chap. 18 back on the Ice

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-(Y/N) Pov.-

"Good morning Chocolate, Yuri" Unkle  Yakov greeted as Yuri and I walk down the stairs.

"Good morning Unkle Yakov! How was you're sleep?" I ask reaching the end of the stairs.

"CLEARLY better than mine!" Yuri said angrily before walking to the Kitchen.

"What's up with him?" Unkle Yakov asks me with a questioning face.

"....I might or might not have woken him up 2 times.....I slapped him the first time and the second time I pushed him off the bed....." I say fiddling with my fingures.

"WHAT?! YOU TWO SLEEP IN THE SAME BED??!" My Unkle yells glaring at the door to the Kitchen.

"Well yeah-" I try to say but I'm stopped by my Unkle bolting through the kitchen door.

"UNKLE?!" I yell running after him.

-Yuri's Pov.-

'Ahhhh finally I get to eat random food for a month!' I think to myself as I open my mouth waiting for the Katsudon to enter my mouth, but my dreams are broken when I'm pulled off of my chair......Yakov was holding me angrily.

"OI! LET GO-!"

"DON'T THINK ABOUT TOUCHING MY (Y/N)! GOT IT!" he yells making me more angry.

"I'M TRYING TO EAT! I D-" I'm once again stopped by Yakov.


"Got.It.?" He says in a warning tone.

"Ask her." I let that slip! Damn it.....I can't lose my career!

"What??!" Yakov asks looking at me disgusted.

"ASK HER! ASK HER IF I EVER TOUCHED HER WITHOUT HER PERMISSION!" I yell making Yakov put me down and look over to (Y/n).

"Well.....? Did he?" Yakov asks her.

She starts burning red as I'm guessing she's remembering what happened a couple months ago.

"W-W-Well U-Ummm he......We....I...... We....." she stutters looking at me with pleading eyes. I don't do anything except cross my arms and wait for her answer.

She takes a deep breath before starting to talk...."Yuri and I have slept together 2 times.....We only officially finished 1 time though...." she says looking confident when Yakov looks like he doesn't get it.

"I'll clear it up. Let's say that if (y/n) turns pregnant it's Yuri's child." A Woman's voice said.

Yakov bawls his fists making me ready for a puching to the face. I waited for him to turn around but he never did....

"Why.....Didn't you tell me?" He asks sadly.

"I didn't know what to say....." (Y/n)'s voice said.

"......You can't trust me?" Yakov asks looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"Of course! But I just didn't have enough strength or courage to tell you  what happened...." (Y/n) says looking down.

"Yakov......" the woman speaks again.

Then (Y/n)'s mother comes into view.
"I belive they know what they're doing."

"Tsk, better than you did" I say angry about everything that's happening.

"YUR-" (Y/n) starts shouting my name when her mother cut her off.

"I know that, and I'm glad it's like that because I made many choices that I regret but I'm coming back to reality and I'm trying to fix what I couldn't back then.......Yakov let's get a coffee." She smiles at the end before walking away with Yakov leaving (y/n) and I alone.....

Silence fell upon us.....I was waiting for (y/n) to hit me or yell or something but she just stood there.....Then she moved making my heart jump....She walked towards me with no expression whatsoever.

"(Y/n).....? I'm.....S-Sorry......I don't know what got over me I-"

"Shut up....."


"Shut up."


"Shut it or you'll ruin the surprise" she smirks pushing me against the counter.

"U-Ummmmm.....-" I was starting to get suspicious at the way she was acting.

"You love me that much? So much you'll act like a douche with my mom?" She cuckles at the end of her sentence.

"If it means she'll learn a fairly small lesson then yes" I say grabbing (Y/n)'s waist and pulling her towards me.

"Hmmm...." she hums as our noses touch......

I can feel her warm breath on my skin, I can smell her coco chanel nr.5 *SORRY JUST HAD TO XD*

The sensation of touching her lips was growing insanely fast, I felt both our breaths fasten as her grip tightens on my shirt pulling me even closer, our lips brushed against eachother as if asking eachother if it was ok, I pressed my lips fast against hers tasting her sweet mouth, she deepens the kiss and presses me harder against the counter.

I stopped kissing her when she slightly moaned. "Take it slow....." I whisper, chuckling at the end...

She chuckled along with me and placed our foreheads against eachother, we both calmed our breaths and just talked about us, our life, relationship and other things.

-Time Skip-

(Y/n)'s Pov.

I was on my phone texting Viktor.


Me: yeah.....

GayDad: what was his reaction???!


GayDad: well that's good. So anyway I heard you're skating next month!


GayDad: You didn't know???


GayDad: watch you're language honey, I raised you with nice language. ☺

Me: you didn't raise me. How do you know about me skating???

GayDad: Yakov talked to me about it.

Me: 🙇👈


Me: ugh sorry gtg, I need to see if this is true.

GayDad: oh ok, I was already in the car to you.

Me: you have problems...

I sighed and closed my phone walking downstairs towards my Unkle.

"UNKLE!" I yell seeing him on the couch explaining Yuri's routine to Yuri.

"Yes (Y/n)?" He answers looking up at me.

"IS THIS TRUE?!" I yell showing him my conversation with Viktor.

"Wait who's 'GayDad'?" He asks.

"Viktor, now tell me!" I repeat.

"...Yes it's true..." he answered looking down.

"WHY?!" I yell.

"Because it's you're calling" he says simply.

I sigh loudly.....I loved to skate......But a competition?? In the end he managed to get me to skate the routine he made for me.

I learned the routine by heart but it was extremely hard, I had about 6 jumps and I had to show allot of emotion.....It was really hard and I needed help on many Stepps but I managed to learn it....

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