chapter 1. Fire on Ice

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You're pov.***

I was walking away from the hell hole I should call Home, my mother had another 'special visitor' over. I hated it I wanted to skate and I wanted to see my Unkel and Dad again......they were the only ones that cared for me....well my aunt also cared for me but she was a Ballerina and I was more interested in skating, my Friend Mari says I'm WAY to 'cool' or I have to big of an attitude to be Gentle and graceful, I CAN BE GRACEFUL AND GENTLE!.......Well.......I could be.....I guess......So anyway I was walking on the streets of Russia, I would walk to release my anger or to try and forget everything but this time I was walking so I could just stay away from home........I looked at my Phone and saw it was out of Battery 'WHAT BUT IT WAS 100% WHEN I LEFT! jeez how long have I been gone??!' I thought to myself as I then went inside some sports store and looked for a watch, then I saw it was 22:45!? Ok mom's goanna be SO pissed when I get back....Ugh. I made my way back Home but on the way I bumped into someone.
"OUCH! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING BAKA!!" I yelled at the person, I started getting up but I got pushed back down....

"OI WHAT THE H-' I started shouting but was soon cut off by a strong male voice.

"DON'T SHOUT AT ME YOU BITCH!" the person yelled at me. DID HE JUST CALL ME A B- oh he crossed the damn line. Just as I was about to get up the person placed his boot on my stomach and pushed me down, I whimpered in pain since that was a place I had gotten cut when I was fighting with some asshole......

"Get OFF!" I yelled at the person, I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was a guy. He said something in Russian but I didn't pay attention. Oh did I mention I was wearing a hood to cover up the cuts on my face from when mom was drunk? Well now you know.

Suddenly I felt him placing himself on my stomach, I could smell his Drunken ass breath and I knew he knew me.....

"Well, well, well, guess I've hit the jackpot, you're the Sluts kid! Oh I'm goanna have fun tonight"

I wasn't scared but I didn't want anything to happen and since he was holding me in place so I screamed


Mila's Pov***

I heard someone scream outside my window so I looked out of curiosity, I noticed a girl being held down by an older guy. I rushed out the Door and kicked the guy in the face

"HOW DARE YOU!?" the guy screamed at me, I continued kicking him until he ran away, I looked down at the (h/c) *hair colour* haired girl and saw  the bruises on her face

"Here...." I extend my hand out to her "let me help you look pretty messed up. OMG WAIT I KNOW YOU!"

you're Pov. ***

I looked at the girl.....She had short dark red hair, her light skin and blue eyes shone in the moonlight, her voice was very.....umm.....very Light?? I don't know.....I looked at her and then it snapped in my 17 year old brain IT WAS MILA! she was a student my uncle trained, wow she looked so mature now......

"Mila!! Hey! How are you?! How's my uncle?!" I bambarded her with questions. I ended up sleeping at Mila's house since mine was far away and it was like one in the morning.

-the Next Day-

I woke up the sun kissing my skin, I took up and stretched before looking at my now FULLY charged phone
'13:22' 'Wow I slept that long?!' I run over to the Bathroom, brush my teeth then I grabbed an apple, washed it and ran to Mila's room while eating my Apple, when I opened the door she wasn't there, I looked down at her bed an saw a Note, it read......

'Dear (y/n) I'm at the Skating Kingdom *Don't judge me!!!* I'm here with you're uncle! He just came from Japan with Yurio/Yuri- that's how he likes to be called but we tease him by calling him Yurio! Anyway, you can come over here, it's not that far away just go to you're right, down the hill Then go left, you'll see a big building in white and blue, if you do come you'll get to meet Yurio! You know you 2 share the same attitude! So you'll get along. Hope to see you there
Love Mila!'

I groan at the letter, first off that hill is pretty long 2nd My mom's goanna kill me and 3rd I don't think a person named Yurio with my attitude would be a great person to meet.....oh well I don't really have a choice, I bet Mila told my uncle about me coming and he's waiting for me plus I haven't seen him on year's so it'll be nice!

-30 minutes Later-

'OK now I take a Left??? Ugh I hope I'm going the right way....her-' my thoughts were cut short by someone pushing me I wouldn't let ANYONE get away with touching me, I grabbed the person by the hood and pulled him towards me

"WHAT THE-" the person started to say as it fell down

"Don't think you're getting away with pushing me!" I growled at the blonde haired boy in front of me, he hissed and stood up, THEN HE PUSHED ME!

"Whatcha' goanna do about it, huh?"

I growled at him again and stomped on his foot making him grab it and rub it while sorta whining

"Apolagise" I demand. He just looks at me in an annoyed way.


"WELL YOU STARTED BY PUSHING ME!" I stated, he grabbed the colar *sorry I misspelled that* of my shirt and brought me to his hight while glaring at me and I grabbed his shirt and did the same. We glared at each other but I got caught in his eyes, they were so beau- No, No, No, Stop it!! Just as he was goanna say something I heard a familiar voice call out to me

"(Y/N)!! What are you doing?!" IT WAS MY UNCLE! I was glad to hear his voice but I couldn't stop staring at the blonde boy's eyes, then the boy scoffed and pushed me away from him while turning around and entering a big Building where my Uncle stood by the door, I quickly ran over to him and jumped in his arms, we hugged eachother then we both entered the building, we went to the rink and I saw Mila skating around, I just couldn't get those turquoise eyes out of my was like the boy put some sort of spell on me. I felt something hit my foot, it hurt like hell! I grabbed my foot and tried making the pain go away, I was ready to punch the person who did this in the face

"WHAT-" I cut myself off when I saw who it was.......'That boy!!' He smirked at me and leaned in to whisper in my ear

"that was payback for earlier" I couldn't stop the blush from creeping onto my face, I was at loss of words! I'M NEVER AT LOSS OF WORDS I ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD COMEBACK or something but now......I looked away and I could see or I think I saw a small blush on his face before leaving, I mean to be honest it was REALLY cold here so I wouldn't be surprised if anyone's face turned red.


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