chap. 2 Cat-person vs Dog-person

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If you are NOT a Dog person then I'm sorry, I personally like both Cats and Dogs but in the Story you're Character is more of a Dog girl so.....yeah......sorry...AND THE PIC IS RANDOMLY PUT THERE!

You're Pov.***
I watched the blond brat skate, he was actually pretty good, he gave me this feeling that I knew him from somewhere but there is NO way I would forget his snobby, bratty, stupid the list goes on......attitude! He was about to do a jump I wasn't sure but I think it was an Axle, he jumped and landed it although he nearly fell on the landing......

"YURI, WHY DIDN'T YOU LAND A TRIPLE LOOP?? YOU'RE LACKING CONCENTRATION TODAY.....take a brake...." uncle Yakov told the blond brat which I now knew as ,Yuri, WAIT HOLD THE PHONE! ISN'T HE THE GUY MILA WAS TALKING ABOUT?! Oh hell No! My attitude is NOWHERE near his! 
"MILA!!!" I shout without realising, and because of that Mila landed butt first on the Ice. I sent an apologetic look at her and she just laughed it off. I SWEAR I COULD HEAR THAT ASS LAUGH AT POOR MILA. I stood up and stomped my way to him on the Ice *you had no skates on you were to angry to grab them*

"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING YOU SNOBBY BLONDE BRAT?!" I yell at him, he wipes some sweat away from his forehead and looks at me

"(Y/N) GET OFF THE ICE, YOU CAN EASILY FALL-" my Uncle started to say but I cut him off by yelling at the laughing Blonde brat

"OI watch you're mouth with me you (h/c) haired Bitch!" Yuri yelled ar me

"YURI WATCH YOU'RE M-" my uncle began but I once again cut him off

"SAY THAT TO MY FACE YOU BLONDE HAIRED BRAT!" I say stepping up to Yuri. We looked at each other then the fight began.....




"WE ALL GROW UNTIL WE'RE PERFECT, SOME OF US JUST GET THERE QUICKER! AND PLUS IT'S NOT LIKE YOU'RE ANY BIGGER! YOU'RE A GUY YOU SHOULD BE TALLER!" I yell smirking he got closer to me so we were face to face well we were face to chest since he was taller, he once again picked me up by my shirt and yelled at me then I felt a strong hand grab my hand and yank me away from my comeback fight with Yuri

"Unkel Yakov....!!" I whine as my Unkel places me on a chair.

"(y/n).....I know Yuri can be a brat but I don't want those kinds of words coming out of you're mouth, I'm sure you're mother is worried sick and since I'm done training the Kids I'll take you Home, just wait here I'll go talk some sence into that 17 year old Emo." He says then walks off, I look at my phone and just then my Phone starts ringing with *fave song* I anwser and I swear Everyone heard my mother yelling at me through the Phone

" *full name* WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! YOU'VE BEEN GONE FOR 2 FRICKING DAYS, I WANT YOU'RE ASS OVER HERE IMMEDIATELY OR SO HELP ME I'LL COOK YOU UP AND EAT YOU WITH BREAD!" she yelled at me through the Phone, I turn white and run for the door not waiting for my Unkel I run and run until I reach my stupid neighborhood, I enter the House to see my Mother wearing a VERY short black skirt and a shirt with lines cut through it so you can see her Red bra.

"Why do you keep wearing that *cough* stuff? *cough*" I ask trying to not get angry at her for smoking in the House.

"Don't change the subject! Where were you?!" She asks looking at me angrily

"I was......out with a Friend..." I say not telling her the ENTIRE truth.....she looks at me disappointed then she motions to the Kitchen, there was a Pizza box I sat down and started eating my favourite Pizza. When I was finished I reached for my Phone and notice it wasn't there....'WHAT NO NO NO NOOO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING' I scream in my head. I give up searching after a couple of Hours....As I was in the livingroom I notice my Mother's sad expression.

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