chap. 6 I didn't get to say goodbye

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Youre pov.***

I was sitting on a bench outside with my phone in my hand l, I got a messege from my Mother and as much as I wanted to ignore it the words from my Aunt came singing in my mind

"(Y/n) you're mother is the person who gave birth to you, I'm allowing you to stay here because I love you and I dislike you're mother but I don't want you Hating anyone, you're yo young to hate...."

I got up and closed my phone. I waited for Yuri to get back with my Unkle and Aunt........I closed my eyes still debating if I should read the messege I sighed and opened my phone, the Door to the Rink Flew open and Yuri came running over to me, he hid behind me panting


"She's scary I don't like her" Yuri whispered in my ear

"Yeah......I know she wasn't always like that of course but......she turned out that way" I said giggling

"Who you textin'?' He asked looking over my shoulder

"no mom texted me....." I say with a sigh, yuri just nodded

"So did you look me up?" He asked walking away

"Ummmm no....I didn't have any time" I say following him

"You owe me coffee" he says walking inside a coffee shop

"EH? Why??" I asked. He smirked and looked down at me

"'Cause you said you'll see if I was lying by searching me up on Google, and you said that if you won't do it you'll buy me something"

"What?! I didn't have time!!" I huff

"Not my problem" he said shrugging

"Hello what can I get the young couple? OH MY GOSH YOU'RE YURI PLISETSKY!" The young woman from the counter squielled "the Names Cara! I'm a big fan" she continues

To be honest she was really pretty, she had long red hair with black strings and hazel eyes, her smile would make anyone smile......EVEN YURI?! To be honest when I saw Yuri smiling I got a little jelous......I mean why is he smiling??? He NEVER smiles! He only simed 1 fricking time at me!

"2 Capucinos EXTRA hot please! Oh and I would like you to stop starring at Yurio thanks!" I sorta yell with a fake smile

"Ummm......S-sorry right away!" She says regaining her smile.

"What was that all about??" Yuri asks me

"Oh nothing hehe" I say glaring at the red haired girl.....

"2 cappuccinos for the happy couple, my I have the lady's name Please-?" She asks but Yuri cut her off

"Oh were not a couple, she's more of a person that follows me around l" he says making me burn with anger

"OH YOU WISH PLISETSKY!" I yell at him

"Bo I don't. You just always follow me, even in the chaging room, I'm telling you she doesn't know what personal space is." He says looking the girl, she looks down smiling and tucks some of her hair behind her ear

"OI! That was an accident! And the dream was also an accident! You think I would WANT TO Dream about us Ki- UMMMM HERE THE MONEY I GOTTA GO!" I yell running away

'OMG OMG OMG I did NOT just do that! Please tell me I didn't just yell at Yuri about MY DREAM!!' I yell in my head, I run to a park and sit down on a bench......I place my head on my hands and pull on my hair.

I felt my phone buzzing, I look at it and notice the time.......'I'VE BEEN HERE FOR 3 HOURS?!' I think, I then look down and see 6 missed calls from an unknown number, 5 from Yuuri, 9 from Lila, 7 dron Yakov and 8 from Viktor. I sigh and start walking away.......I look up feeling something fall on my was snowing, I personally LOVE the snow, I look up at the sun set and my Phone buzzer again......I was already standing in front if Lila's House so I got the Internet, I opened the messege and see it was from my Mother, I sigh and start reading it......

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