31 - Home sweet.....Home

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You're Pov.

"Yes Mom...."

"And remember to call if you need anything!"

"Ok mom..."

"Ok darling......And when I say ANYTHING I mean ANYTHING.... We're  one call away!"

"I know mom...."

"Ok baby.....I miss you...."

"Me too mom-"

"One call away....Don't forget that"




"Just call if you need anything!!!"

"I GET IT! I'LL CALL YOU IF I NEED A FRICKING CONDOM OR ANYTHING I GET IT!" I snap. Not realising what I just said untill I saw everyone look at me weirdly.

"Ok darling......I mean Anything-"

I growled and shut the phone not letting her finish her sentence.

".....Condom?" Yuri asks trying not to burst out laughing.

"Hehe yeah......What?! It's not like you're goanna buy one!" I cross my arms over my chest while turning around to look at the window.

"Y/N!!!!!" My uncle yelled from the seat behind Viktor and Yuuri making all if us burst out laughing.

Yuri's hand snaked it's way to mine, he pulled it making me un-crossing my hands. He then took it and gave it a small kiss making me smile. I turn to him to meet his stunning turquoise ones.

My eyes slowly closed as I lifted myself slightly to greet his soft lips, Yuri leaned in making our lips touch sparks went off in my body as we slowly moved in sync. I didn't want the kiss to end but I had to pull away because I was falling out of my seat.
I put my seat belt back on and looked back at out the window so Yuri wouldn't see my blush.

He let out a low chuckle indicating he saw me blushing. "Baka" I murmur.

"Awe!!! I missed you guys!" Viktor said happily.

"Haha do did I" I smile looking at him.

'I'm glad I said yes......I'm finally going to be with Yuri.....' I think while going through my memories.

I remembered when Yuri and I fought over my ex.....And then we started kissing.....I liked how Yuri was so protective of me....And how he always wanted to be the boss...Especially in the bedroom....

Yuri's hand placed itself on my thigh making my hole body burn up, especially my face.


Russia.....Where all my Memories took place.....I laughed, starting to stomp on the fluffy snow....My uncle laughed before we all left....Here came another tricky question....And I wasn't planning on giving a straight anwser...

"Come on Y/n" My aunt smiled taking my hand.

"Uhhh No, Y/n's living with me" Yuri growled taking my other hand.

"No! No! She's living with her parents! Us!" Viktor said walking in front of me and placing his hand on my shoulder....

'Oh no...'

Yuri turned to Viktor giving him an extremely dirty look, Viktor didn't return it but he did click his tongue, my Aunt tugged more on my arm motioning to us leaving.

"She's MY girlfriend!" Yuri says pulling me towards him.

"She's OUR Niece and we can take more care of her!" Uncle Yakov argued giving Yuri an angry look.

"I'm her FATHER she need to say with her PARENTS" Viktor said pulling me towards him while smiling at me.

I gulped as Yuri pulled be back towards him "It's not like she wants to stay with you old hags! We're living together. The end"

"Oh! So we should leave two babies alone in one Mansion?! I don't think so" Yuuri said butting in.

"We're not babies, Pig!" Yuri yelled angrily.

"What are you goanna do when Y/n gets her period??!" Lila asks.

"Or when she needs us!" Yakov said strictly.

"I'll call you and if she gets it she won't hide it. I'll just go shopping with her and we'll buy some tampons" Yuri says crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah but how will you know what type??? Only her father's know that!" Viktor says.

"Hey! They're MY tampons you can't know-!" I start to yell but it's like they didn't notice me. It's like they grew five hundred feet and I became a minion....They all had dark auras around them as they started fighting again.

I growled, looking down I smirked at the snow, I made a snowball and threw it at the first person I saw..... Lila.

They all stopped and looked at me "finally" I sigh happily.

"We should let Y/n decide!" Yuuri says making my stomach drop....Oh crap...

They all looked at me expectantly. I gulped feeling like my shirt was strangling me.....If I choose Viktor and Yuuri, Yuri will get jelous and Lila and Yakov will think they're not good enough for me. But if I choose Yakov and Lila, Yuri will think I'm not having feelings for him anymore. Viktor and Yuuri will just visit EVERYDAY which will kill me....And if I pick Yuri I get to spend time with him which is a plus....Yakov and Lila will call me anytime they can and Viktor and Yuuri will feel....Happy..... No they will think me and Yuri are doing it.........Which we proabably are.

I took a deep breath "I.....Want to live with.....- no wait I said that wrong.... I'm goanna live with....All of you....?" I say questioning myself.

"Huh...???" They look at me questioning.

"UGH THIS IS HARD OK?! Ok fine.....I'm staying at Yuri's. But I don't want any of you guys to think you aren't good enough or that you're too old because that's not true.....I just think Yuri needs someone to take care of him and that he needs some company" I smile.

Yuri had a huge satisfied grin on his face  "ha" was all he said before we all parted.


I fell onto the Queen-sized bed Yuri had un his room. Of course the sheets he had were the print of a tiger....A smirk grew onto my face as I felt Yuri climbing on top of me. His had going to my waist as he kissed my cheeks and my nose "I missed you"

"I know...You've told be a million times!" I chuckle.

"But it's still not enough" he smirks.

"....You look so grown up...." I say tucking a poece of his hair behind his ear.

"Look who's talking...." he says kissing my lips lovingly.

His hands went under my shirt and to my back making me gas at how cold his hands were.

"AH! SHIT YURI!" I exclaim jumping out of the bed. Yuri just starts laughing "Oh you pice of-"

"I'm hungry. Want some food?" He asks smirking.

"....Hmm....Can I have..." I smirk sexy getting on top of him. He gives me grin as if he knew what i wanted to do.

My nails drew a small heart on his chest before they went to his V line where I stopped.

"Aren't my hands cold?" He asks, the grin never leaving him.

"Who says you need hands??" I smirk.

"Blow-?" He starts to say but I cut him off.

"To make me laugh???" I chuckle. Yuri groans in response "...What?" I ask innocently.

"Shut up" he blushes.

"Oh...? Did you mean....This?!" I laugh before starting to tickle him mercilessly.

I haven't been this happy in forever! I knew this was going to be great.... Being back in Russia...With my friends and lover.....Things couldn't get better.....

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