chap. 5 My Skater

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Viktor and I talked like always and I even sorta told him about my Dream, he was like a father to me.....I loved him AS A FRIEND/FATHER plus Yuuri and Him are crazy for each other.

I walked back inside to find all the guys there, they stared at me with smiles then one asked me

"So (y/n) who has the better body??"

"Or did you only go there for Yuri?"

I blush and look up at Viktor with pleading eyes.

"Well isn't it obvious I have the best body??" 'GOD DAMN IT VIKTOR' I mentally yell at him for saying that

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"You're a Coach"

"And you've been skating for a longer time than us!"

"Let her decide!"


"Ummmm w-well C-Chris has a strong body.....and it's close to Viktor's....and ummm *continue saying who you think has a better body*" I choke out

"And Yurio? Isn't he a guy too?"

"Well he's at the bottom of the list I'm sure, I mean his body can't be as worked up as yours he's only 17.....but I'm not sure since I haven't seen it...."

"Hmmm you haven't?  Well you're analysis is right since his muskles haven't shown yet.....but he DOES have abs....." Chris Said with a smirk and I blush at that

"OI! WHY ARE YOU ALL SURROUNDING MY NIESE GET AWAY FROM HER!" I hear my Unkle yell, I dash over to him and jump in his arms giving him a bone crushing hug

"Awwww" I hear someone say

"OK let's skate!" Yuuri says happily

"Yeah-" I was cut off by my Unkle

"(Y/n).....I'm driving you Home,  you're mother called and said you have been ignoring her calls and messeges, she's very worried-" my Unkle started but I cut him off by raising my head so he could see my teary eyes

"Chocolate what's wrong???" He asked  looking at me worryingly

"I-I don't want to go B- back I....." I start choking out but I didn't finish since my tears fell faster

"Shhhh.....ok ok.....shhhh it's ok-" my Unkle started to say but he was cut off by another voice

"Does she LOOK ok to you, Yakov?! Let her be, her mother loves her but she doesn't know how to raise her, I mean look at her, the way she walks, the way she dresses and eats, it's disgracefull." The voice said, I had am idea on who that was....aunt Lila
*I hope that's her name 😕*

"Hello Aunt Lila to you too......" I say waving to her, she walks over to me and looks at me SCANNING my soul

"Oh what has become of you used to always dress correctly and always brush you're hair.....oh and look at you're face..."
She says putting a hand on her mouth, eyes watery

"Ummm Aunt Lila I'm quite alright actu-" she cut me off

"Don't worry darling I'll make you an amazing Ballerina don't worry" she said brushing my cheek with her hand


"Aunt Lila......That's doesn't look like something a girl my age would wear, it's......old....." I say cringing at a dress she picked out for me

"Tsk, the way you speak, it's humiliating don't worry we'll make that better......ok give me the dress back I have a better one here...." she says handing me a pach coloured knee high dress, I put it on and looked at myself on the mirror of the chaging room

I......looked......stunning......the Dress fitted me just right, it came loose at the lower part while the upper part was fitting my upper body perfectly, it had some black roses on the end and on the waist giving it a very elegant vibe. I stepped outside and Aunt Lila wasn't there, I look around for her and I bump into someone on the way, I look up and see the ONE person I didn't want to see today
Yuri Plisetsky, he looked at me wide eyed

"What? Do I look that bad?" I ask. He shakes his head viciously


(Aunt Lila bought me a whole new closet, it was very pretty and the clothes fitted my Age perfectly)

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