chap. 16 Bad News

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You're Pov.

I opened my eyes and saw my Unkle, Yuuri and Lila, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.....

"Baby don't close you're eyes please, yes just keep them open don't worry..." I heard a voice say.

I looked to my left to see Yuri and Viktor, I smiled slightly as the pain left my body, Unkle Yakov caressed my cheek and wiped my tears away like he used to do when I was smaller.

"........I....I'm f....fine...." I say trying to stand up.

"YOU'RE CRAZY! Don't worry well carry you!" Viktor said placing his hand on my stomach.

"No, I've had worse anyway" I say holding Yuri and Yuuri's shoulder to be stable.

I got up and Yuri imidiatley grabbed me gently and looked at me with pleading eyes. I also noticed he was slightly smaller.....Neither of them had skates on....well Yuuri did but everyone else had normal shoes on...I nodded and Yuri helped me off the Ice.

Lila took me to the Hospital even though I told her I was fine.

The Doctor came to Lila and told her I was fine, he stiched a couple of my bruises up and I was ready to go!

-Time Skip^-^-

I was sitting at the Dinner table eating Dinner with Lila, Yakov and Yuri. We didn't talk except for me and Yakov that is, Yuri looked at me sometimes but only to see if I was ok.....he worried about me but didn't talk to me.....I stood there looking at my half-eaten bowl......'he...he...doesn't want to brake up does he?! It was only a small fight! He c-' my thoughts were going wild until Yuri stood up.

"I'm going to bed." He said not even looking at me, he walked past me and I felt like a ghost just flew emotionless so.......I don't have the words to say it......

I stopped eating and smiled at my Aunt and Unkle "I'm not that Hungry, I'll be watching a movie on my laptop so of you need me you know where I am" I say getting up and leaving to my room.

I was watching the movie *sad movie* while crying......'so....beautiful....'

I stood up and rant to Yuri's room. I stopped and took a deep breath before lightly knocking on the door.

No anwser......I knocked 2 more times before getting angry and slamming the door open.

He wasn't there......I run around the room searching for him, I heard a sound stop which I didn't notice was on.....the Water, I didn't think I just ran inside the Bathroom......but exactly when I did the door opened to reveal Yuri on his phone listening to music.

Both our eyes widen as I was running full speed, I made a stop but fell on top of him.....he was so....warm and WET! I tried standing up but managed falling back down. We both groaned, I looked up to see his beautiful eyes staring at me.....I smiled slightly but he didn't smile back......I stood up and so did he, I looked at him to see him blushing and covering himself up with a black towel, I blushed and looked away.

"What are you doing here??" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"ME?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I ask not realising how stupid my question was. He rolled his eyes

"This is my fucking room"

" where's you're normal room?" I ask making him more mad.

"Just give me space!! Leave me alone!" He yelled making me back away.

"Y-Yuri??" I ask, voice trembling.

"Just........leave me" he said.

Feeling like I took a stab to the heart I ran out of the room, I heard Yuri slam the door closed, I felt worse by that, when I got to my room and fell on my bed and hugged a pillow tight, crying in it I started shouting.

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