0.05 || Prologue

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PART 0.05
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WARNING: Mentions of suicide and depression are included, so congratulations, this'll be a sad fanfiction.
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   You're the lonely orphan type of girl. You had decided to go camping in a dark forest, far from civilization, where nobody could hear you scream. You are also the depressed type of person that was currently was staring off of a small, cliff's edge. Nobody really cared for you, so you figured you'd take yourself on a trip, because nobody would miss you!

   To be honest, this dark forest gave you the creeps. There was fog everywhere, making everything look as if it were an old black and white film. The trees had bark that looked as black as the night sky, and they loomed over you like a skyscraper. It was late evening too, creating the sort of dramatic effect needed for a horror movie. The feeling that someone or something would jump out at you was too great, though the sweet release of death seemed more like a blessing than a nightmare to you.

   You picked up the chai latte that you ordered from Starbucks hours earlier from beside you. Taking a long sip, you watched your legs dangle, and made a rough estimate of how far off from the ground you were.

   It wasn't far enough to kill you, but it was certainly far enough to fracture your bones from the femur down. Were you going to do it? Were you gonna fall? No. The fall would need to kill you, not break half of you! What were you even doing?! You shook your head furiously, as if trying to have them thrown out by your jerky movements. You were twenty-two and just horrible!

   What were you ever to do with yourself?
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   Airachnid was prowling the forest out of boredom for new, unsuspecting victims. Her rival, Arcee, and her human companion, Jack, had blown up her ship leaving her stranded on Earth. Her revenge scheme hadn't worked out that well either because of Agent Fowler and MECH's double cross.

   Airachnid then began to wonder: What would it be like to have a human pet? She'd have to go through a lot of humans before she found one she enjoyed. As far as she knew, most of the native population wasn't really into murder. Oh well, Airachnid thought as she surveyed the area, They're pathetic anyways.

   Unfortunately the idea of one stuck in her helm as she continued to hunt, as if it super-glued inside. Maybe she'd get one, maybe she wouldn't. But right now, she was rather fed up with human kind. They destroyed her ship, ruined her plans, and they were ruining her reputation! Whatever, she thought while venting. She'd dwell on it later.

   Then, she noticed you.

   "My first victim." The femme hissed happily, ready to pounce. You were the perfect prey, and so stupid! Putting yourself in a place like this? But then, something in her caused her to stop. Why were you so far from civilization? Was it an Autobot trap? Though the huntress felt it was a possibility, it was rather unlikely. Maybe she'd experiment on you for a bit? Airachnid jumped at you, bearing her multiple, spindly legs.

   "EEEEEEEEK!!" You screamed in surprise, jumping three feet in the air. You crab walked backwards to get away, but fell on your back during your failed escape. The giant spider-woman cackled at your reaction, leaving a satisfied smirk on her face.

   "Well that was just precious." She laughed evilly, her sharp denta gleaming in the light. Your breathing was quick and your body was tense with shock.

   "W-who—what are you?" You asked not only out of fear, but out of curiosity. Your were almost angry at yourself for giving her the reaction wanted, but you just didn't care anymore.

    "My designation is Airachnid, I am a Decepticon from Cybertron. Who might you be?" The amused look was still present on the Decepticon's face as she asked you this.

   "I-er, my name is Y/N." You told her. What did she want? As if Airachnid could read your mind, she replied with, "I don't want anything from you, I was simply curious." You nodded, still feeling uncomfortable with this sudden encounter.

   "Curious about what?" You questioned the spider-femme, trying to relax your body. You got closer to the cliff edge, where she had taken up a spot to your right. You tried not to be intimidated while looking her over in a fearful fascination as you magically pulled out another Starbucks beverage from behind your back.

   "What it would be like—" She got closer your face with every word, "—to have a human pet." Though that was disturbing to you, it became an even better idea than before in the 'Con's  processor. You backed up a little more, setting your drink down while you faced her. Night was falling, you noticed, but you were unsure if this unique woman even slept.

   "W-why might that be?" You tried to keep the conversation going. To be fair, this Airachnid intrigued you in a morbid way. She loved death and honored it by allowing others to have it. You didn't need to ask about it to know it! It was just . . . there.

   "I know a pathetic two-wheeler Autobot who has one. They don't really call them pets though." She stared at the dark sky with annoyed expression before switching her gaze to your uneasy face. You say with your knees together, feet in front, with your arms crossed over them. You didn't even bother ask who she was mentioning. "But enough about me, what are you doing out here, all alone?"

   "I was—" You choked on your reply, hesitant to say anything at all.

   "Well?" It sounded more like a threat coming from Airachnid. You gulped, squeezing your arms around your legs.

   "I was thinking about . . . ending m-my life. The fall wouldn't kill me anyways though." You spilled. You bit your lip and looked away, knowing she wouldn't be the type to care. The huntress' optics widened. Humans were social creatures! Wouldn't they have stopped you?

   Then it hit her. People cared about you as little as she did, which made her question why she was even wondering about it. It didn't take an idiot to know you were lonely with all of your behavioral clues. So, the decision was made!

   "Well, I've decided to let you suffer without the luxury of death." Airachnid picked you up by the hood of your zip-up sweater. "You will be my pet 'till the day you die."

   And all that was left was an empty, lone, venti ice chai latte on a cliff's edge.

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