32. Bathtub

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You're Pov.

I yawn, my eyes closing back up as I refused to get up at six in the morning.

"Wake up, kitten" Yuri whispered in my ear.

"Mmhhh No....! I'm not getting up" I argue turning around so I could hug him tightly.

Yuri chuckled in response "C'mon or Viktor and Piggy will come over" he makes a disgusted face. I laugh into his chest "you haven't changed" I smile.

"Neither have you" he says kissing my forehead.

"MEW!" a cat Yuri owned jumped onto the bed licking my cheek.

We all laugh as Yuri starts petting the little fur-ball.

"Hey! I'm better than fur-ball over there!" I pount like a two year old.

"Haha! Sure you are" Yuri chuckles kissing my cheek sweetly.

The cat licked Yuri's face making him chuckle.

Yuri un-wrapped his arms from around my hips and hopped out of bed.

"Eh? Where are you going??" I ask sitting up.

Yuri tries not to laugh but fails miserably. "What?" I ask.

"N-Nice bed hair." He says before walking out the door.

I burn up before sprinting out of the bed and towards the bathroom. Sighing I strip myself down and jump into the bathtub where I took a bubble bath.

"Mmhh....Ahhh that's good" I say letting my body cool off in the water. Yuri's bathtub was very comfy, inside was like a comfy couch on it could stay under-water.

"....What are you doing???" Yuri asks walking up to the sink and washing his teeth.

"Taking a steamy bath while thinking about you" I smirk grabbing a bubble and blowing it away.

"Oh? May I know what type of thoughts?" Yuri smirks lovingly while kneeling down next to the bathtub and caressing my right hand.

"Oh you know....Our memories....Our fights....Good doings, bad doings..... The usual....." I smile handing him a small bubble.

Yuri chuckles "I love you" he whispers.

"I love you too" I smile....My smile fading away into a frown as I remembered...

".....It's my grandpa......He's in the Hospital...."

'Wha happened to his grandpa?? Is he still alive? Is Yuri ok??? Should I ask him-???'

"What's wrong?" Yuri asks caressing my cheek. I wipe the question away and smile "I-I'm fine.....What about you??" I ask hoping to get something out of him like this.

Yuri gives me a confused look "I'm great." He smiles before throwing water onto my face. I gasp.

"Oh you-!" We start throwing water onto eachother up untill I was nearly showing my ladies. Yuri smirked an evil smirk.

"You pervert!" I exclaim realising his plan. I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him into the tub making both of us laugh.

Yuri leaned in and captured my lips in a loving kiss. My hands went to his hair, pulling him closer to me, the water around us suddenly became very hot. Yuri's left hand went to my thighs, pulling them up so they were on his hips making me moan.

I take his shirt off and let my hands treat themselves by caressing his abs. He bites my lip, ordering me to open my mouth. I obey and open my mouth, letting Yuri's tongue slide into my mouth without any hesitation. My hands went down to his pants where I un-buckled his belt. I smirk and pull it, I throw it to the floor before continuing on stripping him.
Withing seconds my lips were dry, my mouth had a new feeling and my hand was slightly rubbing Yuri's dick.

I moans and pulls away from eating my mouth up.

"Lay down" I smile in a small voice. He nods and lays on his back, the water touching his cheeks as I let the water drain untill there was barely any left, I lowered myself to his staff and licked the tip making him moan.

Honestly it looked allot bigger then the last time I saw it. I put it in my mouth and started lifting and lowering my head. His moans getting louder everytime I lowered my head.

"Mhhh....A-ahhh....God....Fuck....Ugh..." he moans.

He cumms in my mouth with allot of force. I smirk and swallow his seamen easily. I look up and lick the cum I still had on my bottom lip. Yuri pulled me up to his lips where he kissed me lustfully.

He then pushed me down and started kissing down my body untill he reached my privacy, not even seconds later his tongue slid inside it. My eyes widen at how talented he was. I chocked at the feeling. My moans being to loud for my own good, I grabbed his hair trying to make him slow down even though it was the best thing ever. Yuri moaned sending vibes up and down my body.

"Y-Yuri Ahhhh Mhhhhh Y-" I'm cut off by moans and pants, I was about to cum I Yuri's mouth, I arched my back and moaned one more time before releasing in Yuri's mouth.

Yuri crawled over on top of me and Kissed me hard as he led he's member to my vagina.

"Are you ready?" Yuri asks, his hands trembling, his voice strong and loving as sweat fell down his face.

I nod a yes "I'm ready" I kiss Yuri trying to get my attention from the pain I was about to feel.

He slowly entered me making the pain strong "Ahhh mmmmhhhhh" I slowly moan in pain.

Yuri grabs me by the waist and pulls me harder towards him, I bucked my hips making his hole member enter me. I bite his shoulder, my nails dug into his back as I tried reducing the pain. Yuri kissed my neck lovingly trying to help.

Finally the pain I felt faded into nothing but pleasure. I smirked and turned to his ear "move" I say seducevly before biting his ear.

He starts slamming into me making both of us moaning messes, Yuri was going to cum when he pulled out and cummed into the water.

"Yuri?" I ask looking up at him.

"We didn't have protection" Yuri says kissing my cheek "C'mon, I have to clean the tub" he says pulling me out.

"I have to take a shower tho." I say smirking.

"There's a shower right there" he says pointing to a shower.

"Oh.....Ok thanks" I smile running over to it and closing the door.

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