chap. 9 things we can't take back

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You're Pov. ***

It's been 4 weeks since the Incident, I let people I know hug me but I can't stand people I don't know. If someone I don't know approches me I instantly have to's just......the experience I had with that man really scared me......I don't want to take any risks......

Viktor's Pov.***

(Y/n) has become very distant. She barely gets out of the House, and when she does she has to be with her Unkle or Aunt.........

"I'm scared for her, what if she never talks to people or if she forgets how to talk! Or if she forgets us! Or if she-" I start panicking but Yuuri as always helps me......

"VIKTOR! calm down, (y/n) is scared that's normal, I mean she nearly got Raped.......if it wasn't for her smartness she would be......who knows.....but you are right about her, we have to help her get out more!" Yuuri says determined

"But we've tried already....." I whine
"She won't come with us!......but maybe if Yurio comes......" I say tapping my chin with my index finger

"YEAH! He is the one who beat that guy up after all! But will she go with him alone.....?" Yuuri asks

"Hmmmm probably not, We should all go! You, me, Yurio and (Y/n)! WOOHOOO!  ok let's go" and so we left!

I called Yurio and told him were going out with (y/n) he immediately accepted. to get (y/n) out the House.......


Yuuri's a genius! He called Yakov and told him our plan with (y/n) he didn't want to do it at first but we convinced him! Now we're getting (y/n)!

"NOOOOOOOOO NO NO NO NO NO!!" (Y/n) yelled as I pulled her out the House

"YES YES YESSSS!" I yell happily. Until I feel her getting harder to move, I look down and see her sitting down Like a dog not wanting to go anywhere

"(Y/nnnnnn)" I whine trying to move her "YUURI! YURIO HELP ME!" I YELL at the car, they both come ot the car

"What's up?" Yuuri asks with a smile

"Look at her! She won't even move!!" I say pointing my finger at (y/n)

"Haha she reminds me of Yurio when we wanted to go to Mila's Party!" *that's not in the Anime!*

"SHUT UP PIGGY!" Yurio yells at Yuuri

I suddenly feel (y/n) getting lighter to move, I look back at where she was SUPPOSED TO BE

"SHE RAN IN THE HOUSE! AFTER HER SOLDIERS!!!" I yell pointing to the House

We all run in the House, we were inside a BIG House searching for a Small girl! She could be anywhere!

"OK soldiers we split up, when we find her we bring her here, it'll be just like a finding game!" I say, then we all split up to look for her.

Yuuri's Pov.***

We all split up looking for (y/n), I checked her Bedroom, Yurio checked the Living room and Viktor checked the Kitchen......I was about to leave her room but when I turned around to leave the Door closed straight in my Nose making me fall backwards

"OUCHHHH" I say rubbing my Nose

I run to the door trying to open it but it was locked from the outside I start yelling but no one could hear me from downstairs, I look around for a way out, I see the Window and head towards it.......'it's locked.....' I think while Trying to open the Window, I look around her room for a key or something......

Viktor's Pov.***

I was looking for (y/n) In the Kitchen, I look around not finding her, when I was about to leave I suddenly remembered she was small and she fitted just about anywhere, I open all the cupboards but I didn't find anything, There was one more place I didn't check.....

I run over to the Fridge and open it

"AHA!" I yell opening the Fridge, JUST AS I SUSPECTED! SHE WASN'T THERE BUT THERE WAS FOOD! I think I deserve a brake, I grab some food and start eating. Suddenly my chair starts spinning like crazy and I through My food accidently against the walls

Yurio's Pov.***

I was looking around the Whole House, The living room was the dirt place, the bathroom was the second, Yakov's room was third, Lila's room was forth and I was currently looking in the Hallway, just as I was goanna give up I heard a small sound, I pretend not to hear it and go around the corner, just as I suspected, a small hidden door in the Hallway opened and (y/n) jumps out, she starts running my way and I strech my foot out, she turns the corner and lands face first on the Ground

"Gotcha'" I say smirking down at her, she turns around smirking as well

"Wouldn't you like that?" She says with a smirk, I was confused what did she mean?

I was about to ask her what she meant when I felt something hit my feet, I fell down on my butt, she stands up laughing and starts running into the corridor, I quickly stand up after and run after her, she makes a Left and I follow close behind, she turns to run in her room bu t I manage to smack the door shut and pin her against her door. I felt someone try to push the Door open but I didn't pay attention

We were both Panting, her beautiful (e/c) eyes sparkled as she looked up at me.....I start leaning in but she moves her head to the side avoiding my Kiss, I place my forehead against her hair in a gentle way

"Please......I'm so sorry" I whisper through pants

"There......are.....some thing we just can't take bak Yuri....." she whispers bak between pants

My lip starts trembling, I wanted her to know I didn't mean anything of what I said I back away from her, still holing her against the door. She looked at me and reached a hand out to my cheek, she wipes a tear away from my cheek. I didn't even notice the tears falling down my cheeks.

I looke at her with pleading eyes, my breath hitches and she pulls me into a hug, I hug her back tightly burying my teary eyes in her hair. She suddenly pulls away and looks at me with happy eyes

"Let's go then shall we?" She asks still smiling

"Y-yeah" I say smiling back at her

We go downstairs and (y/n) looks at me with fear full eyes

"What's wr-" I start to say cut she cut me off

"I FORGOT SOMETHING" she yells running towards the Kitchen

Yuuri's Pov. ***

'OK I can do it phew c'mon Yuuri be a man! You can do this!' I yell at myself charging towards the Door. Suddenly the Door opens. Sure I broke it down but I got out! That's what matters!

I rush down the stairs to see Yurio on his phone

"You didn't search?!" I ask angrily

"Yeah I did, I found her actually" he says cooly, we both heard two screams and we run towards the Kitchen

You're Pov.***

I ran towards the Kitchen to stop the food I had put to warm up, I ran as fast as I could but I felt my foot hit something, a chair I'm guessing, I winced at the pain and I stop the stove from exploding,  I open the stove door and black fume goes everywhere, I laugh a little and turn around, I SAW FOOD ON THE WALLS! AUNT LILA'S GOANNA MURDER ME AND COOK ME UP!! I scream and I hear another scream along with mine

Suddenly two figures appear in the Kitchen......Yuuri and Yuri/Yurio

I turn to my left a little to see Viktor on the ground with one of his feet on a chair, he looked at me the same way I looked at him.......big eyes and jaw dropped.

(They all talked about finding you while cleaning the Kitchen, Apperently when Yuri pinned you to your door Yuuri was inside trying to get out. And when you ran to the Kitchen you made Viktor fall off his stool. Also you had to buy a new door since Yuuri broke you're down.)

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