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Yuri's Pov.

She grabbed a glass of water and handed it to me gracefully...Just kidding...

I take a deep breath when suddenly her warm lips place themselves on mine. My hand places itself on her cheek pulling her closer to me while her other hands place themselves on my sides and grip my shirts the kiss deepens. It didn't get hot or lusty it was filled with love and emotion.

She slowly pulls away, touching noses with me. We both stay silent for a moment before a grab her by the waist and place her on top of me, laying down I pull the cover over us and soon enough her light snores become big making me chuckle. I soon follow her by falling asleep with my head buried in her hair.

-The next day-

My eyes slowly open when I feel (Y/n) stand up in a sitting position and stretch. I do the same before grabbing her and planting a small kiss on her lips. She chuckled while blushing.

"How did you sleep beautiful?" I ask making her nod slowly with blush still tinted on her cheeks. I grab her chin and lift it up to see her hole face red. I smirk at her.

"D-Dream....." She said smiling slightly.

"Oh really...? What did you dream?" I ask smirking at her reaction.

"C-Comfortable..." She stutters.

"Am I shirtless comfortable?" I ask smirking as her eyes grow wide.

She sees my smirk and slightly shoves me "oh don't be flattered!" Shaw says looking away.

"Owww!! That hurt!" I say fake crying.

"Awww did the little blonde boy get a boo boo??" She asks sweetly while laughing.

"Mhhm! Treat it!" I say smirking.

"Hmmm ok..." She smirks wrapping her hands around my neck and placing herself on top of me before kissing me. The kiss was like a ghost, she just brushed her lips against mine making me crave her.

She laughs at my attempts to make our lips make contact. Just as I'm about to shove her to the bed and force a kiss she gets off of me and walks out the door towards the bathroom. I realise what I was doing and slap my forehead. 'I'm an idiot. I can't do this again....Why do I force my feelings for her...? They're obviously gone but it's just hard...Seeing her and wanting to feel that happy feeling again...' I thought to myself as I stood up and walked towards the other bathroom.

"Morning Yurio!" Pork cutlet bowl said with a smile while brushing his teeth.

I groan in response not feeling like talking.

"So how was you're sleep?" He asked after spitting the toothpaste out.

I nod and continue brushing my teeth. Porky sighs and smiles before patting my back and walking outside. I finish brushing my teeth and hair and walk outside towards the dining room.

"Ahh Morning Yurio!" Viktor greets with a smile.

"Yeah whatever" I groan before walking into the kitchen and grabbing some cereal and milk. I put everything I needed in a bowl and began eating the delicious cereal.

"You're already eating!" (Y/n) exclaimed before dining everything I did only in super speed. She quickly sat down blowing a strand of hair off her face before giving me a smile. I chuckle slightly before continuing to eat the cereal.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I ask.

"Huh....? Oh right I forgot..." She says before starting to eat "so where are you from??" She asks trying to start a conversation.

I give her the 'you're kidding me right' look before scoffing "what kind of accent do I have?"

"Russian........???" She asks unsure.

"Ding ding ding we have a winner" I say sarcastically before putting my bowl away and walking to the door.

"HEY YOU DIDN'T FINISH!!" She whined running over to me.

"Yeah I know" I say opening the door.

She scoffs and grabs her shoes before following me outside. "Where are we going??" She asks.

"I am going to get some coffee you are leaving me alone" I state making her angry.

"And what makes you think I'll leave you? Who knows where you're going! Are you cheating on me?? Oh wait you can't because we are NOT D-" I cut her off.

"WILL YOU GO ON A DATE WITH ME??!" I grab her shoulders and stare her in the eyes.

Her eyes widen and her have drops slightly as she stared at me in disbelieve "....What....?" She whispered.

I took a deep breath "Will....You....Go...On a date with me?" I repeat feeling heat on my face...

"I'll.........Think about it...." She says wiggling away from my grasp "uhhhh.......I'll be off now...BYE!" She says before running off.

I sigh and look down with my eyes closed 'why an I doing this to myself.....She-' my thoughts are interrupted when I get a message.

Unknown (no it's not from Mystic messenger lol) : yes!

Me: What...? Who are you?!

Unknown: take a big fat guess.

Me: uhhh idk.....Just tell me I'm not in the mood for this kind of shit!

Unknown: Ok ok jeez! It's me (y/n). And I JUST accepted youre dte!

My mouth dropped.....What should I say?! I started to freak out. I finally took a breath and started typing.....

Me: I knew you couldn't resist me! So when do I pick u up?

I mentally slapped myself for saying that.....Ugh....

Unknown: hehe I gues you were kinda rigt. So tonight? At around 8 or 9 and I'll ALLOW you to pik the place.

I slightly smile at the message before realising I need to change her name and put it in my contacts list. And I realised she had allot of Grammatical errors. As I was thinking of a name I got a new message.

Unknown: Do you like Anime??

I nod and type in a name for her.

Me: sort of.....

AnimeGirl: VECAUSE I LUV EM!!!!

I laugh at her misspelling nearly everything in that sentence.

Me: Grammatical errors! You have so many!!

AnimeGirl: DO NOT. I just loev Anime. Whta can I say??? So ehts time r u picking me up....?

I read the sentence over and over again and think if she's just trying to mess with me and make the joke funnier or.....

AnimeGirl: *love

AnimeGirl: *What

AnimeGirl: *What

AnimeGirl: hehe sorre.....Do ehat time??

Me: check that again....

AnimeGirl: Gain......Why...?? Ohhhhhh oops. I ment sorry nd what.


Me: so I'll see you at 8. Dress nicely

GirlThatCantSpell:.....FML.....Ok I'll see you BYE...

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