26 - skating for her memory

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Yuri's Pov.

I scrolled through my phone trying to find a nice place where (y/n) and I could have our date. I yawned getting tiered from searching so much. When I opened my eyes I spotted a picture. I quickly scrolled back up to where the picture of a beautiful Ice Rink stood shining.

'Ice queen Rink' I scoffed at the stupid name. I quickly gave my adress, the site told me the rink was 12 minutes away from where I stayed. I smiled and looked at the clock '7:02' I sighed and walked over to the closet.

I opened it up and grabbed my skating outfit I then grabbed A shirt with jeans and a scarf over it. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth along with my hair. I put on some man perfume and walked back to my bed where I decided on taking a quick nap.

The alarm on my phone blasted waking me up. I grabbed and tried shouting it up. It didn't work getting me angry. I grabbed my phone and saw that (y/n) had called me over 5 times and she had sent me three messages.

GirlThatCantSpell: Where are you??! I've been waiting for hours......Don't tell me you dont want to do this anymore.....C'mon I even bought a nice dress, did my hair AND Nails!

GirlThatCantSpell: I've called you over 7 times where ware you???

GirlThatCantSpell: you know what.....I'm done waiting. I'm coming up!

What did she mean she's coming up? The question is quickly answered when (y/n) bursts through the door angrily with mascara slightly running down her face. She had a beut

"YOU MADE ME WAIT FOR OVER 3 FUCKING HOURS! I'M NOT HERE FOR YOU'RE ASS!" She yelled before grabbing me by the hem of my shirt and pulling me up so we were nose to nose.

"Sorry" is all I can say.

"Sorry.my.ass." she growled.

"I-I fell asleep....I-I'm s-sorry" I apologise.

"Hmph. Fine! Lets just go" she huffed letting me go.

I chuckle before grabbing my phone and wrapping my arm around her waist so I can lead her towards the Rink.

When we got there I wrapped cloth around (y/n)'s eyes preventing her from seeing. She got scared and grabbed my thigh. I held back the feeling of pinning her down and having a heated make out session with her and stepped out of the car. I ran to her door and opened it so she stepped outside. I then quickly grabbed her hand and led her to the rink. I changed and got back to her, she was still sitting on the chair I put her on.

"Ok don't move. I'm going to give some new.....shoes" I smirk.

"Ok....." she says a bit worried.

I chuckle before putting her skates on. Once they were on I grabbed her hand and walked to the rink.

I stepped on the Ice and easily pulled her with me, she had one foot on when her smile disappeared and became a frown. She quickly reached for the cloth and removed it. She looked so scared.....

"What's wrong??" I ask.

"I-I can't! I'm afraid of the Ice" she winced.

"Don't worry I'm-" I try to help but she resisted.

"NO!" "I'm sorry......I ruined you're surprise but I just can't....." she looks down sadly "....Maybe you can skate alone.....Show me...." she says hopefully.

I nod and help her take her skates off. I then walk back on the Ice and start performing.

I had no music on nor did I have an Idea of what to skate so I just kind of skated in circles. Then the song Agape started up. I quickly did my position and started skating my program to the song.

I was panting faster than a dog and sweat was covering my face 'now I know how piggy feels' I tell myself before skating towards (y/n).

"YOU WERE AMAZING! I don't know how you do it but you're AWESOME!!!" She hugged me tightly before giving me a small kiss in the cheek making me blush.

"Thanks.....Do you want to...." I look at the rink then back to her. She sighs and shakes her head before grabbing my arm and helping me to a bench where I removed my skates and placed them in a box.

"Promise me." I say.

"What?" Y/n asks.

"That you'll skate.....Just to try...." Of say hopefully.

Y/n looks at me with her mouth slightly parted before she sighs and smiles "I promise to skate"

We walked home and talked about random things.

I opened the door to the shower and got in letting the warm water hit my skin ever so lightly. 'Do you still love her...?' A voice in my head asked. 'Or are you still trying to convince yourself you love Rikky?' Another asked 'I do love Rikky. She was there for me when no one else was....When (y/n) was......' I sigh and continue to wash my body.

When I stepped out I was greeted with Aria and Norman fighting over what looked like the TV.

"IT'S ME BLOODY TURN!" Aria yells in her normal Scottish accent. Yes, Aria is Scottish


"Nope it's neither of you're guy's turn. It's mine" (y/n) says flopping down on the couch and taking the TV remote.

Both of them sigh in frustration before walking towards they're Rooms and closing the doors.

"Hey" I greet sitting down on the couch next to Y/n.

"Hey" she greeted back.

"What are we watching??" I ask running a hand through my hair.

"Titanic" she says turning up the volume to the movie.


Y/n was sobbing on my shoulder as I held her in my lap while silently crying.

I'll never let go Jack.....I'll never let go...

We both just burst out crying when Rose let Jack fall.

"Why???!!" Y/n cried.

"I don't know!!!" I cry.

We watched the movie end before walking to our rooms and flopping down on our beds. We both stayed awake not being able to fall asleep that night....I didn't feel right....I had that really bad feeling of something bad happening.....

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