chap 3. My Broken Body

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Yuri's Pov***

I was skating around, trying to concentrate on the music and the moves.....but I couldn't get my mind off of (y/n) her beautiful (h/c) hair, her (e/c) eyes.....what was this feeling is this.....No IT CAN'T BE, SHE'S A BRAT!
just then I heard the Door smash open and I heard something falling. I took my skates off  'no one is supposed to be here at this Hour!' I run out and saw someone on the ground, it was a girl, her back facing me so I couldn't see her face, I could hear her sharp breaths and I could see she wasn't expecting on going out, she was wearing short black shorts and a white over-sized shirt. I run over to her and I could see her face.......... (y/n)

"(Y/N) GET UP!.....hey.....hey look at me it's going to be ok......I'm here shhhh's going to be ok" I reasurre her. I picked her up and feel her cold body, she was freezing. I run to a warm room with a fire place, I slowly plec her body onto the couch and brig some covers for her. She was closing her eyes so I hug her making sure she was breathing....

"(Y/n) please.......please don't close you're eyes.......look at me....."
I felt tears run down my face and she slowly looks up at me......I hug her tighter and she pulls me into the covers, I hug her tightly while she buries her head into the crook of my neck. She mumbles something before falling asleep. I could hear her light snoring so I knew she was ok, I then fell asleep as well........

♡the Next Day♡

You're Pov.***

I slowly wake up to.......Cameras? I don't think so I slowly look up and see Yuri sleeping, suddenly all the memories flash through my head, I could feel my eyes getting watery and I burry my head into Yuri's neck. I could hear someone say

"Awwww Yurio's finally got a Girl fried!"

"Viktor shush I think you woke her up"

"Huh I did?!"

" did" I say trying not to cry while sitting up "just to be *sniff* clear.....Yuri and me are NOT *sob* D-Dating....S-so p-please" I try to say but my tears escape and they run down my face.

"Oh please don't cry! We didn't mean to make you sad! Please forgive me." A guys with silver hair said. I look at him and shake my head.

"I-its not y-you.......yesterday someone attacked my House......a-and I don't know if my Mother is o-ok....." I say the tears falling harder now. I felt Yuri waking up.

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" He yells sleepily

"*Gasp* YURIO HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?! THE YOUNG LADY IS CRYING AND YOU'RE BEING SO MEANNNN" the silver haired man says in an overly dramatic way

"What?! VIKTOR?!!" Yuri jumps up smacking me in the process "WHY ARE YOU HERE YOU OLD MAN?!"

"YURI YOU ASS YOU HIT ME!!!" I cry out but he ignores me and continues to talk to the silver haired man known as Viktor. I felt a hand rub my back in a comforting way

"Hey don't worry, I'm sure you're Mother's ok and I'm sure Yurio didn't mean to smack you......oh I'm Yuuri by the way" he says with a smile.

'Yuuri?? Oh THAT why they call Yuri Yurio!' I thought then I look at Yuuri and shake his hand "*full name* pleasure to meet you" just then a foot was placed between Yuuri and me

"Why are you talking to PIGGY?!"
Yurio asks pointing to Yuuri

I yell at Yurio........and that's how the comeback fight began.....

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