34 - Private lives

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You're Pov.

"Ugh Viktor would y-" I was already fustrated enough, now Viktor and Yuri were SCOLDING me! And for sleeping with Yuri and running away!


"VIKTOR! First off, Yuri and I have had sex since we were like 17! And second, Yuri and I's Private lives have no buisness to you!" I growl angrily at Viktor. My voice absorbing all the cold air in the Rink. Even Yuuri took a step back.

"Y/n" Viktor looked down. His bangs covering his eyes. His voice rang as a warning as his hands clutched themselves into fists.

I gulp trying to stand my feet but I was clearly scared.

"I'm sorry....." Viktor sighed letting his fists fall. I look at him with wide eyes "I know that what you and Yuri do has no buisness to me or Yuuri....I just love you so much and I don't ever want you hurt anymore.....I want you to go somewhere safe where no one can lay a finger on you....." Viktor sobbed.

"Not even Yurio...." he sighed sadly as I turned my eyes to see Yuri skating.

Right as I was about to turn back to Viktor Yuri fell down. My eyes widen as a gasp escaped lips.

"YURI!" I exclaim running towards him. I slid on the Ice on my knees and got to Yuri. I quickly put his head on my lap, he had hit his head hard....It was bloody but it didn't look like it was going to kill him.

Viktor had wide eyes as he helped Yuri stand up. "Yurio???" Viktor's eyes scanned Yuri.

Yuri groaned "don't call me t....." He tried saying but he fainted in Viktor's arms.

-at the hospital-

"OI! Don't tough me you hag!" Yuri growled angrily at the nurse who was taking care of his head wound. It wasn't anything big it just triggered his tiredness and that's why he fainted.

"Yuri! Stop fighting it and let Mrs. Javousky take care of you" I tell Yuri. He groaned before obeying.

"I hate you" he muttered.

"That's not what you said in the bathtub" I smirk.

The nurse chuckled "you two are the best customers I've had in two months" she said in a thick English accent.

"OI! You pay attention to my head!" Yuri scolded.

I giggle at Yuri's childish behavior "You know....Viktor and I had a talk" I say fiddling with my fingers, I regreted bringing the talk up so badly but I did....

"Oh?" Yuri opened one of his eyes and looked at me "What about?" He asked suspiciously.

"Errrr....Y-You know" I look around anxiously, trying to think of a lie.

"No, No I didn't 'know'" Yuri growled slightly.

"Ahahahaha it was about....Errrr SKATING! Yes, it was about SKATING!" I say proudly.

"What about it" Yuri asked but he did it in a suspicious tone.

"If I.....If you....Ummm....You know what I'm so tiered I can't even think right now! Why don't we continue this chat lat-" I start to say nervously bit Yuri cuts me off.

"Y/n....." Yuri stared into my eyes making me shiver "lie to me and you will regret it" he warned.

"Pffft Yuri, let's be honest. You wouldn't raise a finger at me! You love me to much" I say smirking while shaking my upper body slightly.

Yuri blushes while growling "s-shut up" he says looking away making both me and the nurse giggle.


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