20 - Blood, Lust and Ice

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You're Pov.

They did what they wanted and just left me on the floor freezing.

My phone started to ring but I couldn't bring myself to answer it. I was so clod I grabbed my jacket and forced myself up, Yakov has Ben calling m over 20 time since I was late to training. I ran back to the Rink and entered the changing room.

When I entered I noticed everyone giving me weird looks so when I enter the changing room I checked myself in the mirror only to see that I was full of bruises. I grabbed mascara and threw it on me making my face look a bit better. I then proceeded on changing my ripped clothes.

I changed my shoes and went on the Ice only to see that I could barely jeep myself up.

Yuuri skated over to me to help me skate for a bit.

"Are you ok??" He asks while we skated.

"Yeah I'm just.....Tiered" I say not looking him I'm they eyes.

"Don't lie to me, you can tell me anything" he says hugging me.

I start sobbing in his chest and he hugs me tighter.

"I....I....." I don't dare say what happened since they warned that if I did then they will hurt the people I care for.

Suddenly Rikky skates over to me and gasps loudly.

"OMG (Y/N) HAS A HIKKEY!!" She cheers as if it was an accomplishment.

Yuri skates over and grabs my face harshly, he lifted it up and opened my jacket so he could see my neck full of hickey's.

He gave a disgusted look before running to the men's changing room.
I quickly run after him in the changing room.

"GET OUT!!" he yelled scaring me.





Just by looking in his eyes I knew he could kill anyone. I decided on leaving him alone.

The next day he moved out and he got private lessons with Yakov and that Bitch so he wouldn't have to be with me. Nothing changed from the men, if I didn't come to them they would come to me. I had no escape, everyone noticed how I changed. I was very skinny, I wire more and more makeup to hide my bruises and I didn't talk to anyone.

One night they decided on keeping me, I was they're new puppet..... Everyday was hell and my body was broken. This was the worst thing ever. They would let me go so I could skate and no one would get ideas but I had to come back to them everytime back.

"(Y/n), how are you?" Mila asks when we were changing.


"DON'T GIVE ME THAT SHIT!" she snapped making me start crying and put my hands over my face.
I realise what I did was a reflex that I gained because of those men.

"Who's doing this??!" Mila asks grabbing my hand.

"N-NO, I c-can't-" I start shaking.

Mila removes my make-up and gasps at the sight of my bruised face.

She grabs my hand harshly and pulls me out of the room, I didn't have enough strength or will to fight against her. Everyone was gone and Yuri's private practice began. Mila dragged me to Yakov who was yelling at Yuri.

Yakov gasped and grabbed my shoulders.

"WHO.DID.THIS?!" he asked, tears I his eyes.

Lila gasped and stopped the music gaining the attention of Yuri and Rikky.

I look away as Lila runs over to us, she grabs my face and investigates all of my bruises, Rikky and Yuri both skate over to us.

"What's going on?" Rikky asks not seeing me.

Mila scowls before stepping out of the way for the two to see me. Yuri's eyes widen and Rikky turned white.

Yuri quickly skated off of the Ice and ran towards me. He investigated me and started crying.

"(Y/n) answer us!" Lila yelled sobbing.


"(Y/n)'s not skating at the competition, not anymore" Lila says.

"I can't remove her, she's already in the list and everything......" Yakov says sadly.

"It's fine, I-I can do it....." I say letting Mila go.

"No!" Yuri objects.

"Shit" my eyes widen in fear.

"What?? What happened???" Mila asks.

"T-They're g-going to h-hurt you, I h-have to go, they're l-looking f-for me-" I start shaking in fear.

Yuri grabs me and hugs me tightly.
"You're not going anywhere" he says kissing my cheek.


"We should call the police!" Lila says and they all nod.

I hug Yuri tighter, catching his scent, taking in his warmth......Listening to his heart beat and his calm breath. Yuri sighs kissing my hair before looking at my Unkle.

"I need to clear something up with (Y/n)" he says.

"No, I'm not letting her out of my sight ever again" Yakov says dialing the police' phone number.

"I really have to" Yuri says again.

"Fine, in the changing room, then I'll know where you are" He gives in.

Yuri nodds and we walk to the men's  changing room.  He sits me down on the bench and goes to grab a sandwich from his bag. He hands it over to me and I gladly eat it. He then changes his shoes and sits opposite from me.

"Why didn't you tell anyone??" He asks caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I close my eyes feeling his soft touch. I soon open them again to see Yuri nearly in tears.

".....Yakov was busy......Lila was busy, You wouldn't talk to me, I didn't want Yuuri, Viktor or Mila involved and the men said that if I told anyone they would kill me and my family" I say starting to cry.

Yuri pulled me in for another warm hug preventing me from crying.

"I'm so sorry.......I was so so stupid, I should've listened, I shouldn't have left you" he whispers sadly.

"......It's ok, we're going to catch those guys......" I say pulling away to smile at Yuri.

Suddenly my eyes widen and I realised......I don't think those guys used protection!

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