33. The birds and the Bees text

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You're Pov.

I was sitting on Yuri's lap scrolling through my phone when I got hungry.

"I'm hungry" I say after closing my phone and turning to Yuri.

Yuri looks down from his phone and gives me a small kiss "go grab some food then"

I frown "Why don't you get me some???" I whine.

"Because I'm on the phone with Otabek" he replies as he gets another notification.

"Ugh sometimes I honestly feel like you're Gay with Otabek" I mutter getting up.

"Maybe I am" Yuri says with a smirk. My eyes grow wide as I look down at him "BUT WE FUCKED!" I exclaim. Yuri starts laughing "I'm joking!" He says with a smile. I sigh happily before walking to the kitchen and looking around for something to eat.

"Hmmm? Oh!" I smile grabbing some honey and some bisquits.

I was about to start eating when I get a notification. I grab my phone and unlock it.

Viktor has created a Chat group.

I look at everyone who was in the group to try and see if I could figure out ahead of time what's going on.


Viktor: hello children!

Minami: hello Viktor!!

Y/n: Children??

Yurio: I'm not a child!!! And my name is YURI not YURIO!

Y/n: whatever, no one is going to listen to you YURIO.

Yurio: OI! Don't make me come over there and punish the shit out of you!

Minami: 😨

Y/n: I'd like to see you try!

Minami: 😲 lol she got you good Yurio!

Yurio: DON'T CALL ME THAT!! And she didn't. Get ready Y/n, you won't be able to walk for weeks when I'm done with you.

Viktor: AND this is why I made this chat room.

Otabek: Let me guess....The birds

Yuuri: and the bees! Correct Otabek!

Yurio: No

Y/n: are you guys drunk??

Minami: wait what are the Birds and the Bees????

Viktor: that's what you're here to find out!

Yuri: So Y/n has come back and we know Yuri has missed her....

Chris: and he's hoping to get some!

Minami: I am SO confused rn

Yuuri: correct Chris.

Yurio: WTF?!

Viktor: Children I'm teaching you about SAFE.SEX.

Y/n: PFFFT HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh Viktor if only you knew...

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