27 - Party

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Yuri's Pov.

I woke up to Viktor singing around about some party he was going to host.

"VIKTOR!" I growl opening the door to my room viciously.

"Yes~~~?" He asks with his stupid smile.


VIKTOR opens his eyes and looks around making sure no one was around before leaning in my ear, I step back but he pulled me back so he could whisper "it's for Y/n"

My eyes widen and I stay mute, he looks at me with a satisfied look before giving me a pat on the back and singing about the Party again.

I sigh and walk back inside my room. I change and grab my 'Russia' jacket ready to walk outside. I reach inside then picked and feel something, I look down not knowing what was there, I pull out a necklace..... It was round and had a rose pattern on it, I slowly open it to find a picture........A picture with me and Y/n, I had my arm wrapped around her shoulder while she had hers around mine, she was giving me a kiss on the cheek while I was laughing. My eyes began to water remembering the day we took this picture..... It was the day before her competition......The day before her accident.....The day before my whole life sank......I grip the necklace harder before putting it back inside my pocket and walking outside.

As I walk I look at the sky not paying attention to the road......That backfired and some guy ran into me. I push the guy away and look at him disgusted while he just looked surprised.

"What do you want?!" I ask angrily.

"You haven't changed have you....? I don't know what Y/n sees in you.....Oh wait....What she SAW" he smirks as I bowl my fists.

"No need to be angry Russian Fairy, I mean now you have world famous Rikky Luna.....You two really are great.....Did you know Y/n lives here? I bet you do.... You're planning on making her fall for you again? But what about Rikky? You don't expect them to share you.......Or....." he laughs.

I scoff at that "you're disgusting"

"Am I? Well the truth is d-" I cut him off angrily.


"Well then what is....?"

"I........Y/n can pick me, I don't plan on making her FALL for me again.....If she does remember me or even if she doesn't and she loves me then-"

"Then what? You're going to break-up with Rikky? You do know that that will bring ALLOT of problems for poor little Y/n" he smirks "I'll see you later.... Plisetsky" he pats my shoulder while walking away but not before saying one last thing in my ear "may the best man get the slit" I immediately turn and punch him in the face sending him backwards.

"DON'T EVER SAY THAT ABOUT Y/N! IF YOU DO IT AGAIN I'LL MAKE SURE YOU DON'T SEE TOMORROW........HANS" I growl before kicking him and walking away.

I was angry as hell and the person I thought of the most at this moment turned up.....Y/n.....

"Oh hey Yuri!" She greeted with a smile.

I groan in response. She shrugs and smiles "so I'm going to shop for a dress"

"Why?" I ask still not being interested in the conversation.

"Because of the party of course.....Well aren't you coming?" She asked.

"..........Sure" I say. And so we went to several stores.

"So what kind of Party is it?" A woman of the shop asked with a bright smile on her face.

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