chap 4. the Night we spent together

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Yuri's Pov***

We enter (y/n)'s House and we look around, we noticed clothes thrown about and well the House was a mess, and the smell wasn't any better. I watch as (y/n) walks up the stairs to her room. I walk over to the Kitchen finding Mila eating a Banana she smirks and slides the banana in and out of her mouth

"Ugh seriously?? You're such a perv Mila!" I tell her annoyed

"Mmmhhhhmm and you wish you and (y/n) were in bed....with the lights one around to ruin the fun-" she starts but I cut her off


"Huh really?? I though you and her were both 15...."

"She's 17! BAKA!"

"Wow......oh well I told everyone you 2 were 15. That's why they all said you're 17......well oops....anyway that makes you're imagination even bigger!" She laughs ar the end 'this son of a b-" my thoughts are cut by a scream..... (y/n)'s scream. We all dash up the stairs and just as I got to the top (y/n) ran into my arms crying I hugged her and Otabek went to see what happened, he quickly came back, his face white as if he saw what NO ONE was supposed to ever see in they're whole life. He pushes all us out the House and I put (y/n) behind me on the motorcycle and we all drive off.

I didn't say anything while (y/n) was digging her nails into my jacket 'thank God I have a jacket on or blood would be spilled' I though. Her crying made me angry and sad.

"What did you see?!" I hear Mila ask Otabek but he just ignored her and tried to regain his colour on his face. We decided to all go Home, I of course let (y/n) stay with me.

⛸later....20:50 pm.⛸


You're pov.***

Yuri came home exhausted. He could barely speak

"I made some soup Yuri, it's a Romanian soup and it's really good. Come....." I said as he looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"I.......shower......take......need...." he says slightly falling rom his feet. I run over to him and catch him before he falls.

"OK ok c'mon you REALLY need that shower....." I say pulling him up the stairs towards the bathroom.
'Here we are plisetsky" I say. He just says something in Russian about how tiered he was and that he just wanted to sleep.

+_+ after the shower +_+
*I learned that from Mystic Messenger!!*

Yuri made his way to his bad and jumped on it, I brought a bit of soup up to his room, I'm not desperate of him eating but he needed to. He has been working all day and he needs food in his system. I open the door and see Yurio putting his shirt on, I might or might not seen his BOOTIFUL ABS! my face started burning and I think my nose was bleeding but I still came in with the Soup.

"H-Here E-Eat you uhhhh need it..." I stutter 'DAMN MY STUTTERING' I think

"Thanks......*yawn* what is this
again? " He asks sleepily

I giggle and reply "soup, Romanian soup" I grab a spoon full of the soup and put in in Yuri's mouth, he was surprised at first but he let me feed him, after he ate I started walking towards the door when I felt a hand grab my wrist, I turn around and saw Yuri sitting up looking at me with....fearful eyes

"What's wrong Yuri??" I asked concerned

"T-Thank-you" he managed to say I smiled at him

"Welcome!" I then made sure he fell asleep before heading to my room and grabbing an over sized shirt Yuri gave me with some black leggings I washed the Dishes and cleaned the House a bit before falling asleep on my soft bed.

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