28 - Dirty dancing and fights

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You're Pov.

Viktor's party was.....Fancy but it wasn't my style. I walk towards Yuri who was talking to some tall guy with black hair and tan skin.

"Yuri we gotta go" I say biting my lip.

"Not now Y/n. I'm busy" he waves me off.

The guy only looks at me with tears stinging his eyes, Yuri and I both take notice of that.

"Yuri! C'mon or we'll be late!" I say again.

"No! Just go without me!" He says, his expression turning sad all of the sudden.

"All right. Where is Yuuri I heard he likes to drink" I smirk.

Yuri turns pale "Hugh we ummm have to go. I'll talk to you later Bekka" Yuri says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the car.

"We're not taking the car" I smirk again.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because.....Well actually we have to change somewhere. So come on" I pull him into the back seat of the car.

I started taking my shirt off making Yuri blush harder than a tomato "w-What? W-why???" He starts stuttering.

I roll my eyes before grabbing him and forcefully taking his jacket off "change! Or we're gonna be late for this party!" I whisper shout.

He hesitantly nods before stripping himself down to his boxers and I down to my underwear. Suddenly he starts blushing like a maniac.

"What now??" I ask already annoyed by the situation.

"My Hugh things are on you're side" he says.

I blush "oh...."

"Don't worry I'll just change and go the other way-"

"No that's gonna take to long, just go over me" I say laying down.

"Why don't you give them to me??" He asks angrily.

"Awww does the Tiger not want to get on top of me?" I ask with a pug face.

"Ugh!" He growls annoyed before reaching for his things....He was so close....He touched skin with me making me go warm.

"Got it" he whispered.

"Right....." I say slowly.

"C'mon change. We're gonna be late" he smirks changing.

I nod and he hands me my stuff. We both got changed and went to the Club....
"Welcome to my playground" I smirk.

"Meh I have a bigger one" he shrugs.

"I don't believe that"

"You should"

"I'll believe you when I see it with my own eyes" I stick my tongue out at him. He does the same and we both laugh.

"Want a drink?" I ask with a wink.

"Sure" he says shrugging "let's just hope they're as good as in Russia"

"Believe me, here, in this club anything is better. We have lap dancers in that corner two bars and private rooms PLUS making out benches where THINGS happen" I wink again.

"Oh yay" he says in a monotone voice "I just want a drink"

"Alright Fred it is" I smile.

I take him over to Fred's bar and sit down.

"Hey Fred!" I wave as Yuri sits down next to me.

"Oh hey Y/n! How are you?" Fred asks.

Oh and Fred is a friend of mine, he's a 28 year old male with no wife or girlfriend OR Kids for that matter. He's not that tall, he has black and purple hair and he's really white.

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