What If: A detour of Events

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What if I wasn't that of a coward?

What if I was more decisive?

What if I wasn't that selfish?

What if I was more honest?

Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!

The raven head sat straight after staying awake for the entire night. Things changed ever since she knew about the real identity of her friend. Things also changed when she started opening her heart for someone else.

"Tachibana Sayuri", Ryounuske knocked on the door. "I'm going to sleep now", Sai said with irritation. "It's 5 in the morning, you lazy head. Time for jogging. Your promised me and Chitoge that we'll be going for a jog", Ryou knocked harder. "Why don't you guys go together? It'll be more romantic that way", Sai clicked her tongue.


"You're late for 30 minutes", Yui crossed her arms. "Someone here doesn't know how to honor her words", Ryou sighed. Yui saw dark circles under Sai's eyes. "You guys go ahead. We'll be catching up", Yui smiled.

Yui went to get some canned coffee from the vending machine. Both of them sat at the bench. "What's the deal?", Yui asked while opening the canned coffee. "Do you think... Sei will be staying at Australia for good?", Sai looked at Yui. "Well, he has responsibilities to take. He's such a good guy that's why he'll do what it takes to save his brother, Kyouya, you and me from all possible misfortune", Yui answered. "Why is he so nice? No one told him to do it", Sai stood up. "How about Kyouya? Is Sei the only reason why you haven't slept well last night?", Yui opened.

"Kyouya? Now that you mentioned... I'm not sure... how am I suppose to respond to his feelings", Sai sat down and shook her head. "Don't you dare hurt him so much. If you do, hurt him in the most graceful way as possible", Yui pinched her nose. "Yui. How about you? Are you just going to give up with Kyouya like that?", Sai asked. Yui leaned on the bench and looked at the sky. "On a second thought, I think it will take some time to really accept it", Yui chuckled for a while. "What is it that you have to accept?", Sai bit her lips. "It's the fact that he won't look at me the way I look at him. That's because of you", Yui answered straightforwardly. "So...rry", Sai clenched her fist. "Idiot. Don't apologize because of that. I'm just satisfied that Kyouya isn't in love with anyone else", Yui gave a bright smile. Sai felt a pang on her chest. Will she also be able to say it to the girl who Sei would in love with?

If I hurt Kyouya, Yui will also get hurt.

"Tomorrow, Kyouya asked me to ride the cruise with him", Sai informed. "You're so heartless to tell me that", Yui flicked her forehead. "That time...maybe.... I will have to...", Sai stuttered. "When you give out an answer, make sure it's a decision that you yourself created. Don't decide because it's what other people tell you. Don't decide because the situation pushes you to do it", Yui stood up and started to walk away. "I'll be joining the two", Yui ran away.

Yui ran as fast as she can and reached the river side. Tears are falling on her cheeks. That's not what she really wanted to tell. Who is she fooling? But what can she do?

"I was wondering who's that pretty lady running as if there's someone is there to kill her", Yui heard a familiar voice. "What are you doing here?", she asked without even looking back. "Am I not allowed to come back?", Sei chuckled. He passed some energy drink to Yui. They both sat at the grassy plains. "How about work?", Yui asked. "I was given some day offs", Sei smiled. Yui stared at his face. He's more composed this time. Unlike the previous months, Sei seemed to be more confident this time.

"Sei, I like you", Yui confessed. Sei chocked upon hearing it. His surprised face was priceless. Yui bursted out in laughter. "Don't scare me like that", Sei sighed. Yui stretched his face. "Are you sure of teasing me a lot? I'm the owner of the BLUE", Sei hummed. "Yeah. I knew Sei even before he owned the BLUE.", Yui lets go of his face. "What will you do if Kyouya confessed to Sai?", Yui asked. Sei didn't give an answer and just smiled. "I know you won't oppose or what", Yui said in disappointment. "Want to go to the cruise with me?", Sei invited. "No way. I don't...Want to", Yui is trying to save the confession.

The Next Day

Cruise- Sayuri's Room

She wore a red dress and applied some make up. She should at least look worthy standing beside a handsome fellow. She heard someone knocking. She opened it and it was the tall blonde. "Shall we?", Kyouya offered his hand.

If I take this hand, what happens next?

Sayuri took his hand and walked at the corridor. Kyouya's grip makes Sayuri feels so safe. It's like he'll do anything to protect her and won't let go no matter what. Unlike Sei's grip, it's loose enough to escape any minute. It also seems that he will let go anytime. "Is there something bothering you?", Kyouya asked. Sayuri shook her head and just marvelled upon how Kyouya looks mature on his clothe. Yellow polo  fits him perfectly. Kyouya lets out some puns to make Sayuri laugh.

They ended at the balcony. The view is spectacular. You can see the whole horizon. It's a perfect position to watch the sunset. "Sayuri, do you know why crow is like a writing desk?", Kyouya asked. Sayuri tilted her head. She once read it before. "There's no answer to that riddle", Sayuri answered. "I know that Sei sacrificed a lot. He's the nicest guy in the whole world. We've been friends ever since I remember. When he cares for a person, he really will go an extra mile just to make that person happy. I'm nothing compared to him. All I have... is my honest feelings for you", Kyouya looked at the horizon. He lets go of Sayuri's hand.

"Thats why... if people ask me what do I have or who am I to deserve you...I wont have an answer just like the riddle I just asked. I don't have any answer", he leaned on the railings. Sayuri also looked at the same direction. The sun is already making the water painted in autumn color. "Kyouya-san?", Sayuri was uncomfortable with the silence. 

The music started playing. "Care for a dance?", Kyouya asked. Sayuri gave a smile and accepted the invitation. "Aren't you going to ask for my answer?", Sayuri asked while they are dancing. "Funny but then, I already know the answer", Kyouya scratched his nape. "What do you mean?", Sayuri was curious. "Sayuri, what do you feel about Sei?", Kyouya stopped and the two froze for a while.

Sai looked at pair of golden orbs.

Chapter end.

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