chap. 12 I Can't keep myself away

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You're Pov.***

It's been weeks since I've seen Yuri, my Unkle let me see him after those 4 days but he's been so buys with training for the grand prix. I know it's stupid of me to say but.......I have this bad feeling about my Boyfriend, like he's......seen someone else....everytime we were together like for a coffee or on a Date he would get a call or so then he would leave saying he had some important business.....I just really miss him and I.....NO he wouldn't dare cheat! He knows me he knows I will make sure if he cheats he feels pain......well that's what I want him to feel.....I'm afraid that if he knows the truth he'll cheat and use me just like the others.......

I've been in 3 relationships......I'm left the first one for cheating on me, the second one used me then broke up with me and........Yuri.......I'm afraid he's got to much attention from paparazi and that he's to popular, I'm afraid he'll leave me......

"Hey, you still on planet Earth?" Yuri says taking a sip of his coffee......he hasn't smiled at me for weeks

"Yuri?" I ask, voice braking

"Yeah?" He asks not looking at me, he was looking past me to the side. He didn't even notice a tear fall down my cheek

"YURI!" I yell making him look at me

"WHAT?!" He asks annoyed

"What is going on with you?!" I ask my lip quivering

"What d-"


"(y/n) stop, you're drawing unwanted attention" he says


"(y/n)......." he says not daring to look me in the eyes

"TELL ME THE TRUTH DAMN IT!" I yes smashing my hand against the table

"No......I haven't been Training....." he says looking up at me

"WHO IS THAT BRUNETTE YOU'RE ALWAYS WITH?! WHY DO YOU KEEP LYING TO ME?!!" I yell, I couldn't pretend to not notice anymore....he was always with some Brunette, he didn't have any time for me, he's so distant......

"(Y/n)......please, I'm not like the others, I would never do anything t-" he starts to say

"You k-keep telling me t-that! But look at me! Look at me!" I yell making him grab my hand and start wiping tears away from my face. I slap his hand away making him whimper

"You know what THEY did to me, you know I CAN'T go through that again, you know me.......why.....why do you do this to me?" I ask lowering my voice with every word

"(Y/n) let me explain" he says grabbing my hand and kissing it, I nod and let him wipe my tears away
"I love you, I'm sorry I haven't been like I was, But you're Unkle says my career is falling and I need to do more things to keep it up, that Woman is helping me, that's all......please b-" he was cut off by his phone beeping.

I couldn't help but look since it was on the table, My eyes widen at the messege

'Yuri......where are you? You said you'd keep that GF of yours from becoming suspicious, and it's been like 20 min. It's lonely in the bed....'

"WAIT N-" Yuri said as he grabbed his phone and pushed it in his pocket

"YOU SON OF A- I KNEW IT! WERE DONE!" I yell standing up and grabbing my purse.

"NO WAIT I CAN ESPLAIN!" He yells grabbing my hand.

"NO YOU CAN'T! WE.ARE.DONE!" I yell smacking my hand away from his. I start walking off trying not to cry

"no please, I love you only you!" He says grabbing me by the waist

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yell again pushing him away "I can't go through something like this again Yuri!...." I say looking him in the eye

"I-I won't l-let you slip a-away again, please give me a chance to explain" he says full on crying now, I've never seen him cry like this before so I gave in

"F-Fine......." I say wiping a tear away with my sleeve

We ended up going to Lila's House in my room. We talked about everything, that brunette was flirting with Yuri the whole time, he even showed me the texts. He was right. And because of the fight we had his Population grew because of the way he acted. Everyone likes us, we're a power couple now.

"........I'm very sorry I made such a big show....." I say hugging him

"It's ok to be jelous" he says laughing
"I'm just glad we fixed this.....hey there might be a way to make it up to me" he says the last part with a smirk I know all to well

"Oh?" I say dragging my finger across his inner thigh "what might that be?" I ask getting on top of him *you were both sitting not lying down*

"Buy me Pizza of course!" He says with cat like eyes, that stupid smirk never leaving him

"........Ok......" I say sexily, trying to turn him on. As I was SLOWLY getting off him he pulls me back so I was sitting in his lap

"I forgot something...." he says kissing me

"Hmmm?...." I ask rubbing myself slightly on him

"I want some *favourite food* with that!" He says happily

I groan and smack his back, How DARE he?!

"You're no fun Yurio.....~!" I say kissing his neck. I then got up to get the phone to order some pizza and *favorite food*. Just as I turned around to get the phone Yuri smacked my ass, I stopped walking and truned my head to the side

"Beg if you want it" I say- well more like ordered him to do.

He smirked his famous smirk and clicked his tongue "nah I'm good"

"Fine, I'm sure someone else might want it" I say turning around and leaving the room

"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE DOG!" He yells running after me

He pinned me to the wall while tracing his hand down my body, I lifted my thigh to his hip and pushed him closer to me while biting my lip

"Beg if you want it" he says Just the way I said it

"......Nah" I say pushing him off me. I then ordered the food and we put a movie on

"So......what are you going to do with that brunette?" I ask taking a piece of pizza

"She's bound to give up sometime" Yuri says while eating *favourite food*

"What if she doesn't?" I ask looking to my side so I could see him

"Then we.........I don't know......we...." he trails off waving his hands around

"Hihi ok ok calm down" I say giggling

"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN YOU'RE HERE?!" he asks putting the food away

"Hmmmm is there any way I can help?" I ask still eating my Pizza like a 5 year old would

"Yeah, can you get me something to drink?" He asks taking my pice of Pizza from my hand

"DUDE don't touch my fricking food!" I say offended "and get you're own Drink grandpa!" I continue while taking my Pizza back

He huffs before saying something "I'm no grandpa (y/n). And I can prove it" he says throwing the Pizza off my lap. He grabs my neck and starts kissing me

OK I was really into it, but I didn't want to show it

"You know I'm thirsty too, mind getting me Water?" I ask through the Kiss

"we can help you with that" he whispered in my neck. I gulp as he stands up

"Well? Aren't you thirsty?" He asks giving me a water bottle

"OMG YURI! you just- you UGH you can't do that!" I yell at him frustrated

"C'mon you need some rest. Love you" he says laughing.

He picked me up and put me in my Bed, he kissed my forehead then left the room.

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