chap. 7 I HATE HER

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You're Pov. \(°•^)/

I woke up pretty late since Viktor wanted to talk about me and Yuri the WHOLE NIGHT so anyway. Today Yuri had to train until around 7 pm so I was pretty alone since everyone else had training as well......I thought I could do whaterver since everyone was busy but Lila had other plans.

I went to the Bathroom to take a shower. I brushed my Hair and realised it had grown since last week, I put a white long sleeved shirt one that only covered one shoulder, a pair of black jeans and I put White boots on to make everything fit together.

I walked to the Kitchen and grab an orange. I finish eating the Orange and grab my headphones. I plug the headphones into my phone and start playing my favourite songs. I walk around the new eighberhood I was living in. I didn't notice it but I started singing to a song on my play list.

"'Cause I can't admit that you got all the strings and know just how to pull them.........I THINK I'M IN LOVE AGAIN~! I THINK I'M IN LOVE AGAIN I didn't think it could be true let alone that it would be you.....~!" I sang along to the Song forgetting to look where I was walking. If I was a judge I would give my Voice 100 stars. I was a really good singer but I only liked to sing when I was alone.

Suddenly I walked into someone my Headphones fell out and I looked to see who it was......great...

"Aunt Lila? What are you doing here??" I ask hugging her.

"Well I need you're help. Yurio just can't be the perfect ballerina I need him to be. I trained you when you were young so now you can help me" she said. I was about to comment but she pulled me into the car and drove off. When we git there I finally got to say something well.......actually I STARTED saying something.....

"Auntie I don't-"

"Have the right costume to wear? Dint worry darling I got you one now C'mon" she said pulling me inside the Studio.


I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror........I had a white and Black ballerina dress on well it wasn't an original one it was more of a Figure skating kind of Ballerina dress....I hope that makes sense anyway, my Hair was Cought up in a bun with a braid around it


I put on the 'special' shoes and made my way to the room my Aunt was in. When I stepped in no one was there, I looked at the number of the door and it read 23 so I was at the right one.....I stepped inside and looked at myself through the much bigger mirror, I sighed and walked over to a Chair, a bag was placed on it and a water bottle was next to it. The water bottle had the Name 'Yuri P.' Written on it so I knew I was in the right room.

I put my hands on my waist and huffed 'where are they?!' I ask myself. I look down at my foot and raise it slightly so I was on my tippy toes, I heard a song play and I realised I knew the song. It was the song I danced to since I was a Kid. I smiled and put myself into a position.

I heard the first vers start playing and so I continued dancing.

My Hand went above my head as if reaching for something then I jumped and landed with my head down, holding my body. I raised my head and made a cicle with my foot, the saddest vers came on from my song and I could feel a tear roll down my face, I jumped and remembered Laila say "you have to fall (y/n) this is the part where the girl wants to commit suicide since her only Love died" I was young so I didn't understand the pain the girl was going through. But now I understand.

I felt someone lift me up. I turn around and see Yuri smiling at me, I smile back and we continue Dancing until the song ends. Yuri runs towards me and falls next to me on one foot. He grabs my hand and I lift my right foot making me balance myself on my tip toe. Yuri and I look into each others eyes and stay like that until the music in the bak ground stops. I instantly fall from the pain on my foot Yuri catches me and we both smile at each other a mirror on the far left opens 'WAIT that's a door?? Huh the more you know.....' I think while my Aunt comes into the room, she's crying out of happiness

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