15 - Pregnancy Test + Lemon!

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You're Pov.***

He leaned down and kissed me lustfully. I kissed back with just as much affection, I felt his hand go to my thigh as he caressed it. I moaned at this and I felt his lips curve into a smirk. He licked my lip and I opened my mouth, he let his tongue enter my mouth and we fought for dominance, in the end I LET him win. He explored my moth before pulling away and biting my lip. He moved to my neck and left love bites all over it. He grabbed me and carried me to his bedroom. He then pinned me to the Bed and continued kissing me. I purred knowing this turned him on more. He growled and bit my neck hard, he removed my shirt and bra. He smirked and leaned in, he played with my nipple sucking on them before removing my Pants and Panties. He removed his clothing making me bite my lip wanting his well worked body press against mine.

Yuri then bent down and entered his tongue in my Womanhood. I moaned and gripped the sheets harder, he moved his tongue around making me reach my Climax.

"Y-YURI......I-I'm g-going to.....AHHH!" I yell as I climax in his mouth, he licks one last time before kissing me again.

He suddenly entered me making me yell. He bit my neck and started going in and out not letting me adjust. I gripped his Hair tightly.

"I-It hurts!" I manage to pant out.

"Mmmhhhh....." he moaned as a response before going slower. I yelled out in pain when finally I got used to it. Pleasure filled my hole body, I licked his neck and he went faster.

We both climaxed and I was exhausted. Suddenly he turned me around making me stand on all fours. He bit my Nape and entered me again only this time he entered me from behind. I yelled louder and so did he. He started moving fast. I moaned with each thrust. He climaxed before pulling out of me. I fell onto the Bed exhausted as hell. He smirked and kissed me again.

"I'm the only one who can do this. You're mine." He says sternly. I nod before pulling him down next to me. We both fall asleep together.

-2 Days later-

It's been weird theses last days, I'm more Hungry, I'm more....tiered and I'm not as flexible. I went to the drug store and bought a pregnancy test.

I then went home but bumped into Viktor on my way.

"Oh sorry (y/n)! Here you dropped you're uhhh pregnancy test!" He says smiling. Suddenly he looked back at the test. He looks at me wide eyed.
I blush and look down then he hugged me tightly.


"AHHH!!! what?! I'm am NOT you're Daughter AND I hope I'm not pregnant!" I say.

We ended up walking to Lila's House and I took the test.

I looked at it......



"I'M......not pregnant. It says I'm not...." I say looking down at the test. I sighed......

"Let me see" Viktor says as I step out of the bathroom

"Here" I say handing it to him.

"Awww don't worry! You can always adopt! Like I'm going to do to you!" He yells happily.

"Yeah sure!" I say eyeing Viktor.

"(Y/n)??? What's.....that??" I hear a voice ask.

My eyes widen and I turn around to see my boyfriend with wide eyes looking at the pregnancy test box.

"Yuri.....umm....." I start hoping Viktor would help.

"So?! Are we goanna be parents??!" Yuri beamed happily

My eyes tears up now knowing he wanted a child, I looked down and shook my head. I felt a hand on my shoulder, Viktor said something in Russian about me before leaving.

"Hey......It's ok......I don't know if I'm ready either, I think it's best if we wait, ok?" Yuri asks in the sweetest voice while hugging me.

I hugged him back and gave him a small kiss before we both fell on the cold ground. Yuri was on the bottom still trying to recover from the fall while I was laughing my ass off at his face.

"Funny...??" He asks in a raspy voice.

"Mhm and hungry! So what should we have for Dinner, my little ice fary"
I ask removing some blonde hair from his face.

"Hmm well....Rise sounds good" he says sitting up and grabbing me along with him.

"Ok!" I beam happily making him chuckle.


I had decided on helping Yuri, I was looking at him skate....sure I wasn't a professional but it was CLEAR that he wasn't concentrating.

"YURI!" I yell worringly making him stop just before a jump.

He skated over to me with an angry face "what can be so important that you just HAD to stop me from skating?!" He asked angrily.

"BAKA! I'm here to help so you better concentrate! You aren't focusing, if you would've jumped that Axel you would've fallen!" I yell at him.

"First it was a Toe Loop and second I would've landed it! And I AM CONCENTRATING!" and with that he skated back to Yakov.

"YOU LITTLE PUNK ASS ICE FARY!!" I yell stomping off.

He growled before skating again.

I was done with his snobby attitude, I took a deep breath and left the rink, Yakov called after me bit I just waved him off. I walked to a different Rink and put my skates on.

I took my jacket off and walked to the Ice, my heart was pounding fast when I placed myself in the Ice.

I closed my eyes and began imagining my Father.

"YOU CAN DO IT (Y/N)! I BELIVE IN YOU" he said incorigingly, I smiled and skated towards him.....

"That's it, that's my little princess!" He says happily, I nearly fell "Oh watch out princess.....there you go....." he says skating away slightly.

I started skating towards him, I opened my eyes to see he wasn't there but I didn't stop knowing he lived inside my heart and he was incouriging me. I did a toe loop followed by an Axel, I skated around and started lowering myself at speed, once I knew the speed was good and I could I lowered myself onto my knees and placed my back just above the Ice, I got back up and did a Camel spin.

Suddenly I heard a voice in my head "SHE CAN'T SKATE JUST LEAVE HER ALONE!" The voice of my Mother yelled "IF YOU WOULD SEE HER YOU WOULD CHANGE YOU'RE MIND!" the voice on my Father yelled "I'M HER MOTHER! I KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR HER!" my mom yelled.

I covered my ears and continued skating not noticing I was going too fast. "THAT'S IT WERE LEAVING- NO DON'T TOUCH ME!" "PLEASE JUST LOOK AT HER! SHE LI-" "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE LIKES!"

I screamed out stop and tripped, I was going so fast that when I did I fell to the Ice and scratched my back sliding on it. Thank God for my reflexes I covered my head with my hands which led to my hands getting scratched but not my head. I hit the wall but couldn't move, my body burned like hell.....

I felt a couple of arms wrap around me, I winced and I was put back....I opened my eyes.....

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