chap. 11 Why I shouldn't Drink

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You're Pov.***

I was Dancing and jumping around my room because I got 1st place! I couldn't believe that at my first ever competition I got 1st! 'It was all thanks to Yuri though, he made the world dissappear which helped my axeiety. I really do love him.......'
My thoughts were cut short by a knock in the door, I quickly stopped the song I was listening to and threw the outfit off that I had on

"J-JUST A MINUTE" I yell my voice cracking

I let my Hair loose and just as I was about to grab my Russia jacket to cover me up the Door swung open pushing me to the floor. MIGHT I REMIND YOU YOU WERE IN YOU'RE UNDERWEAR ONLY!

"(Y/N) You know I don't like to w- umm w-why.....ummm!" Yuri hesitated but as soon as he heard people whistling he growled and closed the door.

"Ummmm!!! YURI I'M C-" I started to say hesitantly

"Changing I know" he answered with a smirk "mind if I help?" His smirk grew wider

"YURI-!" I started to say but someone else cut me off

"Yuri do you mind? We were busy" Yuri and I instantly turned our heads to the Voice.......MY GOD DAMN EX?!
Yuri's face turned red from anger and he left just as fast as he entered

"YURI! HANS WHAT THE HELL?! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I yell grabbing my jacket and dashing after Yuri

"YURI PLEASE! I SWEAR I DON'T KNOW!" I yell after him.

He entered his chaging room, before he could lock the door I ran inside

"GET OUT!" He yelled

"LET ME EXPLAIN!" I yelled back closing the door behind me


"Yuri! I don't know why he was there! I was only goofing around and when I heard a knock on the door I changed quickly so no one could see me like a clown! Please, you're the only one I love! Pleas-" I explain, I stop myself when I see a tear fall onto his cheek, I made him cry.......

I run to him and hug him, he hugs me back but with less affection

"I can prove it! Come with me, I just remembered there were cameras placed in every room!" I say dragging him to a 'staff only' room

"Hello, I'm *full name* and I have to see what happened in my room." I SAY to someone that was on a chair in front of the Cameras

"Sure, room number?" The man asks

"Lucky number 13" Yuri answers sarcastically

" it is" the man says making room for me and Yuri to see.

We watch and both men started giggling at my actions

"Yeah yeah whatever!" I say waving my arms around

"THERE SEE THERE IS WHERE YOU KNOCKED ME OVER!" I yell at Yuri pointing at the screen

"I'M GOANNA KILL HIM!" Yuri yells

" did he get inside??" I ask the guard

"I don't know, maybe he was already there?" The guard asks looking at me

"NO way, I would've noticed him...." I object

"ACTUALLY you wouldn't....." Yuri says

"Wha-" I start but he cuts me off

"Since he would be hiding and you would be too happy to notice it. OK NOW LET'S GO IMMA KILL HIM!" he yells.

We make our way to my room and surprisingly he was till there

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