chap. 17 Mom's back

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(Y/n)'s Pov.

"NO!!!" I yell after the stupid cops. I ended up crying on the floor....Yuri will hate me, I'm going to have to live with HER and I'm going to be a prostitute!! A warm hand helped me up and I was pulled into a tight hug.

"I love you.....I changed everything. I have more money now, I won't have to.....You know.....AND I would be glad to meet this Boyfriend of yours" my mother's says happily letting me go.

".......I.....Don't know what to......" I stare at her in disbelieve....She didn't look like she was joking. A smile crept onto my face and I hugged her again crying on her shoulder.

Me and my Mom got to talk allot and she managed to get a job, like a REAL job! She was a photographer and she loved it! She even said I COULD ice skate! I was so happy. We got into a Cab which I called and drove off towards the skating competition.

I ran out of the cab and towards the big building hoping Yuri was still there. I started running up the stairs only to see Yakov and Yuri shivering of how cold it was.

"YURI! UNKLE!" I yell jumping in Yuri's arms. We had a big hug which my Unkle joined in.

"So what happened???" Unkle Yakov asked me after we finished our 8 second hug.

"I-It w-was g-good" I say shivering.

"You're freezing! Come here." Yuri says pulling me towards him and hugging me to help me warm up.

"Ummm hello" a Woman's voice said, I instantly knew it was my mother. I looked up at Yuri to see he didn't have a real emotion showing but his eyes said something else....

"......Yuri, Mom, Mom Yuri" I say introducing them.

"Oh so you're my daughters Boyfriend" my mom says with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah. So you're her mom?" Yuri asks kinda rudely.

My mom made a 'so he's a douche. Noted' face making me kiss Yuri's cheek so she kinda smiled....

"Susan. How nice to see you again." Unkle Yakov said shaking my mother's hand.

"Yes Yakov. How's Lila?" Mom asked.

If you're wondering our family wasn't that close which is why they mostly called eachother by their names but I loved everyone so I would call them Unkle, Aunt, Grandma, Grandpa etc...

"She's good. So what now? You can't take (Y/n). She's old enough to choose who she's going to live with and she needs to stay with Yuri to help him." My Unkle says getting STRAIGHT TO THE POINT.

My mom chuckles before answering "I'm not taking her away. She's happy here, I only came to make amends with everyone."

"Oh? Well alright then. You can stay for dinner if you want" Unkle says walking away.

Yuri placed his hand around my waist and pulled me towards.....Yakov's CAR?!

"Wait. YOU got a car??!" I ask looking at the beautiful black and gold mustang.

"Nope. Yuri did, And I HAVE a Car *hair flip*" Yakov said making my eyes widen and look at Yuri.

I knew he was rich and stuff but..... Hallelujah!

"What?? Its nice isn't it?" He smirks stopping in front of the car.

"WELL DUH! wow! A car!!! I love you!!!!" I sing hugging him and jumping up and down.

"Well I'm going with Susan in MY car." My Unkle says pressing a button making a white Jeep's lights flicker.

"Ooooookkkkkeeeyyyyy......YURI LET'S GO!" I beam making Yuri chuckle.

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