chap. 13! Lust (Lemon)

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I woke up to my body shivering, I was colder then cold, it was pretty late so it should've been warmer, I pulled the covers back on my body and tried to sleep again......

"Mmmmmm come in!" I say in a bored tone

"OI! WHY aren't you up? You should be up and jumpy about the day not be in you're bed......wait are you sick?!" Yuri asked.

"Come here and find out" I say in a sexy voice. Surprisingly he DID come towards me, he put his hand on my forehead and then leaned in to kiss me, I moved my head and he ended up kissing my cheek. I giggled as he hissed

"Oh you're goanna get it now!" He says in an angry tone before climbing on top of me and grabbing me by the head making me kiss him

we kissed and I couldn't help but melt into the kiss, he licked my lower lip and I playfully denied, he growled and let his hand make its way to my inner thigh....then higher and higher he then played around my Womanhood and slightly entered a finger in me. I gasped and he let his tongue enter my mouth, he didn't remove his hand though, I let out a slight moan and that's when he pulled away

I made a whimpering noise of need but he just sighed

"We shouldn't go any further...." he said sadly

"Yuri......I want you......why can't we?" I ask kissing his hand *NOT THE ONE THAT WENT DOWN THERE!! LITTLE PERVS (^-^)"

"Because......I......I don't want to hurt you....." he says kissing my cheek

"'s not that.......You're not ready! You don't have to be ashamed Yuri! It's ok.....I'm not sure either, hey we'll figure this out don't worry, I wove you!" I say

"Hehe me to....... (y/n) I want you to meet my Grandpa! He's the most important person in the world to me!" He says happily

UGH I HATE MYSELF!' I mentally
bi+ch slap myself

"GREAT! I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HIM" I say hugging him. He hugged me back and jumps out the Bed

"C'mon get ready! You'll meet him today!" Yuri sings making my jaw drop


Yuri grabs my hand and pulls me it the bed before splashing cold water on my face and running away

I took a shower after cursing Yuri for throwing Water on me. I then walked over to Lila's room. She was listening to music while writing something. *maybe SHE makes YAOI! Gasp, the more you know.....☆*

She doesn't like me Dating Yuri but she doesn't get in between our relationship, she gave me an amazing outfit and did my Hair, I didn't wear Makeup since I was a natural beauty! *IF I HEAR SOMEONE SAY THEY'RE UGLY I'M GOANNA COME OVER THERE AND MURDER YOU WITH GRACE AND BEAUTY..........better watch out!*

Yuri was outside waiting for me, I smiled and we took the taxi to Yuri's Grandpa's House

"What if he doesn't like me!" I ask worried

"HE'LL ADORE you! Just be youreself" he says with a smile "my grandpa likes the people who are true to them self" he continues

"Oh God.....he must already hate me, I let Lila pick the outfit

"Haha really? Well you don't look to different, you're perfect anyway!" He says as we get out of the Taxi.

-I'm being lazy! Let's just say you cooked and talked and played with Yuri and his Grandpa!-

-Later that Night-

I put on a some short purple and white pants and a white T-shirt, you could slightly see my nipple but I was goanna sleep so it wasn't a big deal

I walked out of the bathroom and Into my room.....I played on my phone for a bit before the Door slightly opened and a head peeked out from behind the door, then the person entered, closed the door and jumped on my bed

"Yuri?? What's wrong?" I ask getting up in a sitting position

"It's so I decided I'll stay here!" He says happily

"Mmhhh ok...." I say laying down "good n-" I started to say but he cut me off

"I didn't say we were going to sleep" he said with a smirk as he got on top of me, he threw the covers away and he leaned in to kiss me, We kissed and he licked my lower lip, I wanted action so I denied, he growled and slipped is hand into my pants, I gasped and he entered, he removed the hand and he used both hands to rip my shirt off, he stopped to stare at my body after enjoying my mouth, I covered my breasts and he growled before pulling my hands up to my head, he pinned them there and Kissed my neck

"You're Beautiful, you souldnt hide it" he said

I nod and let him play with my breasts, I didn't notice where his hand was until he slightly rubbed my Clint, a moan escaped me but I quickly turned us over, I started kissing Yuri as his hands entangled themselves in my hair, I took his shirt off, my eyes widen, he had abs, I started kissing down hill well worked chest, he slightly moaned as I reched his V line, I removed his pants so I could see his member, he still had his boxers on

I was about to remove them when he turned us over again

"Wait a bit love, you still have you're pants on" he said kissing my stomach

He made his way to my pants and hooked his teeth onto them, he removed them with his teeth, he then also took my panties off, he smirked when I moaned while he kissed my thigh, then he breathed into my entrance sending shivers down my spine, He then started licking it, I was moaning second after second

The pleasure was so.....ugh I can't even put it in words I climaxed and he swallowed all of it, he stood up and kissed me, I could feel his member poke my thigh, I smirked and turned us around, I kissed his tip after taking his boxers off, I then started sucking. It was big so I couldn't put it all in, he placed his hand on my head and pushed me deeper moaning in the process

'I-Is i-it o.....ok i- Mmmhhhh.....if I d-do this??" He asks me while moaning

I hummed in response making him slightly arch his back

He turned us around and kissed me, after cumming, he then stopped and reached for something, I looked at what it was..... protection, I sighed happily at this,
' thank God he was ready.....wait he was ready??? Oh that little-' my thoughts were stopped by him entering me, I placed my hand on my mouth as tears ran down my face

"It's ok, I promise it will get better, shhhh I promise you'll feel pleasure soon" he says kissing me and wiping my tears, He buried his face in the crook of my neck.

Finally the pain turned into pleasure, I kissed and bit Yuri's neck and he thrusted in and out of me. We reached our climaxes. I could see Yuri's arms shaking, both of our breaths were sharp and fast. Yuri placed himself beside me and gave me a goodnight kiss before putting his chin on my head while I buried myself into him, we fell asleep........little did you know that you weren't going to be able to skate tomorrow! TAN TAN TAAANNN

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