24 - Driving like in the movies

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Yuri's Pov.

As we all ate (Y/n) gasped and stood up.

"I'M LATE! So sorry Yuuri, I have to go. I'll finish you're delicious food later I promise!" She said quickly be free running to the door and opening it.

I quickly jump up and run after her.

"(Y/N)!" I yell.

She turns around and stops running "Yuri?? What's up? I gotta g-"

"I'm coming with you!" I cut her off.

"Oh no. You have to finish you're d-" I cut her off once again.

"I can finish it another time" I grab her hand gently. She blushes and smiles before nodding and pulling me towards a white car.

"Let's go!" She cheers as we enter the White Audi.
"Put you're seat belt on. It's goanna get bumpy" she smirks as we put our seat belts on.

-Time skip-

I was holding on for dear life as (Y/n) smirks and goes even faster.

"AHHHH ВЫ ИСКАЕТЕ УБИТЬ УЗИ!!" I scream as the car jumps and stops.
I quickly exit the car and touch the ground feeling it's warmness.
"LAND! Oh thank God we survived! Oh jeasus crisp you're crazy!"

"Haha hahaha OMG I have to film this!" (Y/N) explodes of laughter.

"Oh shut it!" I growl standing up and feeling dizzy. "Fuck, I feel like I was in the movies 'need for speed' or something!"

"Get used to it. Now C'mon I'm late because of you!" She says grabbing me and running towards a building.

"Oh yeah sureeee because of me!" I hiss.

"Yes. Oh hello I'm (Y/n) (L/n)" she says to a woman in front of a desk.

"Oh yes. Here you go" the woman gives (y/n) a pair of wierd gloves.

"Thank you!" (Y/n) thanks before pulling me inside a big room.

That's when I realise we were in a gymnast studio. So (y/n)'s a gymnast??

She tells me to sit down on a bench as she runs to change.

As she enters the changing room I observe the other girls. I see a couple of girls whispering and giggling while looking at me, I simply roll my eyes and look at the other girls.

(Y/n) comes running out of the changing room wearing a gymnast suit. She waves at me before running over to a girl and hugging her making her jump. I chuckle at them before looking over at a girl who seemed to have a hard time streching. It was dissapointing seeing her doing it so I decided to help.

Once I helped her she thanked me and I saw (Y/n) glaring at the girl....Did they not like eachother...?? I shrugged the question away and continued looking around.

(Y/n) stood on a plank like thing. I started looking at her as she moved swiftly back flipping and jumping and doing stuff on it. She did a jump and fell. I quickly run over to her and help her up.

"You ok??" I ask worringly.

"Yeah. Thanks Yuri" she smiles.

"Here let me help. You're foot isn't streched right" I say walking over to the side to help her strech properly.

"Ok can you do a split?" I ask.

"Pffft of course!" She says doing an almost perfect split.

"Mmmhhhh not right. Here you're left foot should be like this" I say putting her foot in the right place.

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