chap. 10 it's the Little things

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You're Pov.***

It's been a while since the Incident, I'm back to normal! And I might or might not have skated......hihi TODAY IS THE DAY ME YURIO- I MEAN YURI SKATE IN THE COMPETITION!
Yuri said I shouldn't freak so much BUT I CAN'T STOP! IT'S MY FIRST COMPETITION! and I don't want to hurt Yuri if we lose......UGH

"(Y/n)! You're ruining you're hair! Stay still!" Lila yells while doing my hair. Then she'll do my make-up I'm actually quite excited for my hair, costume and make up! Yuri and I had matching outfits which was weird but fun!

 Then she'll do my make-up I'm actually quite excited for my hair, costume and make up! Yuri and I had matching outfits which was weird but fun!

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(That's you're Dress! You can pick the colours!)

Finally Lila was done with my hair and make up, I couldn't be happier! I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror........I was.......amazing! I've never looked better! And I don't really like make-up so that's a first.

I walked out of my chaging room with a 'Russia' jacket on, Yuri wasn't done yet so I walked around trying to calm myself down, I was walking with headphones on my ear listening to *favourite band* I walked into someone accidently, I rubbed my head and looked up to see.......OH HELL NO!

"WHA?! (Y/N)??! WHY ARE YOU HERE??" My Fricking EX said

"Doesn't matter!" I huffed turning around to walk away

"Awwww does little (y/n) not love me anymore" he laughed, and I could hear some others laughing

"Not even a bit!" I yelled walking up to him so that we were face to face

"Oh Hey Personal space baby" he said with a smirk

"you don't have any!" I growled

"'Cause you never gave me any, oh ho ho are you SKATING ha! I didn't think YOU could do anything exempt whine fur-ball" he said leaning in so we were nose to nose

"Well I am, and I'm goanna beat you're ass like I promised I would" I said backing away from him with a disgusted look on my face

"Oh? And who might you're partner be?" He asked grabbing a tall and beautiful read haired girl.....wait I knew that girl! She was the one at the Caffeteria!

"This is MY Girlfriend, Angel" he said smirking

Suddenly I saw his face losing colour as a hand snaked it's way around my waist. I smirked

"And this is mine, Yuri Plisetsky"

"Y-YURI Plisetsky??" He stuttered, he was always a big fan of his, but when they first skated against each other he didn't want to be like him anymore, he became scared of Yuri and now he's going to face him again

"Yeah, problem?!" Yuri says giving my ex a death glare

"U-Ummm no not at a-all I ummm I-"
He stuttered

"WE should go Yuri, we don't want to waist our time" I say giving my ex's partner a date glare for flirting with Yuri.

Yuri huffed at my Ex and we walked away.

"Hey you ok?" He asked when we were out of sight

"I don't know......Hans *not from Frozen!!* has always been very mean, he always manipulated me somehow and.......-" I say biting my lip

"I'm here, no one will touch you as long as I'm here got it? We're going to win and you're going to show that HANS guy you're better and that you can do whatever you want" he assures me. He leaned in and hugged me tightly, I hugged him back with just as much affection.

"Yuri.......?" I whispered to him

"Hmmm?" He hums in response

"I.......I think I love you......" I whisper biting my lip hoping this wouldn't ruin anything......

"...........really??" He asks pushing me gently away and looking at my face

"Y-Yes.....and I understand if you-" I start saying before I felt something touch my lips gently

He started pulling away but I pulled him back into the kiss, we stayed like that for a while, Yuri bit my lower lip and I happily opened my mouth, he slid his tough in exploring his new terretory, I slight moan escaped my mouth and I could feel his smirk. Suddenly we stopped at the sound of cameras flashing I was embarrassed as hell and what made it better is that a sting of saliva was still connecting our mouths. GOD DAMN SALIVA!

The paparazi started screaming questions at us, I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Yuri put his hand around me and started speaking

"*full name* is the person I love with my hole life, we are going to skate together and win. Now MOVE WE NEED OUR PRIVACY TOO!" he yelled the last part.

My face flushed red, he looked at me and laughed hugging me

"(Y/n) are the only person to bring my walls down, the only person I've loved in a while.......will you be my Girlfriend? I promise to protect you a-" he started saying the last part pretty fast wich made me laugh

"Yuri.....You're so cute when you're embarrassed!" I say looking at him with a smile

"Well you're cuten ALL the time" he said laughing while nuzzeling our noses.

Suddenly the speaker called our names and we ran to the Rink, Me and Yuri both took our jackets off handing them to Yakov and I handed Lila the blades rubber part *I don't know the name!!!* Yuri grabbed my hand and we skated to the middle of the rink, I looked around and saw MILLIONS OF ROWS OF PEOPLE. Yuri saw me freaking out and squeezed my hand, I looked at him and he smiled at me


I laughed at Yuri's reaction to that comment. Finally We were in the middle, Yuri and I stood back to back, the music started and I skated away, Yuri stayed in place, I skated around showing a hurt Beauty walking around an old city where children were playing, I stopped and Yuri started skating, he showed a happy young man, he was very rich but he never loved, he bumped into the girl and so We skated together, Yuri lifted me up and we continued showing they're love story, we were near the end of the Song where a Girl cried but sang at the same time, the girl was shown walking to her lovers house only to find him Dead, I started skating faster and faster, my tears were real and the judges noticed them, I jumped and fell just like in the studio, I showed the girl wanting to kill herself when Suddenly Yuri picked me up, we skated and skated I felt like we were the only ones there, we jumped a triple Axel in sync and we danced in sync not missing one emotion, Yuri stood at the End of the Rink on the left and I on the right.
We skated towards each other and Yuri fell on one knee and grabbed my hand gently while I lifted my right foot making me stand on my tip toes.

"Yes, I will be yours" I say looking Yuri in the eyes

The crowd went CRAZY and I could see tears in the judges eyes. Yuri grabbed me and the lights were on again, he looked so simple.....I looked at him not daring to ruin the moment. Yuri grabbed me and gave me a small kiss before taking my hand again skating for a bit before getting off the Ice.

Yakov and Lila were both crying, Then I felt someone hug me, I turned around to see Viktor and Yuuri,
Yuri and I both ran to the kiss and cry looking at our score......"108.33 which puts them in 1st! I jumped up and Yuri hugged me we hugged each other and my eyes began to tear again.

"Yuri, what do you find good about me? What made you love me?" I ASK before going to the chaging room

"You're personality, the way you changed me.......the way you make me feel......they way you're eyes look at me and only me.....the way you make everyone happy when they're down...."

"Those are......small things people never noticed....." I say looking amazed

"It's the small things that make us perfect" he said kissing my forehead then entering the chaging room

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