22 - Yuri?

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Viktor's Pov.

It's been 2 Years...... (Y/n) was taken away but no one would tell us where or who took her, Yakov is still trying his best to make things the same, Lila moved away since she couldn't take being in same place where SHE was....
Yuri was absolutely destroyed, he wanted to end his own life but Rikky stopped him. Rikky and him are now dating.......It's hard seeing Yuri holding someone else's hand....It's just not the same and I think Yuri feel the same but he's trying to hide it. Yuuri and I are doing ok, we feel she's still alive somewhere out there and we hope for her everyday.

Yuuri, Yurio, Rikky, Yakov and I are going to Puerto riko for summer. I wanted to make a few stops before going there directly, everyone else went directly to Puerto riko. I was in Belgia staying at a small family's house. It was like Yuuri's only different.....

"Oh thank you Mrs. Rando. Mmmm my favourite tea" I say drinking the tea given to my by the lady of the house.

Suddenly the door beams open and 2 teenagers come in arguing.

"I WAS TRYING TO BE NICE!" yelled the male with brown hair and grey eyes.

"NO YOU WERE FLIRTING WITH ME BEST FRIEND!" yelled the girl with brown and blonde hair and grey eyes.




"KID'S! Can't you see we have a guest?" Mrs. Rando says pointing at me.

"Oh sorry, I'm Aria and this is my brother Norman" the girl known as Aria says smiling.

"I'm Viktor Nikiforov, pleasure" I say shaking they're hands.

"Oh I have 2 other girls. One is adopted, she should be home from training and the other is in Russia doing ballet" Lady Rando says smiling.

"Training? What does she do?" I ask.

"She's a gymnast and a singer" she answers happily.

"Oh that's nice" I say sadly.

"She's also an amazing Skater!" Norman says happily.

'Skater......Could it be?? Could she be here?? Is this destiny??? Can I finally see her again? Will she remember me?? I mean I cut my hair but everything else is still normal!' My thoughts are going wild again....

There was a knock on the door and my heart started beating like crazy, I stood up as Aria answers the door.

"Ummm??" She says looking around for her mother.

"Is Viktor Nikiforov here??" A voice asks.

"What?" Aria asks opening the door only a bit more.

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT?! IS VIKTOR NIKIFOROV HERE?!" Yup deffinetly Yurio' voice.

I peek my head over and saw Yuuri and Yurio.

"YUURI! YURIO!" I sing happily.

"You know em?" Aria asks me.

"Yup!" I answer and she fully opens the door.

"New guests? Oh that will be extra 200£" Mrs. Rando says faking a sad face.

"Ok no problem!" I say as Yuuri and Yurio enter.


You're Pov.

I was just leaving my BF, Mick's house when I forgot my keys.
'CRAP. Oh well I get to see him one last time!' I think as I enter his house.

"Hey babe I fo-" I cut myself off when I see a blonde Bitch in his lap kissing him. I scream and throw the keys to his house towards him before grabbing my keys and running out while crying.

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