23 - I missed you so

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Yuri's Pov.

My heart stopped when her soft voice said my name. I missed her voice SO much. I starred down at her as she lifter her head to see me. Her tear filled eyes made me want to hug her tightly, her swollen lips made me want to kiss her and comfort her and her voice made me want to hear her sing.

"Oh sorry. I didn't know we had guests...." she said trying to smile.

My eyes got watery but I quickly blink the tears away.

"Don't mention it" I say walking over to her. "What happened??"

She took in a deep breath before signaling me to sit down next to her which I did. "My Boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend" she says starting to cry again.

I gently wipe her tears away before pulling back. She grabbed my hand with both her small and soft hands and placed them on her face gently.

She blushed and let my hand go making me smile.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm doing this but-"

"Don't worry.....I'm glad to be here and help you" I say running my hand through her beautiful (h/c) hair which I missed so.

"So what's you're name...?" She asks clearing her throught and putting on a smile.

"You really can't remember....?" I whisper.

"Huh-?" I cut her off.

"Yuri, Yuri Plisetsky" I say looking her dead in the eyes.

"Really?? Wow that's a new thing. I don't know why I said Yuri but whatever. I'm (Y/n) (L/n)" *last name*

She smiles.

I nod my head and stand up.

"Where are you going??" She asks looking at me.

I let out a small chuckle "I'm not going anywhere. Here...." I say helping her up.


"Ummmm what???" She asks looking at Viktor.

"OH! THIS HURTS ME SO.....YOU CAN'T REMEMBER YOU'RE OWN FATHER!" he cries placing his hand on his heart.

"MY WHAT?!" (y/n) asks with big eyes.

"UMMMM he's sick! Yup! He's sick. He's not you're Father. I'm Yuuri Katsuki by the way" Yuuri smiles shaking (Y/n)'s hand gently.

"(Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you" (y/n) smiles.

I felt my heart crash....I'm sure Viktor felt the same way.....I walked out of the house and ran towards a park since the rain had stopped.

I got on a bridge and looked down at the soft water filled with fishes. Tears slowly slid down my face as I remembered (y/n) and I's moments together. I wish she would remember me.....I looked up at the sky and wiped my tears away.

"Why can't you remember me.....? Our love was supposed to be strong.... Nothing was supposed to come between us!" I look back down while clutching my fists.

Sure enough Otabek started calling me. I looked down at my phone and answered.

"Hey.....Otabek...." I greet.

"Sup Yuri" he sighed "What's wrong now-"

"(Y/n).....She's here...." I say running a hand through my hair.

"Really? That's great! You two can finally-"

"No Bekka.....She can't remember any of us....." I sob.

".....That's rough.....Sorry man. Maybe if you take her to some places...."

"Were in Belgia! Or whatever the name is.....I can't help her remember, she looked at me and I was just an unknown guy in her eyes.....Plus Rikky......" I add sadly.

"You don't love Rikky." Otabek stated.

"WHAT??! YES I D-"

"No. You don't. You still love (Y/n). Rikky doesn't even care for you"


"So eating you're money, hanging out with her 'friends' everyday and not even caring about you is caring??"


"No she doesn't. C'mon Yuri stop lying to yourself. Just try and help (Y/n) remember. I gotta go. Call me later, k?"

"Yeah.....See ya Bekka..." I sigh sadly. Closing my phone I start walking around.

'How can I help her remember....? Maybe we should go for a coffee...? Ugh no those are bad memories...... Maybe......I can.....skate?? But.....Where...?' I ask myself when I get a message from Viktor.

StupidGayDogLover: YURIO!

Me: what do you want??!

StupidGayDogLover: we need to make (Y/n) come with us to Puerto riko and Russia! We can help her remember!!!

Me: and HOW are we goanna do that??

StupidGayDogLover: Easy, you two need to start dating again!

Me: ...😾 you're an Idiot. I'm already dating Rikky!

StupidGayDogLover: She doesn't love you. And if you do this you help ALL of us! Don't you want to help (Y/n)??

Me: Of course I want to... Find a different way and I'll consider it.... Maybe....


-StupidGayDogLover logged out-

Me: NO!! VIKTOR! shit...

-End of conversation-

I sighed loudly.....What am I goanna do??! I can't look her in the eyes and not remember our past! It's impossible.....I walk back to the house where we were currently staying at not knowing what to expect...

'Hey wait a minute.....Maybe I CAN help her remember.....Aria DID say she was a good Skater so how could she know of she didn't see her skate! I bet there's a rink around here where I can help her remember...!'
I think to myself while opening the door.

When I do I'm greeted with loud music, people arguing and the smell of Katsudon...

I sigh and close the door before walking into the livingroom to see Viktor and (Y/n) arguing...

"STOP ACTING LIKE MY DAD! YOU'RE NOT-" (Y/n) starts yelling but her mother cuts her off.

"(Y/n) stop shouting!" Her mother said sternly.

"Yes Mom..." (Y/n) mumbles.

"That's right listen to you're mother. That's how I raised my sweet-" Viktor started hugging (Y/n).

I quickly grabbed Viktor by the jacket.
"What do you think you're doing??" I ask angrily "Can't you see its annoying her?!" I then let him go.

"Thanks Yuri" (Y/n) smiles one of her amazing smiles.

"No problem" I say sitting down as the food was placed in front of us on the table.

"I hope you guys like it!" Pork cutlet bowl said sitting down.

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