei.

"Thank you, Sei. You are really such a nice person", Matsuda.

I am not a nice person. I kept a horrible secret from Kyouya. I used Yui. And I will be more horrible in the future. I have to take my place in the company for my brother. Doing this, I will come in contact with Kyouya's father and have a clash on our companies. I will have to make Kyouya believe that I am only interested with Yui and that would make us fair if his relationship with Sayuri succeed. In that way, we will have an equal stand in Nikki-san's eyes. Whomever Nikki-san would give the chair to will be his decision. In that case, brother can have a free life. Kyouya gets Sayuri and both of them will be happy. My head hurts. Its such a simple task to do, isnt it?

Hmmm... I hate complicated things.
Coz sometimes...

They dont make sense.

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