30 - leaving

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You're Pov.

"DAD!!!!" I yell dashing through the door.

"Y/n-?" Viktor asks with wide eyes but I cut him off by hugging him.

"I missed you" I cry out.

Viktor started sobbing before wrapping his arms around me "I missed you to!"

"I remember everything....Yuri, you, Yuuri, my Uncle my Aunt everyone! We need to stop Yuri from leaving!" I say.

"YES!" Viktor cheers.

"Go get the car started. I'm driving" I smirk making Viktor gulp before nodding.

I quickly called Yuuri and writhing seconds he answered "DAD!"

"Ehhh sorry Y/n wrong number I'm Yuuri-"

"I know!"




"Yes! Now meet me at the airport where Yuri is leaving we have to stop him!"

"But Y/n-"

"No buts! I'm meeting you there!"

I hung up the phone and ran outside to see Viktor getting in the car. I smirked and jumped in the driver's seat. I started up the car and drove away..... At full speed of course.

We got there within seconds and the first thing Viktor did was vomit. "Move Viktor! HUH YURI JUST GOT IN THE PLANE LETS GO!!!!" I yell running towards the plane.

I, Yuuri and Viktor all managed to get into the Plane.....By destroying a few things of course.

"Ok you search that way and I'll search this way and you Viktor search the Kitchen since they have food there and I'm sure we're all starving.

"Hai!" Yuuri and Viktor say before leaving.

I see and door and open it only to find the bathroom. I sigh and start looking around more.

Finally I saw him....He was sitting on a chair with earphones in his ears while looking outside the window.

"YURI!" I smile running towards him.....That's when I found out....WE WERE IN THE WRONG PLANE "shit"

We were all kicked off the plane by the guy.

"Great....So where IS Yuri???" I ask angrily as the plane left.

"I don't know.....Maybe his plane is somewhere else...." Yuuri said.

"Or maybe he turned back so he could be with Y/n!" Viktor said happily.

"Doubt it" Yuuri comments.

"Yes well you doubt everything I say" Viktor scoffs.


"NOW'S NOT THE TIME GUYS!" I say stopping them from fighting "WE HAVE TO FIND YURI!"

"Maybe call him" Viktor says.

"Right.....Ok...." I say breathing in and out. I grabbed my,phone and dialed Yuri's number.




"Where are you???"

"It doesn't matter. I'm leaving"

"Yes I know but Yuri please.....Listen to me I really want to talk to you"


"Because you matter to me. I don't care if you call me a Bitch or a Witch or an evil blood sucker or even a dog....I just want to be with you. I want you to know that you matter to me so so much.....I kept my promise, I skated....I skated until I remembered......I remembered our comeback fights, our pranks on each other.......The way you held me when I fell on the Ice.... The way you told me I brought you're wall down...... The way you kissed my lips......" I was already sobbing so it,was hard to speak.... "Yurio.......? Are still there?"

"Yeah....." I noticed Yuri was crying....."do you really remember all those things?"

"Yes, you snobby rich blond brat! I do!" I exclaim laughing through my tears.

Suddenly he hung up the phone. My smile faded away as I looked at my phone screen in disbelieve..... Then a pair of warm hands wrapped themselves around my waist as warm lips touched my neck gently.

I turn around to see Yuri.....Smiling.....I smile and hug him tightly "I thought I lost you" I cry out.

"You're drama never seems to amaze me" Yuri chuckles.

"And you're evil side never seems to leave!" I giggle lightly.

All of us laughed around for what seemed like hours until Yuri's private plane arrived and Yakov and Lila both stepped out.

"Yuri-" Yakov cut himself off when he saw me under Yuri's arm. I let out a small sob before running towards them.

"UNCLE! AUNTIE!" I cheer before jumping into they're arms.

"Y/n......!" Lila cries.

"We.....We.....WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" Yakov cried.

"Haha me to" I say crying.

We talked around about what happened what we felt etc....It was so much fun until.....

"We have to go c'mon" Yakov said smiling before turning around and walking towards the plane, everyone followed except for me.

"Go?" I ask.

"Yes. Come on Y/n. We don't have so much-" I stop Lila's sentence quickly.

"But I have a life here.....A family-"

"Y/n WE are you're family" Yuri says taking my hand.

".....I......................................................." I look him in the eyes not knowing what to say......

I made this chapter short because the other ones were as long as hell so yeah. Hope you enjoyed!

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